My water fountain is a very practical way of ensuring that I always have fresh water to drink. As you can see from these photos, I like to drink from the top of it, where the water comes out!

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My water fountain is a very practical way of ensuring that I always have fresh water to drink. As you can see from these photos, I like to drink from the top of it, where the water comes out!
You are an eminently practical cat!
That's a very nice water fountain! I used to have a kitty who liked me to turn on the sink so she could get a drink. This is much more practical. Nice choice for The Hunt.
you are very smart!!:)
Me and my crazy mind
HAHA! So cute and funny! :D
An excellent and practical way of having fresh water:)
wow! great and practical fountain!
and your cat is cute!!
Gentle And Compassionate
That's a pretty clever gadget,... and you reap the rewards! Fresh water,.. how practical is that? Great photos and have a good weekend.
What a clever idea - and what a clever kitty for drinking at the top!!!
What a practical way to have clean water! Love the water fountain. Clever to drink from the top where its fresh.
have a great weekend, Dh :)
Great idea, Dragonheart! Drinking fountains are very practical. I never thought of showing my drinking fountain.
Very practical indeed, Dragonheart. We should get one for our four masters but they seem to love drinking from any little pool! My alpha male master has a very practical use for a baluster this week. Happy weekend
This is tops for practical!!!! Saves a lot of work & time for us human resources too!!!
Glad to hear your new diet is helping you recover.
I like your water fountain, Dragonheart...very cool. Oscar used to like drinking from a running tap and would get up on the vanity when I was trying to brush my teeth. He was such a funny cat.
Lucky you, dragonheart (=
That is very practical of you, but I still prefer to drink from the faucet directly. I gave my fountain to Kismet because I would not use it. Virginia tap water is my favorite.
Good to have a constant supply of fresh, clean water! A very practical photo!
Our water fountain is very different than your one, it's got a big dome with running water over it for licking from and a bowl too. It makes horrid noises if Dad forgets to keep it filled up! ;)
That is really great! I wish I had something like that.
Very neat! I'd get one but MomBean is concrened that BabyBean would never leave it alone...
That's pwactical! Mine water stays in a bowl and I have to sing to get mine Mummy to change if I want fwesh water.
Hey, that's one cool and practical idea, I shall start looking for one like this!
Your water fountain shows very pratical things~!!! Drinking fresh water is always important~!! And I am very glad that you use this way to show~!!!!!
I'm asking Santa for one of those!
Aww, that is very practical, and Dragonheart is one very smart kitty!
These self-feeders are very practical, as they save hoomans some time!
haha... the source of the water is the best :)
very practical indeed!
I love your water fountain... my daughter in Atlanta has 3 cats and they love to drink from the same water fountain as yours. Baba
now that is very practical! very useful drinking fountain indeed!
happy weekend! :)
Great choice for the theme! Happy photo hunting, and thank you very much for stopping by :)
We have a fountain too, Dragonheart.
Running water is the best!
~ Maggie Mae
Yes! A very practical fountain you have dragonheart! And the most important, a fresh water!
great water fountain... and smart cat. :D
Ooooo,very practical.I wish I had one of those.
It's very good for you to get lots of water into your system since your tummy is out of sorts, DH.
Luf, Us
I really like your fountain. Mom and Dad have looked several times at those fountains, but haven't bought one yet.
Only the best for Dragonheart. Nice take on theme.
Take care,
You are a very practical kitty, with a very thoughtful owner! If you like, Pepper could loan you one of her sweaters.Happy hunting! :)
That is very practical and very cool. Mom always trips over our water bowls and spills it everywhere.
I like you fountain! Empress and I had one just like it but it broke last weekend and spills water all over the floor. :( I'm hoping to get a new one for my birthday because my sister and I miss it. She drinks out of it just like you do!
Thats a very cool gadget. I'd like to get one for the dogs.
My cats used to love to drink from the kitties!
Thanks for visiting!
WoW! If I had this water fountain I would play/bathe in it!
I bet our 2 kitty cats would just love this!! Thanks for your visit and have a good nap today!!
We haf the same fountain. Why didn't we fink of that fur practical? Mom got it cuz she was tired of findin Bonnie in the sink all the time. It was "im-practical" to let the water run fur her! Wonderful!
We got sumfin else fur practical.
That is an excellent practical photo hunt Dragonheart.
Hi Dragonheart!B efore anything else, thank you for supporting me on my domain name wish. You're very kind.
That's a practical and very cool thing to have.
You have a very cute little pink tongue Draggiekins. we will snag that photo and send it to Blizzie for her viewing enjoyment.
That is very practical indeed! I could use one of those for my kids. Have a fantastic weekend!
Sure beats drinking from the toilet, which is what my cats do!
That's a very practical water fountain!!
we have the same water fountain!! Love it--cute shot.
we have the same water fountain!! Love it--cute shot.
I agree 100% with Patti: it's way better than the toilet that my cats use, too. I like the design.
That looks like a very nice fountain! It is practical, but also very nice!
That little water fountain does have a practical purpose, and you look like you enjoy it too!
Very cool, DH... and you are the wise one getting the freshest water!
And you always have fresh water! It's important to stay hydrated!
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
I love it! It's so european and well I think everyone needs one..
I think your cat is pretty practical, too! :D Love it!
I have always wanted to buy one of those for my dog!
Great and practical!
Very practical indeed!
Happy Weekend.
Very practical water source, Dragonheart. Makes it easy to get a drink without getting your chin wet, too!
Very hightech, Dragonheart! You are lucky, it seems like you only get the best! Good choice in staff!
That is wonderful--what a great idea.
Very practical water source! Our kitty's broke, so we better get a new one. She misses it and lets us know how displeased she is.
Quite the high tech contraption you have there Dragonheart. But practical. Thanks for visiting.
Oh, we haf one of those! A warning fur when yoor little brofur comes...Sadie puts food in ours. Yup, she'll take one piece of food and drop in in the bowl. We think it's so she can see the water level. She's a little odd.
hehehe, that's cute. Thanks for visiting :)
Very practical! I'd love to get one for our boys.
Oh thank goodness. I have been trying to leave you comments for TWO DAYS and everytime your page would almost load up, my Internet Explorer would close. So, here are my belated comments:
Thurs: That is a great costume! You look very tough and scary, not like you at all. That is why it is a great costume. You are very good to wear that.
Friday: aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww you look so cozy. It makes me want to take a nap. Mommy wishes I would lay on her lap during the day, but I only sneak snuggles in bed at night.
Today: I want a water fountain! Moooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow that's a cool water fountain. Lucky you Dragonheart. :)
It was good to see you at Derby's party. MOmma said we couldn't stay long, wish we could have chatted.
I haven't seen an unpractical kitty.
That's a very practical thing ! My cats love to drink outside in an empty flower pot !
Rosie and Pookie have territory fights, I hope it will not happen to you with your new brother !
Your water fountain is very impressive. No wonder it attracts so many comments. You may have noticed that my nomss friend Charlie is taking me on an animal tour of Berlin. Do you live there? We could come by. Have a look at our tour at
My apologies, I should have noticed that you live at Munich. See what getting old does to you!
Oh Dragonheart, you are so clever to be able to drink out of that. We have a mystery here that I am trying to solve. Who is dropping icky chunks of stinky goodness into our water bowl?
I may have to call in the FBI if I can't solve the case.
Ooh - that's very practical, Dragonheart. My Liberty would like one of those. She needs to drink lots of water as the poor old girl has kidney troubles these days. Have a lovely, purry weekend!
Hi Dragonheart!
That's a neat fountain. I want one of those!
Very practical, indeed!
Very cute and practical! I've thought about getting one of those for my cat, but I wasn't sure if she'd be interested in it. Looks like it must be fascinating!
How lucky to have a water fountain. Sara from farmingfriends
While participating in the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk in Seattle last month, my daughter and I (and many others) stopped briefly at a park along the way. Your imminently practial water fountain reminded me of a drinking fountain which we saw there. It had one fountain at the proper height for your friends of the human persuasion, and another nearer the ground. Now, I am convinced that if a cat such as yourself were inclined to go for a walk in the park with your human, it would be the perfect fountain for you. I think, however, that it was meant primarily for your friends of the canine persuasion, who are ever so eager to convince their humans to go on that walk.
A very practical thing to have.
What a fresh water slurrppp... you are such a smart and practical cat!
I'm so glad you got the nice water fountain.
We used to have one, at owr house, and effuryone liked it, a LOT.
Just a word to the wise (as we all know YOU are, my furriend Mr. D)
Don't PEE in your fountain! I peed in owrs, and meowmy taked it away! (I like to pee in runnin water - itz part of my natur, so meowmy sez) But effuryone elz got MAD at me and called me a trubble-maker.
Then meowmy got us one that iz attached to the bathroom sink fawset. It's good, but we have to sing to get meowmy to turn it on for us. We all like the sink fountain, best. But, we still have bolz of water, too.
Sometimz the uthers say I'm a bad boy, but meowmy sez I'm still her little sweethart.
yur littel pal,
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