Friday, November 09, 2007

Frootbat Friday

Dragonheart(Click photo to view a larger image)

While my Gizzy quilt was being washed, my mom put the nice soft blanket that I won in one of Latte's contests (that normally sits in my stroller) in its place.

Some good news from me: I think we've finally found a food that works for me! I've been eating Wild (venison, ie. vishus deer, and green pea) food for almost a week, and my stools are finally getting firmer. They are still a little soft, but certainly not nearly as soft as they were! So keep your paws crossed that this is the right food. We'll give it a little more time, and if it continues to work, we'll then add in the Wild dry food. (I'm just eating the wet food right now, which gets rather expensive, as each 156g can is 2 Euros, and I eat three of them a day. 1 Euro = $1.50 USD. Fortunately my humans say I'm worth it! Yes, I eat a lot. It's due to my fast Sphynx metabolism.)

This Sunday is Remembrance Day. Every year, at the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month, Canadians pause for two minutes of silence to remember all those who gave their lives for our freedoms. My humans will be attending a ceremony at one of the Commonwealth War Grave sites south of Munich.


jenianddean said...

That's a great Frootbat picture. The green blanket really brings out the green in your eyes.

Happy Friday!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Leslie said...

Green is really a good color for you! What a nice blanket. :)

snowforest said...

Glad you are adjusting to the food. What a cute picture :) Purrs from Snow and Forest :)

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Thank you for sharing that Dragon heart. Our humans didn't know but said that that since you told them, they will be going to a Common Wealth Grave site just a short drive from here (there are only Canadians there).

Maybe the beans could even take them some flowers.

Opus and Roscoe

Ramses said...

So glad to hear the food is working for you! :) As for Remembrance Day, the boy is selling poppies today and all my family will be remembering all the members they've lost in War or who were permanently affected by it - My Mummy's Uncle was a Prisoner of War in Japan, her Grandpa was in a Concentration camp for a while and Dad lost an Uncle...

Mickey's Musings said...

I am very happy your new food is agreeable to you :) You must be SO happy.
I like the picture.I like the black coloring around your nose,it looks like a nose ring ;) Also,your eyes seem lightly outlined too.Adds so much character to your face,very unique.
You are a good looking cat(if you don't mind a compliment fron one Mancat to another )

Purrs <3

Rosemary B❤️ said...

And just what else would your humans be doing with all of those Euros? nothing of course, so your health and nutrition are certainly worthy.

Happy Day Handsome frootbatt.
we are snagging this and sending it to Blizzie. She thinks you have the most gorgeous manly eyes.

Puuurrrrrs for a happy day!

Anonymous said...

We love your frootbat ears Dragonheart! It is good that your new food seems to be working, we'll keep our paws crossed that everything will be okay.

The Furry Kids said...

DH, your eyes are just gorgeous in that picture. The green blankie really brings them out.

Thanks for the 'tocks update. We're glad the new food seems to be doing the trick. We are also very jealous that you get to eat so much. Me and EG only get to split a 3 oz can (well, in addition to our kibble).


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

That is a very nice picture of you. We are glad that you found a food that does nto upset your tummy too. But wild vishus deer? That is scary!!

Willow said...

What a terrific Frootbat Photo! You look lovely with the green blanket. I'm glad you food is working out better for you. I also liked the Remembrance Day information.

Purrrrrs, Willow

Tara said...

You look wonderful on that blanket! Glad to hear you are getting "firmer".


LZ said...

It makes the LL smile to see you sitting on the blanket that she made. You are such a cutie and she did pick the green just for your eyes.

I'm SO happy you're finding a food that works for you!!!


Jimmy Joe said...

That blanket is a great color for you, Big D. That is pretty cool that you gotta eat vishus deer food--shows what a real mancat you are.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Aloysius said...

You look terribly coy in that photo! Glad your new food agrees with you; venison sounds yummy.

The Cat Realm said...

Thanks for voting! You look wonderful, as usual! And you are quiet a little manipulator! How you got your humans to feed you WILD exclusively - very nice job!
I just hope you feel good and are healthy! You sure look both.
Your eyes today reminded me of Anastasia's - with the beautiful black Kohl line around them....
Have a good weekend!
Your friend Karl

Anonymous said...

Now that's a very nice portrait of you, DH. Glad to hear you're feeling better, too!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, that's a glorious photo and glorious news that you are doing well!

Chrissie said...

You are so handsome in your Frootbat Friday photo, Dragonheart..I'm glad you're finding a food that agrees with you..I had no idea that a Sphinx had to eat so often! I don't really have an excuse to eat often..I just do!

Chrissie said...

P.S. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all Canadians who serve for the sake of others. They deserve our utmost honor and respect and we are very grateful for our northern neighbors. We honor you on your Remembrance Day!

Tybalt said...

Dragonheart, you look very majestic in that picture! I am so glad to hear that you have finally found a food that is agreeing with your tummy! My paws are crossed for you. Thanks for the reminder about Veteran's Day on the 11th.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

So glad you found a food you can eat that does what you need and like. I know how hard it is when food does not work with your body.

Daisy said...

That is a stunning photo of you! I am very glad that you found a food that seems to be working for you.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You are so cute Dragonheart!!!!!

I am so glad this food is working well for you!

The Meezers or Billy said...

wonderful photo! we is glad that the new vishus deer food is werking!

we is going to post a poppy on Sunday for Veteran's and Rememberance Day.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, yoo have such gorjus eyes! Glad da new food seems to be working...and yoo are eating vishus deers!

Team Tabby said...

That is a great Frootbat Friday picture, Dragonheart! We hope the new food will work out for you.....sounds delicious.

Moe & Mindy

Miz Allie Cat said...

Fantastic picture there Dragonheart.....wowsy....meow....

Patty Nason said...

You're one beautiful Frootbat! Meow! You might be interested in a cool offer Catster and Shutterfly have right now - where you can get free photo cards of your beautiful kitties...check it out!

PM said...

Frootbat! Have you ever taken a bad pix?!

Unknown said...

Dragonheart, I am so glad that you have found some food that agrees with you. It is very funny that it is vishus deer : )

You look very nice on the green blanket, green is a good colour for you.

My Mum will be pausing for the 2 minutes of silence on Sunday too.

Hot(M)BC said...

Vishus Deer sounds yummy. Not sure bout those green peas tho. Are they tasty too? Great frootbat photo, dude.
your bud Pepi

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, you are an absolutely fabulous frootbat! And you certainly know how to strike a pose!

Your Admirers at Artsy Catsy

PB 'n J said...

You're a very handsome frootbat on that green blanket!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Dragonheart, your eyes look absolutely stunning in that photo - wowie! Mommy is very interested in what food you are eating. She googled "wild" but does't see vishus deer and green pea (only lots of flavors with clams in it - eeeeww). Mr. Chen has still been having very bad issues with his belly and mommy and daddy have started to feed us boiled rice and chicken they make at home. You gotta help us, DH! Can you send us the info on the food chenandollie [at] gmail [dot] com?
Mr. Chen & Ollie
ps. Thank you for your congrats on the blurpy thing. We are slowly but surely getting used to the idea with the help from our friends in the cat blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Green suits your eyes, Dragonheart!!

WOW, WILD! :) I hope the wild food finally helps you to get better poop. Special wet food is expensive, I know. Linda's cat here gets 2 cans a day of 5 euro each. But also our staff says he's worth it.

Have a great weekend,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am so glad there is a food good for you~!!!!!! That a wonderful wonderful news~!!!!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm glad the the venison food is still working for you.

That is such a handsome picture of you :-)

Jan Price said...


We've been reading Dragonheart's Domain for a while and we just wanted to say how happy we are you are finally finding some food your body can use for fuel. Proper food is important, as we cats know. Dogs, however, care less for nutrition and stuff any old thing into their stomachs. We know, we live with 3 dogs.

We hope you continue to do well and can begin to eat some crunchies soon.

Jan's Funny Farm Felines

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My darling brother! I am always so happy to hear that you are finding ways to improve your diet! I know special cat food is expensive. One can that you eat would last me for a day. Before I was lucky if I wanted to each a small can. Mommy is just glad I am eating again!!!
Canada has always been a wonderful friend in time of need to nations all over the world. God Bless the Maple Leaf!
Love to you and your brave daddy (and mommy who had to miss him so much that Christmas he was away).
Love Miss Peach who knowsit will be a wonderful Wheinachten for your family this year when your new naked:)baby brother gets here!

Anonymous said...

That was very nice of your momma to wash your blanket so it would be fresh and clean.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Glads you founds a foods good for yous. I likes that picture of you on the blankets.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

DragonHeart you have such gorgeous eyes. Wow. We are glad to hear you found some food you can have! Excellent News!

Happy Weekend! Purrs

Babeth said...

You model !! Bejootiful !

We're glad you get better munchies now that agree with your tummy. And we think you are looking good on that blanky. Strong colours suit you. (Yah, this from 4 mancats, but hey, we have a burgundy-coloured blanky ourselves.)

We wish you a good Remembrance Day. In my family none who lived through it are alive today but we still remember. Our Mistress says her Grandmother was born in France because her Great-Grandparents fled to France (they lived in Belgium) because of that war. Her Grandmother was born in a castle ! Posh eyh ? But the Great-Grandparents had lost all they had, everything was destroyed. People shouldn't fight wars no more. A bit of hissing works much better.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You are a very handsome frootbat. and it is good that you are helping to rid the world of Vishus Deers. "Dragonheart the Vishus Deer Killer" has good ring to it, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

We’ll post links to sites that have Wednesday (plus or minus a few days) submissions of their chosen animal artwork. "“Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.”—Bertolt Brecht

Anonymous said...

Cute..... it really is.! The eyes are the most cutest part of U.