Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Dragonheart The Dragon

(Click to view a larger image. Credits for the scrapbook layout can be found here.)

More photos of me in my Hallowe'en Costume can be seen at the Halloween Costoom Contest blog. Please leave a message there if you like my costume! Thanks! :)

Update on me: The vet is pretty sure my problem is food-related. So we are going to try my new food for a week, and see how I'm doing. After a day of my new food, it seems to be helping a little bit. My litterbox trip was very stinky and soft this morning, but there was no blood. So that made my mom very happy, since I had lots of blood on my bum and the surface of my stool yesterday morning and at supper time. I'm not constipated at all (quite the opposite) so my problem isn't from straining. The new food is yummy, and doesn't upset my tummy, so hopefully it will work out.

Thanks again for all your purrs and prayers. I can't begin to tell you how much we (my humans and I) appreciate them. You are all such wonderful friends!


Shaz said...

Awwww poor pussy sorry to hear you have been poorly. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I like the outfit but by the look on your face you don't seem too keen yourself!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Oh you are so cute in your costume Dragonheart and we hope your bum and tummy gets well quickly 'cause you don't want to lose your blood, that is not good ~The Fluffy Tribe

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a great costume Dragonheart. We got a fright when we looked at your other photos and saw the lightning, very scary!
Glad that you like your new food. Hope it gets your poop problems sorted out.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dearest Dragonheart,

I am so happy the problem is about food~! Just about food, so I think that is easier to control~!

I am happy for you, and hoping the condition is doing well~!!

I love your outfit~!!! And I leave the comments on the "Halloween Costoom Contest", please let me know if there is holding any voting~! Hehehehe~!

Karen Jo said...

You look ferocious in your dragon costume, Dragonheart. I am glad that the new food is helping your problem. I hope the change in diet will solve the problem completely.

Anonymous said...

have a nice WW!

Christine and FAZ said...

DH this made me smile, you are way to sweet to be a dragon. FAZ

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

We love your dragon costume and we are happy to hear that you are doing better with the new food.

Purrrs, Kashim & Othello

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

I love your costume are sure to charm the fair maiden Princess Stella!!
Oh how delighted I am that you are eating and keeping your new food well in and out of you so far! keep it up!
Love Peach

Ramses said...

Glad to hear the new food seems to be helping! :)

Samantha & Mom said...

Your dragon costume is the neatest! We'll go leave a comment for sure. So glad the new food is helping and you are doing better.
Your FL furiends,

Parker said...

Being a dragon is the perfect costume for you! Good news about your health! Do you breathe fire too?

The Devil Dog said...

I think your costume is great! Mine will probably seem boring when you see it. I am glad you think the problem is food related. And the good news is the new food is yummy. Even better. Get better soon.

Roxy & Lucky

Monty Q. Kat said...

Yay for new food!

Daisy said...

A dragon is the PERFECT outfit for you, Dragonheart! I love it.

M said...

That is wonderful!

Mickey's Musings said...

Love yer outfit,it's cool!!
Hope things keep getting better!
Still sending Purrs & headbutts!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You does not look really happy in that costume!

Forty Paws said...

What a cute outfit DH! Glad to hear there was no blood with your stinky, smelly... Guess you've already got the photohunt for Saturday, huh?

Thanks for your well wishes for us. We guess we're going to learn how to live with a blind, toofless poodin in our midst now.

Luf, Us

Hootin Anni said...

Hope you're getting better each and every day Dragonheart.....keep us posted.

Love your costume!!!

Great W W. Mine's shared too, won't you stop by for some Halloween punch? [no chicken in sight, promise]

Anonymous said...

Whoa!! This is really creative. AM looking forward your next post. Dragonheart, the lovely heart? Hehehe....

Aldon Hynes said...

I think that is a great costume. I hope your food problems get straightened out soon.

The Furry Kids said...

DH, that is a perfect costume for you!
I'm glad to hear that poo is doing better. I hope you adjust to your new food quickly and that it does the trick for you.


Tara said...

lk;; opps Kavan, did that...anyway, love your Halloween costume! Keeping paws crossed you get the food thing worked out.

Anonymous said...

now that is so cute!! I love that.

LZ said...

I love your costume Drake, it is perfect for you!! I'm glad your litterbox visit this morning was better and I'm sure your vet and humans will figure it all out soon enough.


Hot(M)BC said...

You're a great dragon, Dragonheart. Hope you feel a ton better soon. Sorry you can't eat chick-hen, but fishies are really good too.
your bud Pepi and his crazy sisfurs

YellowRose said...

Very cute in your Halloween costume! Glad you are feeling better!

Happy WW!

Catlady4 said...

You look very dragon-like there!

Hope you are on the mend now...

Emma, Jamie, Thomassina and Bob

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We is glad da new food is yummy, der is nothing like finding out a food dat can help yoor problem taste icky and not be able to eat it. We'z gonna go look at yoor costume contest entry, we bet it's really cute, er, we mean scary. Mom tried to put a shert on Sadie yesterday and it sounded like she was murdering her...guess we'll be skipping da contest again this year. Unless she figures out da piksher software soon....

Boy said...

Yay that the new food works out.
It's so exciting isn't it? Hawwoween's coming soon! We don't cewebwate Hawwoween over here a whole wot but i gets to feel the excitement fwom all of you guys!

Anonymous said...

Oh you look like a vishus Dragon!

I'm glad that it seems you are doing better.

Anonymous said...

We sure do hope that your new food does the trick!

You are the cutest and most fierce dragon we have ever seen. It is the perfect choice of Halloween costume!

catsynth said...

How appropriate. Dragonheart as a Dragon for Hallowe'en. Can understand why you're not too happy about it, though.

Glad to hear that you're continuing to do better. We'll keep sending good thoughts.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We sure are happy to read you are feeling some better!!
We hope the new food is exactly what you need!!

~ Bob and Patrick

jams o donnell said...

I hope you're feeling okay now. Mimi had similar recently but she is bacj to being a chirpy if unbalance kitty with Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Happy WW

ASTOR CATS said...

This is good news. We will continue to keep you in our purrs and prayers and hope that the change of diet does the trick. Glad you like the new food.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

The Cat Realm said...

I sure hope so much you will be better soon!!! I LOVE the look you give us in the dragon costume, very fiercely dragon like, one expects the fire coming put of your nostrils any moment!!!
You seem to be the only cat so far who realized that it is NOT ME in the WW picture on my blog.....!
I will have to post ANOTHER T13 to explain the strange things going on at The Cat Realm.....
GET BETTER!!!!! Purr purr purr

The Meezers or Billy said...

awww you're so cute in your costume!

we is glad that you is a little better today.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you scared me.

dishywinnie said...

praying you feel better soon xxx

Jimmy Joe said...

Your costume is AWESOME, DH!!! My momma is not creative, and I don't really like wearing clothes, so I don't know what I'm going to do for Halloween. Hope the new food does the trick.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dear Dragonheart. We like you very much and you look sooo adorable in your halloweenie outfit... kinda scary but also very sweet (not like Barney though :-D)

it is always so wonderful to come to your bloggie.

Milton said...

Mine mombean and I are still thinking what I could be ... she does have an idea, though.
It may take a few days for your system to get used to the new food, I did. But once we found the right stuff no more stinkies! And no more blood on my bum.

The Crew said...

Hahaha, a dragon costume for Dragonheart. How appropriate.

We all hope your change in diet will help you get well, D. The whole cat blogosphere has been worried about you.

None said...

Very spooky!

This problem is been going on for a while, I really hope the food helps you! You have to be healthy and strong to deal with your little brother in December because us kittens are Trouble!

More and more purrs,

Anonymous said...

Great costume, Dragonheart!

MaoMao said...

I love yur Dragon kostume, Dragonheart! And wowie, I am so glad that the vet seems to be honin' in on yur problem -- I'm so relieved there was no blood in yur poo. My Momma's sendin' yur Momma lots and lots of hugs -- she understands what you're goin' thru, the worry and the hope and relief!

We love you, handsum feller! Keep gettin' bettur!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart,

I love your costume and you look so cute. I'm glad your doing better :)

Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm so happy that you are getting better and that you didn't have blood in your stool. We Ballicai will keep purring and purring and purring for you to get back to 100% very soon! And big hugs to your Momma!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! It is the first time I see a cat disguised for Halloween! :-)

happy WW!

Irishcoda said...

Hey DH, you are one scary dragon! Glad to hear your digestive troubles seem to be related to diet and nothing terrible. Still praying & purring for you! Our bean has a new photo blog and put a picture of the baby bean here but there's a purty pitcher of Amber on the main blog.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh goodness, we forgot all about the special awardie.
We will put that on our bloggie soon. Mom is such a flake lately...

Anonymous said...

excellent costume! and we're sure hoping that the new food takes care of all your problems. purrrrs!

Unknown said...

That's a super costume Dragonheart, very appropriate!

Glad to hear that you like your new food!

Andree said...

School has been crazy (as has my life) so I haven't been able to keep up until tonight. I'm sorry things have not gone as well as you hoped. I wanted to say last week, but didn't because I know you have gotten piles of good advice, that I have just gone through the same thing, with Turnip. In fact, I'm going to blog about it next COT.

For the past six months he has been ill; losing weight, always hungry. We wormed him. But the blood in the stool was getting worse and worse. Finally he went for blood tests (liver abnormality but why? no idea), and stayed at the kennel in the city for three weeks in order to be put on a special diet and meds without hiding in the house or have other cats steal it.

But it did no good, he came home healthier and got worse quickly. He wouldn't touch the prescription food at home. Another daughter and I were at the point of saying his happy times with us were at an end, because he was so sick.

But then, suddenly, my source of Wellness food (for all other cats) ran out. I had used it the past 12 months because Max Cat, which all cats had been weaned on, gave Mousie dandruff. But I couldn't get it, so went back to Max Cat. OVERNIGHT, Turnip got better.

He is PAST his old weight, he is frisky, interacting with us again, and the blood is GONE.

It was too easy yet so hard, and I can't even imagine what pain he went through. I didn't want to give you my story till you knew yours, but it sounds almost the same. You will find a food. Max Cat is half the price of Wellness, yet still is premium. Sometimes cheaper is better.

(Sorry this is so long).

Siani said...

You look wonderful in your Halloween costume, Dragonheart. I'm glad you're feeling better. Let's hope your new food fixes the problem once and for all. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

The new food is not making you a real dragon, huh? It is Photoshopped...?!

I am happy you are doing and poop better! ;)

Purrrs and hugs from Holland

Anonymous said...

I love your costume and I'm so glad that you are seeing some improvement already! Vader had to visit his vet today and get his shots...He loved it! He's a Silly boy.

Mr. Hendrix said...

thank goodness you're feeling better. we were worried. big purrs for your continued recovery.

i love your costume! mommy bought me a couple. the one i like better i'll enter in the contest. i'm not as good as you about clothes tho. cross your paws it works and mommy finally updates my bloggy soon!

Minkydo said...

Cute costume :)

cohnsey said...

Get Well!

Rick and Kiki