This morning, my humans attended a Remembrance Day ceremony at one of the Commonwealth War Graves south of Munich. As part of the very moving ceremony, they paused for two minutes of silence at 11. It was rainy, cold, and windy, typical weather for Remembrance Day. But they didn't mind braving the inclement weather to honour all those who gave their lives for our freedom, and to honour those who have served in the past and who continue to serve.
As many of you know, my human dad is an officer in the Canadian Forces, and I am very proud of him. His grandfather served in the Second World War. Although I have never met him, I am very proud of him and his service as well.Please take a moment to attend your local Remembrance Day ceremonies. If that's not possible, Canadians can watch the ceremony at the National War Memorial on CBC. At the very least, please pause for two minutes of silence at 11:00.
Also take a moment to reflect on the lines in the poem, In Flanders Fields, written by Canadian physician, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, in the trenches in WW I on May 3, 1915.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.Take up our quarrel with the foe:
In Flanders Fields, by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
From Canoe.ca:
Following is a rundown of Canadian casualties in the wars fought since 1899 and in peacekeeping since 1947. (Figures for the First and Second World Wars include Newfoundland, which at the time was not part of Canada.)
Boer War (1899-1902): 277 killed, 252 wounded of 8,300 who served.
First World War (1914-18): 68,260 killed, 173,000 wounded of about 620,000 who served.
Second World War (1939-1945): 45,615 killed, 54,000 wounded of about 1.1 million who served.
Korean War (1950-53): 516 killed, 1,542 wounded of 27,000 who served.
Gulf War (1990-91): No deaths or injuries.
Afghanistan (2002-): 71 killed of more than 10,000 who have served so far.
Peacekeeping (1947-): 116 killed of more than 125,000 who served so far.
The next time you see a veteran, thank them for all they have done for us and our country.More resources on Remembrance Day:
Thank you for posting that poem. I always enjoy reading it on this day each year. :)
That is a really moving poem, and so fitting for this special day.
That is a wonderful poem, today is a time for reflection... so many lost. Even now it goes on.
That is a truly moving poem. We should never forget.
On this day(and every day) we thank the brave people who serve/served their country and protect our rights and freedoms.Good to see all those links ;)
Be sure to give your Dad a big hug :)
"Never Again"
That was a wonderful post. We are thankful for all Vets. And we don't mean the type that give us vaccinations!
Dearest Dragonheart,
I am also very honored to know your human dad, and thank you for let know this Remembrance Day ceremony. I can also sense this moment.
Wars are very very cruel. Human's history is a war history. And don't know why it's continue happening... was it really for the brave or any other great meanings? And this great meanings are really could let their death more mighty? I don't know, I just know wars makes more sad statistics of human history...
I know the poem you place today, makes me think a lot.
Adan * michico
Dragonheart, we are thinking of your daddy and all his comrades-in-arms, and remembering daddy's gpa, who fought in this war.
We are honoured to know your dad and the good work he and his colleagues do.
We love Flanders Fields, and we put the poem in our post today too!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
wonderful post - we put ous up yesterday.
Thank you to your dad for all he does to keep the world safe.
This was a great post. Thanks to your dad for everything he's done to keep the world a safe place.
Very moving entry today, Dragonheart.
Our prayers are with your Dad and all of our Service Men and Women, yesterday and today.
~ The Bunch
Thank you for sharing the poem and thoughts this weekend.
Today My Mummy sowed poppy seed in the garden and hopefully the poppies will grow all big and beautiful and help us remember yet again...
Wonderful poem!
Such a moving post, Dragonheart. And still the wars go on - we humans can be so stupid. We have a lot to learn from cats.
Hope you don't mind - I've tagged you with a meme over at Siani's Pot-Pourri.
This is a wonderful and informative post DH! You are a special poodin and your beans are very honorable.
Luf, Us
Wow! The statistics are amazing on that aren't they?
Hey guess what? I got a sister!
Such a thoughtful post. It's amazing how many we forget in every day lifes and how one day brings us all togethers.
Thank you for your lovely tribute. May we all remember the sacrifice and service our service people did for us.
Oh yes, we remember. We remember all the young lives lost, the civilians killed in the name of greed.
Then...foolish and arrogant men forget, and it happens all over again.
Happy remembrance day, Dragonheart.
We just wish their would be no wars anymore...
Our beans meditate everyday so that the violence may stop once day...
Thank you for that beautiful poem.
Such a very moving post and thank you for sharing that poem. We are very proud of your dad and the Cyclone Cats Man In Green and all the others who serve.
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Wars are howwible and beans wike your dad are wonderful for helping us keep the world safe and peaceful. Nice poem.
Beautiful poem. To see the numbers of our fallen military is so sad. Also, to remember what a price our freedom has cost.
I stopped by to let you know that there is a new ballot for the soap title. Voting will start Monday at 11:00 am est and end Tuesday at 9:00 pm est. There were so many entries that there are two ballots so be sure to look at both of them but please vote for only one title.
That is a very moving Remembrance Day post, Dragonheart. My Mom attended our Veteran's Day ceremony here. I couldn't go as I had to go to work.
Its a wonderful post. It touches my heart deeply, And remind me something that i had almost forgot. Thanks
Good post for the day. Nice poem. I think 11/11/11 will be more special in the future.
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