Saturday, November 24, 2007

Photo Hunters: Hot



Enjoying the fire
(Click photo to view a larger image)

Last February, my humans and I spent a week in a chalet in Château d'Oex, Switzerland. The chalet had a fireplace, which was absolutely wonderful! Here, my mom and I are enjoying the HOT flames of the warm fire. I'm the gray blob on her lap in the fleece blanket. ;) (If you click the photo to make it larger, you can more easily see me in her lap - the arrow points to me.) Sadly, we don't have a fireplace at home. I really enjoyed the warmth it gave off!


JaamZIN said...

ohh it looks very nice. A desired place:)

Me and my crazy mind

Anonymous said...

Nice choice of photo. Have a great weekend!

Nita said...

Opps I forget my webpage address...

jams o donnell said...

I bet you loved the fire. My post features hot cat! Happy weekend

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's definitely a good place to be. We have a woodburner and spend all the cold (and not so cold) days in front of it.It was -5 last night, so we aren't moving from it. The mousies can wait!

Daisy said...

When we lived in Virginia where it got cold, we had a fireplace and I loved it! It never gets cold enough where I live now to have a fireplace.

CRIZ LAI said...

Awww love to cuddle and sleep on your Mummy's lap. That's cute, so is the fire place :)

Anonymous said...

A trip to Switzerland - what a treat for you. The chalet looks toasty warm. sara from farmingfriends

SnoopyTheGoon said...

He he... I knew she would be there in the picture, although it was impossible (for my eyes) before enlarging. Cool.

Siani said...

What a nice, cosy pic. We have a gas fire, which my cats love. Have a lovely, warm and purry weekend!

Ingrid said...

Poor DH without fireplace and cats like it so much, that much that we had to replace the wood by electricity which really looks like fire, but the smell is missing, (sigh) ! Even a screen didn't help. Some cats are crazy. Rosie becomes the perfect little housewife, she likes to put her toys in special places.

Michele said...

Yes, fireplaces are wonderful and since we downsized to apartment living, we as well no longer have one. One day we will change that... it gets too cold here. Very nice picture!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Hootin Anni said...

I would love to be by that fire right now Dragonheart!! So warm, and cozy.

Great photo.

MaR said...

I love fireplaces and I am glad our home has one, you are welcome any time, Dragonheart!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...


Dragonheart, your head is gone~!! Too comfy to hide your head in the warm blanket~!!!!
That is a wonderful sweet image to me~!!!

Lovely perfect shot~!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh boy,snuggles in front of a fireplace!!!
My Grammie has a fireplace and it is hot . It feels so good to be near it. I bet you had a great time :)

Susan Demeter said...

Looks so nice, and warm, and toasty :) Happy photo hunting!

Team Tabby said...

What a cozy picture, Dragonheart, of you and your mom in front of the fireplace. We don't have one, but mom would like to get one that plugs in, heh, we wouldn't care as long as it's warm.

Mindy & Moe

Andree said...

Hi Dragonheart! I need a fireplace this weekend, the cold is brutal. If I can (after I get a new camera), I'm going to get a propane fireplace, 2 of them, so that I don't use that much oil. And for when the power goes out. You'd love that! Warm safe fires all the time!

Parker said...

Oh how comfy and wonderful! I bet you were in heaven all cozy like that!

Chen said...

very cosy shot. Dragonheart, i was searching for u earlier on when i glance through the picture before reading the text. No wonder i cannot find u cos u were lying comfortably hiding your head inside the blanket :) So cute :)

Sarge Charlie said...

excellent photo for this week

Anonymous said...

Definitely warm... a fire AND a blanket! :-)

You'll like mine this week... come visit!

JC said...

Sure does look cozy, DH... bet it was hard to get movin' again... for both of you :-)

The Devil Dog said...

It looks very cosy, Dragonheart. Mom has a recliner that can heat up (actually, it's dad's) and I love sitting in it when she has the heat on.


Forty Paws said...

What a great source of hot! Some of us are scared of the fireplace and some of us luf it.

Luf, Us

Carver said...

That looks so cozy and I know the hot fire was very pleasant. I hope you and your humans have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Château d'Oex, Switzerland - oh the memories as my ears perked up..

Did you get to see the hot air balloons too?

I lived just over the hill from there in Montreux..

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mmm, we wish we had a fireplace...maybe we can get dad to put one in. Um, wait, do we want a hole in our living room fur da next 10 years? Neffur mind.

Ramses said...

Ooh that looks great, I'z fink I'll add a proper fireplace to my list for Santa Paws now! :)

Victor Tabbycat said...

Lovely! Efurry cat should haf a fireplace! We don't, eifur.

Natalie said...

That looks toasty warm!

My photo hunt picture is up. Come check it out if you get a chance. :)

PowersTwinB said...

Great shot of your human keeping you warm and toasty! My photo is up, please come and visit

jmb said...

That fire does look hot Dragonheart, glad you were enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, that looks so cozy there. I envy you!

Unknown said...

My favorite way to be hot-- a nice fire!

Teena in Toronto said...

That looks soooooo cozy!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Anonymous said...

I'm allergic to wood burning fireplaces, but I sure love being around them. That's a wonderful choice for hot!

david mcmahon said...

Nice choice of subject. Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great weekend.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

wha?? how did we miss this yesterday.
Mommie has been very forgetful.

You look sooooo sweet sitting there with your mommie.
Some day... when you come back to this side of the world again, you will have a house with a fireplace :-)

we hope you are having a happy week-end

Anonymous said...

I miss having my fireplace in my apartment. It is always so welcoming. Great photo and have a good weekend.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh Merlin would gladly share his furs with you DragonHeart, but that fire sure looks cozy. And being in Mama's lap. Wonderful! Purrs and Purrs.

Love and Scritches to you!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You sure look warm an happy onna lap by the fire!

The Big Thing has been planning a mantle fer our firplace, but with lotsa fancy edges. After lookin at yer's though, he is reconsiderin. It looks so perfectly solid!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful and comforting shot!

Anonymous said...

So nice and cozy :)

The Cat Realm said...

Dragonheart you can teleport over anytime and sit in front of my fireplace!!!

Heather said...

What a perfect shot!

Heather said...

What a perfect shot!

YTSL said...

Hi Dragonheart --

Looks like you were so intent on being snuggly that you weren't too camera-friendly, for a change! ;b

MaoMao said...

Oh, wowie! that fireplace looks so nice and cozy, and you look comfy on your Mom's lap!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. How nice that you were able to spend a wonderful vacation with your humans. I'm sure you had a great time. Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog.

PastormacsAnn said...

Fireplaces can be so wonderfully hot! Nice choice for The Hunt. Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dragonheart, what a lovely place -- and such a cozy-looking fire! And you and your Mom look so happy and cuddly together.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good place to relax. (= have a fun day!

Patricia said...

That looks like such a lovely fire, too. Thanks for stopping by to see what is hot on Pollywog Creek.

SabineM said...

Chateau D'Oex is where I learned how to ski, my grandpa had a chalet there.
There is also a great HOT AIR balloon Festival, I think in February, every year!
Nice comfy photo!

Tyler said...

My mommy bought her condo because it had a fireplace. I know what you mean about enjoying the warmth. It actually gets TOO hot for me. But it does feel good on a cold night. I can't wait to share it with my kitten brother and sister when we start the first fire.