Here's another photo of my little brother, who will be joining our family just before Christmas! Isn't he cute? He's a Seal Point Sphynx, so he has the same colouration and pattern as a Seal Point Siamese. He just doesn't have any fur (except on his nose) so his points are harder to see than on a Meezer. But you can see his points developing on his nose. He also has lovely blue eyes. Not quite as vibrant or deep a blue as most Meezers, but beautiful nevertheless. We can't wait to have him join our family! No, he still doesn't have a name, but his breeder will be giving him his registered name, and we'll decide if we'll use that name as his "daily use" name or give him a different one. (My little brother is approximately 8 weeks old in this photo. Photo is courtesy of his breeder, Miracle Love Cattery.)
Tags: Seal Point, Meezer Monday, kitten, hairless kitten, Sphynx kitten, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat,
He sure does have Meezer ears! Those might even be larger than Orlando's ears!
Yes, I can see his points developing on his nose and his ears seem to be getting some color, too. He is a cutie and definitely a froot-bat. It is going to be great when he finally moves in.
I think he should be called Yoda after the Starwars character...he's cute like Yoda!
I am so so happy~!
Another cute little brother will join this big family and be your very special brother~!
I think he is your best Christmas gift~!!
I can't wait to see him~!
He is so cute! I can't wait until he comes home and we get to know him better.
Oh he's one cute 'ickle froot bat! :) You'z got such a nice lookin' family for him to join, I bets you'z getting all exited and countin' the time till you can get him! :)
The cat is sweet, but in Germany it would be cold her.
Awww he's cute. Bet you can't wait for him to come and live with you. You're going to have all sorts of fun.
Oh Dragonheart, yoor brofur is gonna give yoo a run in da cute department. Like Daisy said, it's gonna be fun to get to know him!
It's going to be so cool to come here and see two cats!!! You must be getting very excited,I know we are :)!!!!!!!!
What a cutie :-D
He is soooo cutes! You are one lucky kitty to have a cutes brother.
He is so cute!! But Dragonheart, you is still the most handsome sphinx!
Hooo goodness. He is adorrrrrabibble!
He really has to grow into those ears though. They almost look a bit heavy for his sweet little head. heehee
We are sooo excited for you Dragonheart. This is going to be a very fun adventure!
He's SO cute. I just love his little nose and those blue eyes! I can't wait to get to know him!!
Glad to see the photo of your new addition! And it's nice that you'll have a little brother around to teach the ways of the world. The days are going to seem to drag until he comes to his new home...
He is a real cutie, just like you! You are going to have so much fun with your new brother!
He is just adorable! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to read about all of your adventures together!
Dragonheart your little brother is so cute! His ears are froot-battier (is that a word?) than yours! We bet that you cannot wait to have him at home with you.
He is absolutely adorable! You two will have so much fun together! But take it from me - you better get in shape Dragonheart or he will wear you out.... I know what I am talking about....
SQUEEEEEEE! <------ That's Mommy having a cute attack. Love the ears!
Oh yall will haf grate fun on Frootbat Fridays! He's so cute Mommy's goin "awwwwwwww" again. *sigh* She don't do that wif us so much no more, but kittens? Yup, she does it den. Silly Mommy.
Sanjee and the gang
He is very cute! He will fit right in with you and your family! Meowm and I got to meet a sphynx kitty this weekend! She was very sweet!
Oh he's going to be a cute little meezer sphynx. Can I lick his little head?
Your brother looks very sweet Dragonheart. Mommy just loves his ears!!
Oh, he's a baby frootbat!!
It's clear to see that your new brother will someday be a handsome Mancat just like you, D. We can't wait 'til he gets home.
Tipper & Misty
Your bro sure is a cutie!
He makes my mombean go Awwwwww.
I bet you will like having a brother to snuggle with.
Oh my, he's so pink and naked! Do you guys get really cold in the winter? Every time my mom brushes me and my brother she tells each of us she has enough fur to knit a whole other cat. If you want, I could ask her to knit a winter cat fur coat for you and your new bro. You both are cute naked but just thought you might be cold.
He is a fine looking little fella...and you two will become great life long friends.
How exciting!
Your little brother is so cute, Dragonheart! Hope you guys get along famously with a minimum of that good ole sibling rivalry!
Wow Dragonheart! A new brudder! You mustee be fury ex-cited. He haz furry big earz fur such a itty-bitty ting. I yam amzed. Doez he gets good recepshun wit doze?
-Dr Tweety
You are gonna love hafin a brother. He will play wif your toys, eat some of your food, sleep in some of yer favorite places, take attention away from you...
And you will love him anyway... ;)
Oh so cute! Look at those ears! We are looking forward to hearing and seeing more of your brother in the future.
Well I think he looks kinda skinny! He must be a frootbat. It's funny that he is a boy and he is so pink. He looks like he will be fun to play with. You are lucky to be getting a little brother. I can't wait to see more pictures of him.
I finks we am all 'acited about da new member of owr big blogosphere fambly. He has big ears. Maybe he can hear lots of fings dat we all can't hear. Plus it's like a baby when dey haf big heads till dey grow into dem. How cute.
Oh, Dragonheart, your little brother is just adorable! What a wonderful Christmas gift!!
Everybody at Artsy Catsy
We sure hope he grows into those ears!
He is a doll! My Lady says he is gorgeous!!!
I love those beautiful big ears. What a sweetie! I bet y'all are excited to have a new little one in the family. Can't wait to see his first pictures in his new home.
He is beautiful, Dragonheart! I bet you, mom and dad can't wait he's home.:)
His point coloring will be more when he gets older. I see that with our Djenna who is a redpoint cornish rex and when she was young she was much lighter than she is now at 11 months age.
Dragonheart, your brother is such a cutie!! We love his ears!! We bet you and your Mom and dad are so excited for him to come live with you!!
Your FL furiends,
Awww....he is cute. I bet you cant wait for him to come so you have a little brother to play with.
Awwwww, my Momma's sayin' SQUEE, yur little bruther is so cute. I can't wait 'til he joins yur family -- I think you're gonna love havin a little bruther to play with!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Awwwwwwww... *SQUEE*! Your little brother is just darling! I know you must be so excited about having a new addition to the family -- you will be a wonderful big brother, Dragonheart, and the two of you will have so much fun together and be the best of friends!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
What an extra-special Christmas present - it just doesn't get any better than that!
Ohmygoodness! He's nearly as cute as you are, DH! Concatulations!
Oh, an' a belated Happy Thanksgiving (Canadian-style)!
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