Sunday, December 30, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Dragonheart grooming Merlin
Dragonheart: Sundays are good days to groom your little brother. We are becoming good friends, and don't like to be separated from each other. We are fed in separate rooms, but when we are done eating, I come up to the door to the kitten nursery and start meowing and meowing. When the little guy finishes his meal, he sometimes meows too, unless he's too busy playing.

Dragonheart grooming Merlin(Click either photo to view a larger image)

Merlin: The big Sphynx seems obsessed with cleaning my ears! He likes to groom all of me, but he spends a lot of time on the ears. He really tries to get them clean. I don't mind it when he starts, but after a while, it gets to be a bit too much, since he keeps grooming and grooming and grooming. If I wasn't already bald, I'm sure he'd be licking my fur off! The big Sphynx also likes to disturb me when I'm using the litterbox. Twice in the past two days I have needed to be bathed because he's disturbed me when I'm doing my business, and so I've stepped in my poo and gotten poo all over my tail, legs and feet. And then the poo has gotten on the floor, the stairs, and the bedding. I wish he would let me use the litterbox in peace! Otherwise, I really like it here. I have lots of fun toys to play with, a big brother to wrestle with, and two humans to curl up with and purr for. The big Sphynx and I both sleep with the humans at night, and I really like that. I love to burrow under the covers, or curl up in an armpit! The humans really like my purr too! I even purr when the big Sphynx grooms me.


Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I haven't been blogging this past week so this is my first look at Merlin and he is absolutely adorable! You guys are lucky to have each other as brothers! I was surprised to see how big Merlin is all ready! I really like the pictures of Dragonheart grooming Merlin, so cute!

Luna und Luzie said...

Good Sunday morning to Dragonheart and Merlin.
I´m glad to hear that they become friends. These pictures are too sweet. Dragonheart is a good big brother...except the litterbox disturbs.
Habt ihr schon mal über ein 2. Katzenklo nachgedacht ???
Einen schönen letzten Sonntag 2007 !

Leslie said...

Oh you two are so gorgeous! I love seeing the photos!

Daisy said...

I knew you would be a good big brother, Dragonheart! It's so wonderful that you have a little buddy now.

The Furry Fighter said...

it is great that you two have hit it off - i am always amazed when i see two complete stranger cats make friends! my Bean had 4 that Went Before, they all hated each other and never got to be friends! maybe the age difference was too much between them, there was about 3 years between each cat.

Millie said...

I am so glad to hear you guys are getting to be best friends.

Mickey's Musings said...

No doubt about it! You two are becoming fast friends. That is so good. have fun today!!
Purrs Mickey

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think Dragonheart uses his own way to show his good intention.
But, not very easy to realize~! I think he just showing nice to wash your ear, but maybe you aren't used to wash so long.
So, maybe when you think too long, Dragonheart might upset~~ Because he is showing his good but your accept way is different~~

I think that is ok~!!!
I am glad you are friends now~~ most of the time :>


Team Tabby said...

Wow, you two became buddies really fast. That's wonderful! I don't think we will ever be best 'buds' though. We do get along fine, but each of us has our own space.

Mindy & Moe

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart it is a very nice thing to groom your brother. I always groom Molly and she me.

Merlin, you are really nice to let your brother groom you. It is only for your own good even if it does annoy you some.


Forty Paws said...

We're so happy that the introduction is going so very well for all of you!

Luf, Us

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Awwww that's so sweet!!! Isn't it gurreat, Merlin, when you have a big bro to groom you and look out for you??


Dragonheart, it's good to regularly groom your lil bro. I like to groom Marie by holding her down so that I can show her who's boss. ;)


DH, you are a wonderful big bro. It took me MONTHS to be willing to touch either of my lil siblings, and only recently to decide that it's ok to groom Marie as a sign of affection.


The Meezers or Billy said...

you're a wonderful big brother- and we knowed that you would get along just great!

The Devil Dog said...

You are so sweet, Dragonheart, keeping your broter clean. I don't really like being away from Lucky either. Hey Merlin, Lucky tends to stick her head under my behind when I am peeing (can she not see what I am doing?) and sometimes gets her head washed. Then mom has to wash her. hahahaha. Siblings can be like that.


Boy said...

Wow! Dwagonheart, you're a weawwy nice big bwother!
Merwin, wooks wike you've found yourself a wonderful forever home!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures of you brothers are so precious! We admire Dragonheart, he's a wonderful brother!

Nermal, Nico, Virgil, & Maggie

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that the two of you are enjoying each other. I've never had a sibling, but I bet it is fun!!

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh, Dragonheart, look at what a wonderful big brother you are and, Merlin, you are so adorable! Now my mom is making "I want a Sphynx" noises again, so I suppose I'll have to shave all my furs off or she'll be bringing in more staff!


Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout does the litterbox ambush on Scooby all the time. And Scout is the young one!!
What precious pictures! We just knew DH would be a great big brother!

Anonymous said...

Awww you two look so adorable. I'm glad things are going well.Have a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Dragonheart, it looks like you are being a fantastic older brother. I am glad you like the little guy.

Although watch the litter box stuff okay, that can be a cat dominance sort of thing--scaring the other cat in the litter box. Have your humans read the book Cat Vs. Cat. It's mostly about cats not getting along but she does talk a lot about subtle cues when cats are playing I'm a bigger cat than you are games--so it's useful even if you like each other (mostly)

Samantha & Mom said...

That is so cute of your grooming Merlin Dragonheart! We are so glad you that you are so close!! Happy Sunday!
Your FL furiends,

Christine and FAZ said...

Merlin, It's good that you have a big sphynx brother to take care of you even if he does sometimes appear a little bit over enthusiastic. Don't forget Dragonheart is used to living on his own without a little friend in the house. FAZ

The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahahahahahaha - we might have another Baby Mao here, with all the poo everywhere, hahahahahahaha!
I am so happy you two are getting along! I have to admit: I like to clean ears too for looooooooong times!!! Emil never holds still for it, though.... but I did it with Anastasia and she never minded it....
You two look very cute together, I am glad you have each other now!
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!
Und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!
Your friends from The Cat Realm

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You two are so adorable and we are so happy that you like each other.
Dragonheart, you are really loving your little brother! we hope that soon you will feel he is big enough to do things with out your overly caring watchful eyes. We think that will be soon, as using the litter box does get sort of dull after a while.

You two make a very good team!
These pictures are making Blizzie squeal with delight and happiness!

purrrs, Caesar

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh rats, I knew I wold forget!
We love the meow when we leave your page!! very cute!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very cute, you two!! I think this wee lad is bringing out your maternal side old boy!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

The brothers are sooooo adorable together. It's great to see that you have hit it off.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wowie, we can't beleeve dat yoo two are getting on so well already. We knew you'd be a good big brofur and dat litter box thing, well, Speedy likes to watch us gerls do our bizness and Zippy hates it...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We're glad you are both getting on so well already. If we are outdoors going for a walk, Flynn pounces on me when I poop. He never does it indoors though. He thinks it's funny to interupt me half way through and make me run.

TorAa said...

The 2 of U. Prruuuu.

What we we say, we are Tailess and you are more or less fur-less.

Wish you both a Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

It's really nice to see that you guys get along so well. I missed Merlin's homecoming. My Lady was "too busy" to let me blog. Happy Holidays though.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Those pictures and too sweet! I love the way Dragonheart takes care of his brother...

Cheers and Happy New Year!


jenianddean said...

Dragonheart you are a super good big brother. I'm glad you all are becoming fast friends.

Merlin- you are so cute!! ::kisses:: My sister Maggie loves to groom all of us. It's just something you have to get used to.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Oh so cute! My momma can't hardly stand it! It's so fun to have a play mate, Empress and I are growing closer by the day. I didn't realize it would be so much fun! She climbed into bed with Me, Momma AND Daddy this morning and curled up. Yea for families!

Jan Price said...

What a wonderful siblings picture. It's great you two have adapted so quickly and get along so well.

Happy New Year!
jans funny farm

Sunny's Mommy said...

Awww, how sweet :-) I'm so glad you've become friends.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

What a sweet, sweet big brother you are, Dragonheart!
We love that picture :)

~ The Bunch