Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photo Hunters: Smelly



If I yawn or meow after I've just eaten, my humans think my breath is very smelly.

(Click photo to view a larger image)

Vote For Me in the World's Coolest Cat ShowCatster's World's Coolest Cat Show is on! Please take a look at my photos, and if you like any of them, please vote for me (Dragonheart) at The 3rd Annual World's Coolest Dog & Cat Show. Thanks so much!

Update on me: My new food seems to be working, because I haven't had any blood during my litterbox trips for the past couple of days. Unfortunately, my litterbox trips continue to be very, very soft. We hope that will improve as I continue to eat, and adjust to, my new food.


Lynn said...

No worries! It's the same thing with humans as you might have noticed. Foul breath after eating. :D

RUTH said...

It can't be any worse than mine after eating curry :o)

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Lynn is right, it is the same with humans. And cats are cleaner than humans, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

what a great shot!!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Dragonheart we are both a bunch of soft poopers these days:))
mommy is just happy that I am eating and I am happy that your new food is helping you my dear brother.
Happy weekend...Love peach

jams o donnell said...

I wonder what you think of human breath, Dragonheart. What we smell like to a cat after loads of garlic and onions doesn't bear thinking about! Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

oh so you need to brush your teeth too dragonheart hehe like us

eastcoastlife said...

Oooo.... I wonder if I smell after eating. I have to check it the next time cuz it's not nice for a pretty lady to smell bad. hahaha...

Boy said...

Haha...Beans smell too...onwy we don't tell on them!

Anonymous said...

You might ask for an after dinner mint. I am sure that would do the trick.

Take care my kitty friend,

ipanema said...

Oh, I think it's normal. But for humans, it is much a problem, especially if we don't do something about it. :)

Hootin Anni said...

Even we humans have to adjust to new diets sometimes!!! Love to hear you're doing much better.

Drop by and see my "smelly blog" today if you have time.

Andree said...

I love cat breath. Yeah, weird, but I do. I have to go vote for you now!

Mickey's Musings said...

Such good news Dragonheart!!! I'll still keep my paws crossed for you.
When I eat whitefish & tuna Mom can smell it as I eat and I have smelly breath to.Heehee

Sasha said...

Does your breath smell like fish Dragonheart? I am always being told I smell fishy. I hope your health improves.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you look furry cute to me, not stinky at all honey pie!

smiles, auntie bee

Carver said...

That shot is priceless. Good take on the theme.

Cindy said...

I know just what you mean- Ricky has horrible breath after he eats! Cute take on the theme, though!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Yes!!! we meow a lot after we gobble our yummy foods!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you and your mom, Dragonheart, I've taken to calling my Gilda's food "stinky goodness," too! LOL! Her tummy seems to be feeling a little better, as well; not gaining any of the lost weight back, but not losing anymore either. Glad to hear you're on the mend!

My smelly photo is up, too... come visit when you can! :-)

Anonymous said...

I bet after certain foods their breath doesn't smell so great either. ;)

Have a wonderful weekend, kitty!

Susan Demeter said...

Great choice for the theme Dragonheart! Happy photo hunting :)

Anonymous said...

we've almost always had cats, but I never came to the idea to check out their breath after a meal... LOL!
Cute photo - as usual! :)

Unknown said...

Lol - well if you eat the normal cat food, I wouldn't want to smell your breath either.. Besides us humans don't enjoy people's breath after eating either..

what a cute pic! thanks for visiting.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Smelly indeed. Great shot!

Katney said...

You appear to be telling us something in that portrait!

CRIZ LAI said...

My cats are the same...fishy smell at times..but they still sleep with me.. I don't mind too.. hehe

Cynthia said...

My kitty has some smelly breath to...Don't worry, it happens to the best of us!

Hot(M)BC said...

Your humans think *your* breath is smelly? Sheesh. They should try smelling their own breath after dinner sometime. Silly humans.
your bud Pepi

Joyismygoal said...

but you know better:> but youknow all that licking could be....????

Caroline said...

I guess it all depends on what you eat. Some foods are just smellier then others.

The Devil Dog said...

That's great news about your new food. Hope it keeps up. That is also a very handsome photo of you.


Christine and FAZ said...

I do not believe for one second you have smelly breath, just stinky goodness breath which is quite delicious I imagine. FAZ

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, I remembered my dogs smelly breath after eating yummy (?) dried fish pieces.... *giggles*

HartofDixie said...

Oh yeah, no doubt smelly indeed.
Thanks for dropping by!

Liz Hinds said...

That doesn't stop you being gorgeous, Dragonheart!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hehehehe, I bet they did~!!
Mine as well, michico is always run I yamn after eat as well~!!!


Just Jinny said...

Us humans just need to get over Animals kisses are the best, bad breath or not.

Ramses said...

Nice photo and what's wrong with the smell of cat food on your breath?! I purrsonally love the smell of cat food, especially the really stinky goodness that makes Mummy feel kinda sick... ;) So pleased to heat that you're bum and belly are improving I'll keep purring for you... :)


LOL Great pic!! I love how you sit!

Anonymous said...

nice photo. you have capture the yawn very successfully!

thanks for dropping by!

Baba said...

How true... A cat's breath is very smelly.... Thanks for sharing and for your visit today........ Baba

Anonymous said...

My cats are farm cats and I'm pleased to say that I have never smelt their breathes!!
A great photograph. Sara from farmingfriends

Ingrid said...

I am sure it's only imagination, how can you be "smelly" ??

Whirlwind said...

Wha ta cute picture! said...

It is okay!! Humans breath can be really smelly, too!! Happy Hunting!

raymond pert said...

Well, Dragonheart, I gotta tell ya: our cat Ginger isn't that enamored with human breath! He finds my breath pretty smelly after I've eaten some salsa poured over rice and beans in a tortilla. I'm sure if she could photograph and describe a smelly photo hunt, I'd be front and center on her post!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Mom always calls me Fish Breath. -Scout

Anonymous said...

Humans always tend to think that our breath is smelly but it's really not any worse than theirs!

Momgen said...

Animals are the smelliest than human. Human can do something of their breath than animals.

mrsnesbitt said...

Gosh what a handsome cat you are, you are, what a handsome cat you are!

(Friend of Ruth and mum to Ella, black and white puss)

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Yes Mommy Bean says my breaths are smelly after I eat the stinky goodness. She shoulds smells hers sometimes. *ewwwwwws*

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, cat breath! :-) Not always good. LOL

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

You look so angry. You weren't, were you?

Anonymous said...

Smelly breath! I can only imagine! Great photo and have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a loud meow!

A. said...

Pay no attention, everyone suffers from that :)

A beautiful photo!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart,

Don't worry mom calls me stinky breath all the time. I'm glad your feeling better.I gave you an award please go to my blog and see :)

karoline in the morning said...

i'm sure you think our breath is equally there..



Corey~living and loving said...

I agree.....a cat's breath can be royally stinky.
happy weekend!

MaoMao said...

Wowie, great news about your foodies -- it does seem to be helpin' you, and I hope ofur time things get firmer and firmer inna litterboxie!

I used to have a soft poopie problem, too, back when I was first brought in to live inna housie, and new foodies solved my problem, too.

We're purrin' fur you, buddy! And that's a great pickshure of you, as always!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Skwishy beats bloody! Hope it gets better as yoo get used to da new foods.

jmb said...

Well that's too bad dragonheart, because otherwise you are perfect.

Anonymous said...

What great news that your duck food seems to be helping -- I'm continuing to purr for you, my friend!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

snowforest said...

What a cute photo ~ I'm sure your breath gets back to normal in very little time :)

The Furry Kids said...

That is a very handsome photo of you, my friend. I am also accused of having stank breath, but I don't think it smells that bad. *shrugging*
I'm am glad to hear that your 'tocks are still doing well and I hope the poo softness is from adjusting to the food.


PS - Mom says thank you very much for the e-mail. She is very excited to check out those sites. Whoo hoo! <----- That's from Mom - I'm way too cool to say whoo hoo. :)

Jimmy Joe said...

You know what I do, Big D? I get my teethies brushed every night. I have yummy poultry-flavor toothpaste and then my breath smells fresh and chicken-y.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Cat breath usually is--though still adorable. :)

Michele said...

That a mighty gorgeous photo of you. My cat, Tomba, still wants to know why there isn't mice flavored cat food on the market? Any ideas?
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! I was thinking that a great cat/smelly photo would be that face cats look when they smell something they're not sure they like, or that is really strong. Your pic was pretty close to that look! And boy can I relate to the smelly cat yawns!

Team Tabby said...

We don't worry too much about smelly breath if it means it's because we were eating something delicious!

Moe & Mindy

Mommy Lutchi said...

smelly cute to me. Mine is up at My two Cents Worth and
The 4 Seasons Of My Life I hope you can visit me too.

Heather said...

Awww, maybe try some kitty gum if there is such a thing :)

Cindy said...

Perhaps a mint? LOL! Cute shot!

tanabata said...

Our Jiro has pretty stinky cat breath sometimes too. Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Gran said...

Great photo....sometimes bad breathe can be back especially after eatting!

TorAa said...

Your humans must be weird - telling you it's smells from your mouth after eating. Have you sniffed how they smell after garlic and beans?

Samantha & Mom said...

Smelly cat breath, that is a cool take on the theme! So glad your new food is making you better.
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

Great choice for the theme!

MetaMommy said...

I love that perfectly curly tail.

If it's any consolation, my son's breath gets a bit dangerous after a bit of garlic. I suppose our does, too :-P

Anonymous said...

My daughter tells me the same thing when she climbs in bed with me in the morning. :) Glad you are feeling better!

Tanya said...

I bet it's not as bad as my husband's when he wakes up =))

etteY said...

great shot!

Patricia said...

Well, dear, if you are anything like our cats Lucy and Nicky, I would have to agree! Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek and commenting on the smelly stuff there! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Dun worry, we humans too!! :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. Sorry for my very late visit this week. I'm glad to hear about your improvement. I hope that you'll regain your full strength soon.

I will head on over there and vote for you.

Talking about votes, if you have some time to spare, I'd appreciate it if you can come over my blog and check my sticky post.

Take care and wishing you well.