Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Search Phrases

Thursday Thirteen

It's been a while since I took a look at the search phrases people use to find my blog, so this week I present:

#45 - 13 Search Phrases Used to Find my Blog

  1. Free digital scrapping cat paw - I have featured a bunch of digital scrapbooking layouts on my blog, but no free cat paws

  2. Snapped curly cat whiskers - hmm, maybe they need to visit Caesar and Princess, Miss Peach, Daisy, or Ruis - they are all curly cats

  3. hairless kitten wrinkly face - we Sphynx are proud of our wrinkles! They are highly desirable

  4. german word for cat nip - this one is easy, it's Katzenminze

  5. Whirlybird template - the Whirlybird is a very fun toy, but I don't know of any Whirlybird templates

  6. Sphynx cat sweater - I have worn sweaters before. I've outgrown them all now, so I need to get my mom to crochet some new ones for me

  7. cat poop stuck to bum - I have to admit, this has happened to me. *blush*

  8. Confesions beautiful bum - well, they spelled confessions wrong, and I don't know about my bum being beautiful, but I don't think I want to know what they were really looking for

  9. White oriental cat blogger - I think they are looking for Luxor!

  10. Dragonheart 2 - as far as I know, there's only one of me!

  11. History of Canadian Thanksgiving - I did discuss this, back in October, when Canadian Thanksgiving took place

  12. Cat's name in Austin Powers - Mister Bigglesworth, played by the Sphynx actor Ted Nude-Gent

  13. Friends episode with hairless cat video - I have never seen this episode, but from what I hear, I certainly don't want to. I guess the Sphynx in this Friends' episode isn't a very nice cat, which totally misrepresents the breed. Sphynx are very loving, friendly, outgoing, charming and loving cats. I don't know why some people feel it's okay to make fun of us, just because we don't look like "normal" cats.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is very interesting information.
I really think "Dragonheart" is very unique, it would be the only search phrase result in my heart so always.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dragonheart! It was fun to read about the search phrases that have led to your blog, and your great comments! :-D

And I agree, that "Friends" episode sounds downright silly. You are one of the sweetest, most loving kitties I know -- Sphynx are delightful! :)

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Zenmomma said...

I have never met a Sphynx in person. This thirteen tells me a little more about them.

"Cat poop stuck to bum" ROFL


Maybe one day when I'm not too busy, I'd try searching for this.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is very interesting to see how people find us. We have started to keep a list of ours. Some are obvious, but some are just plain weird!

Daisy said...

Those are some funny ones! It always amazes me the strange things people search for. I had one this week for "Girl sniffing ear wax." Yuck!

Anonymous said...

Hi, that was much fun to read!

Ramses said...

Oh those are some funny ones fur sure! :)

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Humans have always made "fun" of things that are different. Weight, different color skin, nationality, ethnic heritage, handicaps -- the list goes on and on. So needless to say Sphynx would be no different. At least you are not being drown or burned at stake because they think you are a witch, which is what black cats had to suffer through. (And they think they are a superior species? Right....)

Parker said...

Dragonheart 2 "the movie" HaHaHaHa!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We saw dat Friends episode. Dey was making fun of da cat, no wonder he was cranky. Dad made da comment dat it must be a furry smart cat cuz dey trained it to hiss on cue. Everytime Rachel tried to touch it, it would hiss. We know dey had to train it to do dat cuz yoo are furry sweet and loving, now Zippy on da other hand...

Mickey's Musings said...

Beans are silly and at times some are mean. Your friends in the blogosphere are the best and so are their beans!!
Have a fun day :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

Beans are weird!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You should be proud of your wrinkles. They are very handsome!

Love and purrs, Prinnie

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh how embarressings - cat poop stuck to bum. I feels for you, its happeneds to me too. Neat phrases for a search, I's will have to try and see whats mine might be.

Forty Paws said...

Those are interesting search phrases!

Luf, Us

LZ said...

You know, TV and movies misrepresent so many things about animals. Lady & the Tramp still has people convinced meezers are MEAN. Its not fair but I guess its just ignorant people who accept everything they see on TV.

(my biggest search is my image of the camel cricket. I must get 15 hits a day just for that!)

tanabata said...

Those were fun to read! LOL. Your blush made me smile. :)

Darla said...

Well, at least most of those make sense. Sometimes it's really hard to figure out a) what the person was hoping to find, and b) why my blog turned up on the search results.

jenianddean said...

I always get a kick out of reading those. It's so funny what people search for that bring them to our blogs. Great TT!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

PS Don't be embarrassed about the pooh on the bum thing, it happens to the best of us.

The Meezers or Billy said...

those are interesting. all we usually get is just "meezer".

no you would not want to watch that "Friends" episode, it was mommy's least favorite (she said all the others except the one where Joey and Chandler lose Ross's baby on the bus are tied for 2nd least favorite).

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Those are all very interesting phrases and only one - about cat poop stuck to your bum - is embrassing. Not bad! Are you sure there are not two of you? That could be kinda fun!

The Furry Kids said...

#8 askeers me a little. :)


Anonymous said...

I need to go back and look up what sorts of interesting phrases are in my searches. I haven't done that lately. I am hoping for more cat worship phrases!

Tybalt said...

"Confesions beautiful bum" . . . oh, I am still snickering about that one! Another great job, Dragonheart. I loved reading it!

Artsy Catsy said...

We think your wrinkly face is wonderful! Your interesting post made us go look at the search terms people use to find Artsy Catsy ... and one of them was 'Debbie does farm animals' ... WHAT?? Who is Debbie?


Siani said...

Great list, Dragonheart. If anyone makes fun of you, let me know, and I'll set my vicious Leo on them! Happy TT!

My list of thirteen bizarre phobias is up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.

PB 'n J said...

What a strange mix of searches! Don't worry some times we get "poo pants" it's embarassing, at least you don't have to have all you long fur pants cleaned in sink!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

That is all very interesting I need to figure out how to check this out for my own blog!

Anonymous said...

Those are great search phrases and most are really funny. We have not met any Sphynx kitties but you are very handsome and nice mancat.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Number 8 is making me LOL.

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

It's fun to read your interesting post! I like cats too. But we have a doggie...
My TT is up also!
<3, Amy in AZ

Unknown said...

That confessions beautiful bum one is very strange indeed!

Maybe your baby brother can wear the sweaters that are too small for you. Ohhhhh, I can't wait to meet him!

Denise Patrick said...

Very interesting list. One sometimes wonders how people find their way to your blog. I need to do this for mine one of these days.

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

*lol* but the most interesting question to us is number 8. what where they really looking for????

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those are weerd! We are gonna check ours to see if there is anything funny like those.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Cat poo on da bum????? Hahahhaha. But, of course, I should not laugh so hard...I have had some accy-dents on my baggy pants before.

-Dr Tweety

Chrissie said...

I think you are a sterling representative of your breed, Dragonheart. My mom has talked about getting another kitty, to keep me company. She thinks Sphynx are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It cracks me up how people find our kitty blogs. Some make no sense, but yet it leads them to us!

Samantha & Mom said...

Dragonheart, we like it when you tell us the search phrases people use to get to your blog! It is so fun and interesting.
Your FL furiends,

Nicholas said...

A strange collection! Why on earth would anyone search for #7?

Btw You have your Blogger preferences set so that commenters without Blogspot accounts can’t be linked back to their sites. I’m at and this week I’m #33 on the TT list.

Lux said...

That's strange that someone looking for me would end up in a different country! :)