Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: My Hallowe'en Costume

Thursday Thirteen - Dragonheart the DragonFor Hallowe'en this year, I am dressing up as - what else? - a Dragon!

#38 - 13 Photos of My Hallowe'en Costume

If you have problems viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.

You can also check out my entry in Skeezix' Halloween Costume Contest. If you like my costume, you can leave a comment there. Thanks!


Cat Naps in Italy said...

Love, love, love your Halloween costume. We are a little jealous! Our human can't make one and we can't find them in the stores in Italy.

You look great!
Opus and Rosoe

Anonymous said...

You're pretty scary in that thing!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

You look great in you halloween costume Dragonheart!
purrrs, Kashim & Othello

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dragonheart, I think you are the cutest dragon, ever~!!
I like your Halloween costume so so much~!!! And michico love green this color the best~!!!!! Very very very good looking~!!!!

Joyismygoal said...

teehee too cute I hope you were going for cute:>

Ramses said...

I saw you on Catster and voted for you lots! You're one cute Dragon! :)

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, that is such a cute costume! You are very good at wearing outfits, too. Maybe you should expand your wardrobe since you like wearing stuff.

Parker said...

That costume is adorable Dragonheart, I love you in it!

Hootin Anni said...

OMG----cute, cute, CUTE!!!!
And I love how you displayed your photos too.

How ya feeling? Better?

The Devil Dog said...

That is a very cool Halloween costume Dragonheart. I am glad I am not going up against you in the costume contest. Thanks for the info on the harness. At least memere has a place to start. I know you are one of the people in Germany. Mom just thinks that it is cool that people in different continents read all about me. (Sometimes she thinks too much, can you tell?)


Anonymous said...

Oh you are SO beautiful! Your costume is fantastic!

Darla said...

Hope you get lots of treats, Dragonheart!

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!!! That is quite the dragon costume.You look really good in it.Go scare all the silly beans(not yer Mom & Dad)!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We think you look very cute and scary in your costume. Maybe next year your little brother will be wearing it!!!

Happy Day DH

Monty Q. Kat said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

We love you in your dragon costume. It is so appropriate for you and you look so cute!

Darla said...

Dragonheart, your humans really ought to visit Linderhof while they're still in Munich. We all liked it much better than the more popular Neuschwanstein. :)

Titus said...

Who is this dragon taking over my friend's bloggie?! :)

Good choice on the slideshow. ;)

LZ said...

I love your costume, it suits you so perfectly!!! You seem to have been better with your costume than I was.


Anonymous said...

That is pretty cool!!!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I like your dragon outfit, it suits you. :)

Anonymous said...

You made very a scary movie from all those photos, Dragonheart! But you look great as a Dragon!!

I also left a comment for you at the Halloween site:)


The Meezers or Billy said...

you are just so cute!

Tybalt said...

You make one fiercesome dragon! You should get lots of catnip treats this Halloween wearing such a great costume.

Anonymous said...

I think being a Dragon is a perfect costume for you Dragonheart!

I have my photos and Momma just needs to see if any of them turned out good enough to post!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Dragonheart, yoo are so cute! Mom loved da one where yoo have yoor front paws up, she sed yoo look like a fire breething dragon...

Shaggy and Scout said...

Cool costume Dragonheart! You look awesome, but some of those pictures scared us, because it looks like the dragon is eating you!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

What a cute dragon you are! I'm jealous of your costume!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We love your costume Dragonheart! You look mighty scary in it!

Christine and FAZ said...

Wow you look like a really scary dragon. When I first opened your blog I jumped high in the air and had to sneak up to make sure it was safe. FAZ

K said...

How cute are you in your little costume?!!

I've missed reading your blog, I'm so glad I found you again!!

Have a great Thursday!

None said...

Oh MY! Dragons everywhere! Im still worried of you spitting fire at my fur!! Halloween is so spooky!

On a different note, you are really good at tolerating clothes all over you!



You look great Dragonheart.. you're all ready now for the Holiday!


Pee Sss
Momma hopes I feel better today too when she comes home.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You make a great Dragon!!!!!!! I love your costume!

Anonymous said...

You make a very convincing dragon.

ASTOR CATS said...

Great costume - suits you! Our mom is falling down on the job - she has not found our costumes yet.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Black Cat said...

You look completely pawsome in your lovely dragon outfit, the epitome of a "dragonheart":) I got an email with a link to your slide show too, so I went there and watched it several times and left a comment and some stars:) xxx

Denise Patrick said...

Very cute costume. Does the paper rustle when you walk?

Happy TT!

The Furry Fighter said...

you make a very handsome dragon, dragonheart! :)
ise heading over to the contest right now to show my support! xxx

MaoMao said...

Yur Halloween kostume ROCKS, Dragonheart! It's purrfect! And I hope you are feelin' bettur.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Kavan said...

That is such a neat costume! I have no idea what Mom is going to do to me!

Thanks for the purrs, I'm home now. The V-E-T didn't find the feather, so we are assuming it passed "naturally" and maybe something that was on it gave me an upset tummy. But I came home with some yuccky medicine because of it!


Just Ducky said...

You are one cute little dragon.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

DH, you look so handsome in your dragon costume! We love those photos of you! How is it that you remain so calm and content in it? We would be squirming and wiggling around if we were in costumes like that. You're very patient!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Puss-in-Boots said...

So, Dragonheart, tell me...what did you really think about being dressed up in that costume? I can understand that it was a dragon because of your name. But you seemed quite ok in it. Most cats would have ripped it to shreds.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Dragonheart, you are the cutest dragon I've efur seen! Mom can't get anyfing on me, not efun my collar now that it's off! Good luck in the contests! Purrs, Victor

Forty Paws said...

DH, we luf your beeyoutimus costume, but you don't appear to be all that happy in it. Your head is hanging down a lot in your photos. Is that because the costume hides your wonderful frootbat ears?

Luf, Us

Chrissie said...

That is an AWESOME costume, man. I have got to get me one of those!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

mom says you look so cute in yer Dragon costume that she just cant get enough of lookin at yer pictures, we are a bit jealous =^..^= ~the FLuffy Tribe