Thanks to everyone who left me a message yesterday for my first Gotcha Day and Blogaversary! It's been wonderful getting to know all the wonderful blogging cats (and woofies, and other animals) over the course of the past year.

I spent a wonderful day with my humans yesterday. I spent a lot of time curled up either on my mom or my dad's lap, except when my mom went out for her long run.
My humans gave me my Gotcha Day presents, which are wonderful! To the left, you can see me checking out my catnip banana! It smells wonderful and is a lot of fun to play with.
To the right, you can see me sniffing my new colourful organic worm toy, filled with valerian! I was certainly intrigued by the smell. I was even salivating over the scent! The manufacturer says that valerian is an alternative to catnip, and it certainly had my interest!

Finally, I received a special Advent calendar, just for cats! So every day, from December 1st to 24th, I will get one treat from my Advent calendar! There are four different types of treats inside. Sadly, one of the treats is made with chicken, so I won't be able to eat those because of my food allergies, but my humans will set the chicken ones aside for my little brother to have when he joins our family. The other three types are okay for me to eat, though. In the photo to the left, you can also see my catnip banana and my colourful worm toy.

I am looking forward to many more wonderful years with my humans, and many more years of blogging. My little brother will be blogging with me when he arrives, so although I will keep the same blog address, I will have to come up with a new blog name, since we will be sharing.
So, I am holding a contest to come up with a new name for my (and my little brother's) blog! We are both Sphynx, and I'm a tuxie (black and white) Sphynx, and my little brother is a Seal Point (coloured like a Siamese) Sphynx. If we like your name suggestion, you will receive a little thank you from the Siamese Rescue or the Animal Rescue site. So, leave your suggestions for a new blog name in the comments field of this post! You have until next Sunday (December 2nd) to leave your suggestions.
I can see you have a great wonderful day Gotcha Day, Congratulations for these great gift~!!! That is very wonderful~!
I need to think about the new name for a while~! And I also believe there are more great suggestions from our kitties friends~!!
conCATulations dearest Dragonheart on your anniversaries! How fast the year has gone when you look back over it. Now a new brother is coming soon and your life will be enriched even more!
As for a new name...I rather like,
Our Dragons Lair (or Domain). This includes a reference to your new brother and a tribute to your name:)
Lots of fun stuff in your gifties....love that Advents Kalender for kitties!
Love Peach
Those are some great toys you got! The catnip bananer is fun, and I have never seen anything like that worm before. Very cool! I am going to think for a little bit about names.
Oh I'z do so hope I get 'nip or 'nip toys for my gotcha day tomorrow too! :)
I'z fink the new name should link your name to that of your baby brother and since I'z not heard his name yet I'z can't really fink of anyfink other than Dragons Den!
We are glad you had such a good Gotcha day with your Beans and all your lovely presents.
We will have to think about names for your blog and come back later.
You scored some cool stuff Dragonheart!!!
I too,need to think on a name.This contest should be fun :)
The Sphinx Pyramid, or The Sphinx Catacombs.
Ohhhh, Dragonheart, we are exxcited. Anyday now and you will have a partner in silliness!
Dragonheart you gots some very nice gifts, they look like fun. We will drop by again, if we come up wif a name suggestion for your blog.
Mindy & Moe
PS your little bro's arrival time is coming soon!
Happy, happy, happy, happy Gotcha Day!!!!!
From legend: Hera or Ares sent the Sphinx from her Ethiopian homeland (the Greeks remembered the Sphinx foreign origin) to Thebes where, in Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus, she asks all passersby history's most famous riddle: "Which creature in the morning goes on four feet, at noon on two, and in the evening upon three?" She strangled anyone unable to answer.
The name Sphinx actual comes from the greek work sphiggo, meaning "to strangle".
In any case, what I was going to suggest was "The Riddle of the Sphynx".
You got some cool presents!
Happy Gotcha Day Dragonheart! Your mom and dad gave you some really cool gifts. Nip toys are the best. We do not have any suggestions for the new anemb ut we we think about it really hard.
Belated Gotcha Day and Blogoversary good wishes to you. You got great presents!
Awesome Gotcha Day gifts! That worm looks like a ton of fun! Momma looked at those pictures and wanted to give you tummy scritches!
what wonderful gotcha day presents.
How about Sphinx Stories?
Happy Gotcha Day Dragonheart! Those are some very nice gotcha day presents too! We'll have to get back to you on the new blog name - it's Monday morning and we are not feeling very creative at the moment.
Those are some cool gifts Dragonheart! That worm looks cool. A new name wow! We'll have to put our thinking caps on and come back!
Have a wonderful day!
Your FL furiends,
Those look like great gifts. My humans do not even recall the exact date they went and got me. I am so abused.
How about The Sphinx Speaks?
Happy Gotcha Day and Blogaversary! I'm glad I'm getting to know you.
Um, we'z waiting to hear yoor little brofurs name too! Yoo did get some presents fur yoor gotcha day, we knew yoor mom and dad wouldn't let da day go by wifout it!
Those are some great gifts! I'll need to think about a neat name.
Both Kavan and I were in our harnesses, and Mom had the lead out with her. But she lets as roam in the back yard, as she usually stays close to us and can put the lead on if needed. And I actually always listen to her and don't get into trouble. This time, she let herself get a little too far away, well, you know the rest....
My mom sez valerian is used fur kitties to calm 'em down fur travelin'. She gived some to Rascal once (acuz him hollers loud in the car) but him spit it out. So her doesn't know iffen it works or not. Happy Gotcha Day!
We missed your last blog so today we will wish you a Happy Gotcha/Blogoversary! You sure were a tiny little fellow curled up in that big bed. We remember how your mom would fill in the extra space with a blankie so you wouldn't be cold.
We love to visit you and wish you many happy years of blogging!
What fun!! I LOVE the advent calendar, that is so cool. We will have to think about blog names...we'll work on that and come back.
Happy Belated Gotcha Day and Blogaversary! Those look lke great presents! I really want one of those bananas!!
For hte new blog name I suggest "The Sphynx Brothers".
I am going to have to put my thinking cap on!
Congratulations! It sounds like you had an amazing Gotcha Day! I can't wait to see your brother when he arrives.
I will think about a new name for your page, and if I can come up with something I think you'll like I will let you know!
Congratulation on your Gotcha Day sorry we were late! Momma and Daddy were stuck on the road all day in Holiday traffic and they had our laptop. Your Advent calender is so cool our momma is going to look for one. We will see if we can think up a cool name!
Happy Gotcha Day Dragonheart! What great presents you received. I have heard about Valerian, but I haven't tried it yet.
I will have to think about a name and get back to you!
What a lot of presents and treats! The best is to come - your brother. Have to give serious consideration to this naming business. Do you have a name for your brother yet?
I am sorry to be a little late, but I do send congratulations on your Gotcha Day and Blogiversary. Enjoy all your presents!
Wow Dragonheart, that is a very good idea. I've been trying to come up with a new name for my blog too. I want something that doesn't just have my name on it, but refers to all of us. I never thought of a contest though. Very smart of you, if I do say so myself. Good luck in finding that perfect name.
Happy Birthday and Blogaversary Dragonheart! It looks like you had a wonderful celebration! We've loved getting to know you and we can't wait to meet your brother as well.
We'll have to think on the new name - it has to be pretty special if it's for two of you!
Simply Sphynx!
(but I'll think of some others, too. This one just came to me and I really like it!)
we got one of those Nanas, they are great ain't they?
if you called your brother George you could call your blog George & The Dragon :)
or if your brother has a big appetite or is simply gorgeous it could be Gorge & The Dragon xxx
Happy Gotcha Day an Bloviversary! From all 3 of us. Skeeter, LC, and The Big Thing...
We hope you had a wonderful Gottcha day Dragonheart! Looks like you got lots of great gifts!
Yr worm gift looks verrrrry innarestin Dragonheart and happy gotcha day an all but I wansa know where did yr mommy gets that calendar? I wants one too!
Wow! That's great you get a special treat every day until Christmas? I gotta get mine mombean to get me one of those.
Its kinda hard to think of a name for your blog with out knowing what your bro's name is gonna be... maybe you could call it Dragonheart and ???'s Hang Out.
Is there a name for your brother yet? Sis I miss the post?
What a wonderful idea - I will have to really think about a name! Good thing I have a little time...
Congratulations on being cast as the Easter Bunny! This is one of the most challenging parts to play and I am glad you were cast because I know that if anyone can pull it off you can! You will make this one of the most memorable Easter Bunnies in TV history!
Oohhh, I wish I was good at coming up with neato names, but I don't think I can. I will try, though. I like your pictures, and your toys look really fun. We are glad you had a good day.
Roxy & Lucky
I am gonna have to put some effort into this before I give a name. I hope I can think of a good one.
It looks like you had a grand Gotcha Day, Dragonheart ... well deserved!
We love contests! We'll be thinking of blog names for you, especially since we're immersed in words over here anyway :-)
nice to see another DO FOLLOW blog like my Simple Tricks blog.
Why dont you use the Do FOLLOW Badge which will encourage more commentors..??
You got some really neat gifts, Dragonheart. That worm looks very interesting. The Advent calendar for cats is great. I don't have any ideas for a name, but I will come back if I think of one.
I read the contest wrong, I thought you were lookin' for a name for your lil' brother at first, and I was all like: "ooh! Ooo! Call him Ronan, it means 'little seal!'" But then MomBean made me read it again. D'oh!
Mieeow - we also would like to have a Cat Calendar.
But we will stay with Stompa until about Christmas, while our parents are away in Gaucho-country.
Rosa and Felicia
Happy Gotcha & Blogaversary Day, Dragonheart!! You got wonderful presents and the organic worm looks very interesting. I have to think about a new blog name...
Also congratulations with your CCSI role as Easter Bunny! And oh my... you might as well prepare your mom and dad in advance before they go watch the premiere.:)
I'z been finking and keep coming back to "Chat Aux Magic", = cats with magic but sounding like a big posh French castle! 'Cause your names hint of magic as does your breeds ability to live with beans who couldn't have another type of cat! :)
Congratyou nationz Dragonheart!!! Somehow I missed dis earlier. I yam tinkin' & tinkiin' on da new namey ting, but you iz furry mystical & magical & also Egypshun. So mebbe da name should show dat you are two catz in a magical kingdom. But fur da life of me, I cannot put dis into wordz. Oh well, some other kitty will come up wit a GREAT name dat reflects da two of you.
-DR Tweety
Well, there's always Drangonheart and Brother.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
What about "The Secrets of the Sphinx"?
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