Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Bath Time!

Cats on Tuesday I finally managed to convince my humans to take some photos of me during my weekly bath. As I've mentioned before, like all Sphynx, I need to be bathed regularly. In my case, about once a week. Sphynx groom themselves just like other cats, but our tongues can't keep up with the oil our skin secretes. Since we have no fur for the oil to distribute itself through, the oil builds up on our skin and can cause problems if it's not regularly removed through bathing.

Dragonheart being bathed
I don't enjoy my baths, but I tolerate them. Basically, I just sit in the tub and let my humans wash me. I only start to complain if they are taking too long. In that case, I will start to meow, to let them know that my bath has gone on long enough.

Dragonheart being bathed
After my bath, when my mom is drying me with a warm towel, I usually start to squirm, because I want to be out of the bathroom and have my treat of extra stinky goodness!

Dragonheart being bathed
In the first two photos, my dad is holding me; in the last two, it's my mom. Normally, my dad holds me while my mom washes me. They took turns holding me this time for the photos.

Dragonheart being bathed(Click any photo to view a larger image)


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah, Dragonheart,
You said "I don't enjoy my baths" is a very gentle saying~! I am so admiring you could standing there.
Not me, I am crazy loud crying and crying and cryinggggggg~!!!!!
You are so much better ~!!!


Well, at least your bath is finished now~!! Have some stinky goodness now~!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Oh you poor guy! If you ever need to run away, you know that Italy isn't far from Germany. You can always hide with us.

Much love,
Opus and Roscoe
ps. You do NOT look happy in those photos!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Brother Dragonheart...I am so glad you will stop over and have tea with me at my cottage. I know you are 9 hours ahead of my pacific time zone so I will serve tea till late at night and early in to the next morning for you and Opus & Roscoe. Please dress very warm for the trip and I will have a nice fire glowing when you arrive:)
Hugs and purrrs Peach

Ramses said...

Oh boy I'z won't even go in the bath when there's no water in it! Tigmut'hep has to have a bath every now and again though and doesn't seem to hate it that much... Plus as many of you know Isis is silly and stubborn and likes hanging out in the bath and will even stay in it when Mummy runs the shower! But then again my 'sis is strange... ;)

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you are so good to sit still for your bath! I guess you got used to it when you were little. But I would be very upset if anyone tried to give me a bath. It is very good that you stay so clean and well-groomed. Maybe you can take baths with your new baby brother together!

Andree said...

You are so calm during your bath! And your dad handles you so gently, it is so obvious. But you're so calm: I can't get over it! Have a wonderful COT!

Luna und Luzie said...

Oh, poor Dragonheart, you are so patient there in the bath. I think your mommy and daddy are very careful with you.

Have a nice day!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Holy...yoo don't look like yoor enjoying it. Maybe it will be more fun wif yoor baby brother? The two of yoo can play in the bathtub and splash all over yoor mom and dad!

Anonymous said...

oh yes ... bathing. my momma's aunti tried that only once. for heavens sake i managed to stay nearly dry unlike her *snicker*.

you're a realy brave guy, taking a bath every week. i now understand why you are called 'dragonheart' ;).

The Misadventures Of Me said...

You do's looks likes you don'ts like it too too much. Hurry and gets some stinky goodness nows!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
O, Dragonheart, u's so brave.
Purrs, KC

Mickey's Musings said...

While a bath may be necessary for you,I'm glad you get rewarded very well.Even starting as a kitten,I can see why you still do not like it! I know I wouldn't.

Anonymous said...

I know you must be more used to it than other cats but you look so calm being bathed. I would have claw marks all over me. I hope you get lots of rewards because you sure are a good boy.

Gattina said...

DH you are a real good cat ! and you don't even scratch ! We bathed once Arthur when he was still a kitten without any problem but when later he was so dirty with oil spots we had to do it again it had been a nightmare ! He suddenly had a force like 10 furious tigers jumped out of the tube and disappeared ! Only hours later he came back ! Now when he is really dirty I wash him in the sink (with gloves), lol !

Parker said...

I give you a 4 tail salute! I really think I would lose my kitty mind if I had to have a bath every week. I know that you are used to it, but Wow, just, wow!

Chance said...

Iz srry u has to takes bath all da tyme. I do not lykes water. Water fur drinks, not cleanin.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You don't look like you're enjoying it much Dragonheart. Mum sez we're weird cuz we like water. When the Beans have a bath, Flynn likes to sit on the edge and watch, and he bats the water with his paw. I like to get in with them. Well not right in. I like to lie on their tummies and let my paws and tail float. They complain then because they say they have got all furry.

Tybalt said...

You are very brave to be so calm and patient during a bath! I don't think I would handle it well at all myself. I am sure there would be claws and yowling involved for me.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

::shudder:: You are very brave to be standing in that much water. I won't even go near the tub.

Tara said...

Hmmm...you don't look real happy there.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Dragonheart, even when you're mad you are cute!

Laura W said...

Ha! I love the look of consternation on your wrinkled forehead in the last photo.
Do not worry...ML has a valid CO license. And she is a very good and safe and neurotic driver.
But still.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad that you tolerate your bath. I do not tolerate water at all. Period. End of line.


Milton said...

I've never had a bath! Mine mombean doesn't like baths either. She likes showers, and so do I! I have to check the water when she turns it on to make sure that its the right temp, and after she gets out I jumps in to make sure all the water goes away.

I'm a helpful guy like that.

Aloysius said...

Your humans are very patient and they certainly take good care of you. Still, you do look quite put out in that last picture!

Sunny's Mommy said...

You are such a good cat for putting up with bathes once a week!

LZ said...

Oh you're so good!! I've had exactly one bath. I tolerated it but I can see how you'd want to be nice and clean. Chase needs to bathe his ears I think, he has oily buildup and the LL has to clean them all of the time. What good servants you have, it looks like they have a gentle touch.


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You are one brave kitty to get in all of that water and let them put soap on you. We refuse baths and laugh at our woofie brothers when they get them. A bath is defintely not something that looks like fun!!

Unknown said...

Wow Dragonheart, you are much more tolerant than I would be! I think you do a very good job having your bath. I have never had a bath "on purpose" - I have slipped my tail and back legs in my Mum's bath while I was snoopervising.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I take my baths about once a month in the sink. It helps my momma's asthma so I tolerate it. That way I can sleep with her. It also helps me with furballs and puking so thats good too. If Empress ever starts wanting to sleep with us or get in Momma's lap she will have to learn to take a bath like me.~Queen Snickers



WE have never had a bath and I hope Momma never plans to try to give us one...although Momma has had to wash off my bottom a few times and I don't like that at all.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart, this looks very annoying, I agree. Maybe you could talk your humans into skipping the bath and just giving you the stinky goodness.....

Sometimes mommie washes us with a warmie washcloth, especially our paws.
We think that probably all kitties should have some sort of bath, so you are very fortunate to have your very dedicated mom and dady do this for you.

Happy Day clean guy!

Leona said...

Dragonheart you really don't look too pleased in that last photo! At least you get some stinky goodness for your trouble.

The Furry Kids said...

Oh, man, you are one brave dude. But I do think you're giving them the stink eye in the last photo. heh heh


kuanyin333 said...

Dragonheart....you look as unhappy with your bath as Anela does with the rain! But I guess a little water is what you both needed. :-)

PB 'n J said...

Oh you don't look very happy! We hate getting baths, the good news is that it doesn't really happen very often. Sometimes if Pearl or I get "poo pants" (one of the down sides to long hair) Mommy and Daddy have to wrestle us into the sink, it's bad!

Hot(M)BC said...

Geesh, I came by earlier then Mom kidnapped the computer from me. Totally unfair.
I'd be playing phelbotomist (Mom spelled it for me) if someone bathed me. hehe You're a good guy to handle it so well, Dragonheart. Too bad you need baths a lot, but great you have good humans who are willing to do it for you.
your bud Pepi

Kimo and Sabi said...

We do not think we would like a bath.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I don't think I would like taking a bath either! You are such a good cat! Meowm thinks you are very cute standing in the tub!

The Devil Dog said...

You are so well behaved, Dragonheart. I would have tried to jump out of the tub a hlaf dozen times by now.


Anonymous said...


Your a very good kitty at bath time.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oooooh, a bath! Not for me! You are so good and calm.

MaoMao said...

Dragonheart, you are such a good kitty! So pashunt, and I'm glad you get rewarded with yummy stinky goodness!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

The Furry Fighter said...

oh my goodness - water!!!! you are very very very x 1million brave my sweet friend. you are so sweet looking - although you look a bit concerned in the last picture! by the way, when does your new brother arrive please? xxxx

Anonymous said...


Celeste said...

You do not look happy.

Anonymous said...

Poor Dragonheart! My kitties would hate to be bathed that often! I posted photos of when the kittens had to have an anti-ringworm bath, an they were NOT happy!

My kitten Blue has tagged you for The Seven Random Facts Meme. You may have done this one already, if so that is OK. But we would love to hear seven random facts about you!

Catzee said...

That am terrible! Poor Dragonheart!

Lux said...

You look like you're taking it all in stride, Dragonheart. My legs would be flying everywhere! :)

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad that I haven't visited you earlier... CCSI takes so much time that I have no time left to visit all my friends. I am sooooo sorry, Dragonheart.

I love your bath photos! And so good of you to tell and show it! Again it is unknown to many kitties and human beans that a cat with no fur needs a bath more than one with hair.

I understand you don't like it, but I am afraid you have no choice here. But don't forget you look even more handsome than before...!!:)

Anonymous said...

You have so nice dad and mom! You need a bath each week! So I think you are a nice guy because generally cats don't like too much water.

Anonymous said...

Oh....! they really hate that time.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Hmm, we can unnerstand why you need to take a baf and get used to it. We'e glad we don't, though.