Because I have no eyelashes, and no eyebrow whiskers, I tend to get goopy eyes. The goop collects in the corners of my eyes. My humans (especially my mom) clean the goop if they are around, but when they aren't, when I shake my head, the goop goes flying everywhere! It sticks on the floor, the walls, the bedding, etc. If it's not wiped up when it's fresh, it really sticks to the walls or the hardwood floors, and it needs to be scraped off! It doesn't come off easily at all.
- When I'm very dirty and in need of a bath, the oil that accumulates on my skin tends to rub off on anything that I lay on for any length of time. So the sheets, bedding, and even my mom's pjs all end up with my oil all over them, and need to be washed frequently!
- My teeth also get stained brown from the oil my skin secretes. When I groom myself, some of the oil from my skin gets transferred to my teeth, and discolours them.
- Being crepuscular, like all cats, I am most active at dusk and at dawn. At those times, I run through the house like a crazy cat, attacking my toys or anything that moves (including human ankles, or feet that are under the covers), and generally acting wild. My humans tend to call me "crazy cat" or "psycho kitty" at these times.
I have a very set routine in the morning. First, I wake up my dad with a gentle tap to his face. I am always very gentle, and just lightly tap him with my paw. If that doesn't wake him up, I breathe right in his face, and eventually that gets him up. While he uses the washroom, I sit at the top of the stairs, and meow for my breakfast. When he's done, we both go downstairs, and I am given my breakfast. I eat breakfast, then I do my crazy-cat routine described above. At this point, I usually curl back in bed next to my mom, but sometimes I amuse myself by running through the house and playing. When my mom gets up, I start meowing at her, and then I normally curl up in her lap while she eats breakfast. When she's done, I meow and meow, until she plays with me. We generally have a good playing session, and then I either go off and amuse myself, or else I curl up in her lap while she helps me with my blog, and then I usually stay there when she starts studying.
- I like to get up high. The higher, the better. Sadly, there are only a few places in the house where I am allowed to get up high. My mom doesn't have any photos of me up high, because the minute she grabs the camera when I am up high, I immediately jump down.
- I always like to be in the same room as my humans. If they are both at home, but in different rooms, I meow and meow. I want to be with both of them, so I don't like it when they aren't together! My meow is hard to ignore. As I've mentioned before, my meow sounds very much like that of a Siamese (which my mom says is due to my ancestry - my dam is a blue point Sphynx, and all pointed Sphynx have Siamese somewhere in their ancestry - it's how they introduced the pointed colours into the Sphynx breed).
Hi, Dragonheart!
Very interesting random things you have to tell us today!
It really would be interesting to see you on your high places. We also love it to have a high place. The best is on the bookshelf.And Luzie love to nap on the stair to have a good view on everyone and everything.
We also know this to be a "crazy cat".It is funny!
Have a nice day!
Oah Dragonheart,
I totally agree with you at No.6.
Because I do that a lot~!!!!
No. 7 is also mine behavior as well, I really can't seperate with my beans, either~~~~
Great picture as always~~
Oh my, I didn't know that you are such a chatterbox ! and if you meow like a siamese then you probably have the same meow as Arthur and that even a deaf would hear ! Poor humans !! When is your little brother arriving, I am soooo curious !
I'z so glad I'z not a Sphynx as I hate baths big time! ;)
Getting up on high places is a very good and fun hobby!
crepuscular: I've heard it maybe once in my life but basically it's a new word to me! "active during twilight".. I've got to use that one! I wonder how the baby will join/not join in the routine. It's going to be fascinating.
I guess bath night will be extra busy when your little brother comes to live with you! And your mom and dad will be buying more detergent to wash everything! How much longer til he comes?
Interesting facts, Dragonheart!
I made pics of Maia's first encounter with a decorated tree.
You have a very good routine for your days. That's important.
I know some of those things from before,but it is always nice toy know things about you. Maybe a high cat tree? Or some staggered shelves so you can get up high?
Take care,Purrs
What great stuff about you Dragonheart. It is really nice the way you wake up your dad so gently. We wake up our beans but we're kind of loud about it.
No one should ever ignore you Dragonheart!
How much longer until you get your brother?
Dragonheart - it's always interesting to learn more about you. Stray Kitty has decided that he likes to get high also. He's always jumping up on the kitchen cabinets or the shelves in mom's bedroom.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Your eye goobers could be made into Crazy Glue!
Sounds like you are a teensy bit spoiled, DH! Isn't it great?
Luf, Us
Jack does the crazy cat thing too only our beans call it "Turbo Kitten." Its his exercise routine. Thank you for sharing so many interesting things about yourself. We always like learning more about our friends.
Heh, HeBean found me on teh fishtank the other day. I made sure to move before he got the camera!
We call it "gloobies" and we get them too. I love it when I shake my head and the gloobie goes on the ceiling!
You are a lot like us when we were younger. It is really nice to remember those days long ago!
I get upset when my Mommy and Daddy are in seperate rooms. I can't make up my mind where to be!
Meowm and I love that you want both your humans in the same room! I like to be in the same room as my Meowm too!
We have "spaz" hours at our house to, hehe. :) I didn't do it after breakfast though until I got my little sister now we "spaz" together and play chase right after we eat in the mornings. ~Queen Snickers
I had no idea you didn't have any eyelashes...I bet that does allow your eyes to get watery and goopy. I love it when my kitties go into psycho mode because they are getting older and it is rarer and takes me back to the days when they were kittens!
Those were very interesting facts about you Dragonheart. Thank you for always being so insightful about your breed.
You are such an interesting cat DH!
How many days to countdown until Little Brother comes?
Sometimes you have to meow a lot to get your parents to know they aren't behaving the way they should to make you happy. I have to talk to my mom ALL the time to let her know how she is doing.
Thank you for doing 7 facts for Blue! They are all very interesting.
It is nice that you are so gentle with your humans and don't try bites or hair chewing to wake them up!
Enjoy your day!
We have Siamese in our background too so some of us sound like that.
Hi Dragonheart! Loved learning all about you. You sound like a lot of fun! Guy and you could do a psycho kitty thing together!
Dragonheart, I always like learning interesting facts about you. I do that breathing thing with my Mum too, I put my head really close to hers and if the whiskers don't wake her up then my breathing on her does : )
The last thing about you really slays me--Anela is the same way! She likes us to both be together in the same room. Why is this? :-)
I enjoyed reading your meme, Dragonheart! And hehehe at "crazy cat." I do the same thing, and Momma says "Mao's SPAZZING!"
Dorydoo likes to get up high -- we think of her as an arboreal kitty. There are places she can get up high and it's fine, but other places she's not allowed.
I bet you have a cool meow! I talk a lot, too, and I say MAO! MAO! MAO! MAO!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMaoMaoMaoMao!
Those are neat things about you, DH. We like #7 a lot. We didn't know you talked so much. hee hee It's super cute that you want everyone in the same room. Does it ever work?
I knew you looked a little bit like a Siamese :) If my mom found I was oily she's wrap me up in a sock forever and put me in the bottom drawer! Cato
those are great facts, dragonheart.
you do such a good job of teaching us all about who you are, and about the life experiences of sphynx kitties.
one more thing, was looking for your email address to ask your mom about her help with learning photoshop. somewhere along the way, mom saw your mom tell someone that she (your mom) had a good tutorial. (how's that for oblique?) will your mom share it with us? antoniamaritima at gmail DOT com
Crepuscular is an excellent word. Purrs FAZ
Thank you for sharing Dragonheart - those are very cool things! We especially like the "crazy cat" part - we do that all the time (it's gonna be way more fun when your brother gets there!).
I learned a lot abouts you today. Da goopee tingz on da wall sound like some fun fur your momee to clean up!!! I wish I could goopee on da wallz...dis would teach da momee to not go away without tellin' my frendz!!!!
I'm not one for high places. I'm a talker though. The mombean and I have conversations --- especially when its time to eat!
Sounds like you're a real chatterbox. Love cats that talk. Except when they talk all the way through a murder mystery that's just unraveling... But I'm sure you wouldn't do that!
We actually have lots of fings in common. No. 5 is lots of what we do acept mom goes off to work when she'd rather be home studying wif us sittin on her lap.
We'z really late today! We always like learning more about you and soon about yoor little brother! You'll hafta teach him about da yowling and da wakeup stuff.
We love learning new stuff about you Dragonheart! Your brother should be coming soon, too! We bet you are so excited! Crazy cats is what we do also.
Your FL furiends,
Willow and I both do the "crazy cat" thing but generally I talk more and she goes up on high places more. In fact, she jumped up tonight on the entertainment center and knocked down and broke one of our Lady's glass vases. Luckily no one got cut by the glass.
Purrrrrs, China Cat
P.S. I loved your nip movie yesterday!
Very interesting post about you, Dragonheart! I'm impresse that you want your humans be together in the same room! Really you have a big big affection for them!
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