Look at all these great items! Some dried salmon and fish treats (which I can eat - yay!), a "Kitten Mitten" glove toy, a cat teaser toy, a camo mouse and ball, and a beautiful key chain with a cat frame!
Everything smelled wonderful, and I did a thorough job of checking things outs.
The Kitten Mitten glove was a lot of fun to play with! I really enjoyed attacking the pom-poms!
Wowww Dragonheart,
Congratulations that you got such a great package~!
I can see you are very happy to check and smell every gift items, that is great~!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday today~!
You gots a whole lot of fun there!
Gosh, you're really raking in some great stuff there, D!! Will you save some for the new little guy?
Sorry we missed your big day over the weekend, but we liked seeing a picture of you when you were so small. Now of course, you're a bigm handsome Mancat.
What a fun prize package! That glove looks gigantic next to you in the photos!
Congratulations DH ! You really got spoiled there and the glove would certainly please my cats too !
That's a great package Dragonheart. The glove with pompoms looks like fun.
Oh yer pompoms are great! :)
You wildman! I can't remember when I saw you like this. Those must be some pretty good toys. Just two or three more weeks till little brother comes! I can't wait!
The last two pictures are the coolest. This gets us thinking and and even more excited. Can you imagine sharing all your treasures with your new baby brother??? Oh it will be sooooo fun.
Yay! I was wonderin' if the mailpeople were ignoring the stuff I had Mombean send out. I'm so happy you can have the treats too!
That glove looks like alots of fun. Will you shares it with your new brother when he gets there?
Look at all the loot. Fun! Concatulations on your purrizes, Dragonheart.
Nice stuff! It's good to see you having fun with that glove. That will keep you in shape(but then you already are),
Have fun with yer stuff!!!
That's some great stuff! The kitten mitten looks like a ton of fun.
Wow, Dragonheart! What a great prize package! I can already tell that you are going to have tons of fun with it all. . . especially that mitten!
Concatulations Dragonheart. You gotted some great prizes from Monty. That glove sure looks like a lot of fun!
Monty is such a great cat, isn't he?
Enjoy your prizes.
Those are great gifts!!!!! Have fun playing with all them.
We is jellus, Monty sent yoo some grate stuff. We always love seeing yoor mussels when yoo play. Mom sez she's sure we have some unner all da flab! She's pretty rude.
lookit all the loot!
Oh what fun!!! I think that glove thing looks great. I'm glad you got some treats you can enjoy!! I know you've been missing treats.
Oh, Dragonheart, you are so lucky to get that great price!!!
Hope you have a lot of fun with all your new toys and treats.
Have a nice day !
That is one terrific prize package. Treats and toys- two of our favorite things!!
How nice! I saw one of those mittens the other day. Will you share with your brother?
Wowwy what a prize pack. That looks fun and yummy. I'm glad you have some treats to eat! ~Queen Snickers
Wowee! You gotz lotz of grate prizees!!!! Concatulations!
Luf, Us
Those are great prizes!!
Wow, that looks like a great prize package. You look like you are enjoying it too!
What a great package. I like the kitty mitten with the pom-poms. You'll have fun playing with all those toys with your brother when he arrives.
What a great box of toys! We loved our kitten mitten too much - now all the pom-poms are gone.
Irrestible bom-boms and you as well Dragonheart
Marvelous presents you received, Dragonheart! Nice to see how you play with them! A great moment before christmas time!
Wow, Dragonheart, that is the ultimate prize package! And you look as if you know exactly what to do with all of it. Have fun!
& your Artsy Catsy friends
What great gifts, and what great photos.
You look like such an ahletic little guy standing up attacking the pompom on the glove!
Congratulations Dragonheart! So cute!
I am sick with the stomach for eating the mom's flowers :(
Wowie, Dragonheart, that's a superduper prize package, and those pompoms look like so much funsies!
I bet you will keep growin! You and me will maybe keep growin 'til we're two years old or so -- wouldn't that be KOOL!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I waz not abull to bloggie fur awhile, so I missed your Gotcha Day & other celebrationz. I yam happy dat you were celebratin' wit loadz of prezziez & goodiez. I hope you had a great time wit all deze treats. Mebbe you will share some of dat fishee stuff?
-Dr Tweety
Dragonheart, I am sorry I missed your special day but wanted to wish you a happy purrthday/gotcha day anyway.
Also my humans had a great time in Berlin this weekend and they thought of you! (The only bit they did not enjoy was being hours late home when their plane got diverted to Osnabruck with a broken windshield and they had to wait hours for a new plane to come from Berlin...)
Congratulations on winning your prize, and what a delightful package! Like Mao, I love those pom poms. Enjoy! And your treats sound delicious, too!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Wow Dragonheart, what a great package you got!
That's a great package, Dragonheart! Oh, and belated Happy Gotcha Day, too, buddy!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
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