Since I've had some questions about Pointed Sphynx, I decided I would provide you all with some information about Pointed Sphynx today.
Pointed Sphynx have the same colour pattern as Siamese, Himalayans, and other pointed breeds. This pattern is known as the Himalayan pattern. Pointed Sphynx have Siamese somewhere in their ancestry - it is where the pointed colour pattern comes from. For many years, Sphynx were cross-bred with other short-haired breeds to establish the breed and develop a wide gene pool.

I am a Seal Point and White Sphynx. That means my points (face, ears, legs and tail) are Seal Point in colour, and I have white patches interspersed throughout. You can most easily notice my points on my nose, the bridge of my nose, and the edges of my ears. Unlike many Sphynx, my ears are essentially naked, so there isn't a lot of colour there (most Sphynx have fur on their ears, so the points are more noticeable there). The colour of the fur on the bridge of my nose isn't a dark seal point colour because of the "and white" portion of my colouring. So my nose colour, and the fur on the bridge of my nose, is a mix of seal point and white colouration.
Since I'm still a kitten, the points on my legs and on my tail are very subtle. If you look closely, you can see that there are slightly darker than the rest of my body. It's hard to see in photos though. The points on my legs and feet are most noticeable when you can contrast them with the white patches (which are pink skin in a Sphynx). You can see this in the photo below.

The CFA Breed Standard has this to say about Pointed Colours in Sphynx:
POINTED PATTERN: point restricted colors show little or no color contrast between body and points in the mature Sphynx. Although born very light in color, the pointed Sphynx will darken and appear solid in color as an adult. Eye color: vivid blue. Nose leather and paw pads: appropriate to coat color. The pointed pattern may be combined with ANY other pattern (except mink) and ANY colors, e.g. lilac-silver lynx point and seal-tortie point with white (shown in the Bi-Color Class).I hope this helps you understand a little bit more about the pointed colour in Sphynx. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
P.S. Some have commented that Merlin's colouring is sort-of like a snowshoe Siamese. Well, sort-of. Unlike a snowshoe, his white patches are found in various places across his body, not just restricted to certain areas. For example, Merlin has a strip of white across the top of his front shoulders / behind his neck. His sire and dam were also "and white" pointed Sphynx, with his dam being a red point and white, and his dam a blue point and white.
Thanks for telling me the information of Pointed Sphynx, Merlin~!! You are also a very beautiful Sphynx.
I think the keypoint that I could recognize you are a Pointed Sphynx, it's because you have blue eyes and that beautiful pointed at your face~!!!
I am so happy to know different kind of Sphynx from your family~!!
Thank you for open my vision~!!
Hope you and Dragonheart have a great new year~!
It will be a great NEW year to you both~!!!
And I am happy looking forward to it~!
A very good lesson, Merlin. And you have beautiful baby-blue eyes!
Happy New Year you gorgeous little sweetie - to you and your lovely brother!
That was very interesting Merlin - you are going to be as smart as your brother!
Happy New Year!
I always like to learn more about your breed :) I agree that you have nice blue eyes.
Purrs to Dragonheart,Merlin & your folks,
Nickey, Georgia & Tillie
Fanks for tellin us Merlin! We's learnin a lot from yoo as well as yore brofur Dragonheart. Way cool!
Happy noo yeer to yoo bof!
Alla Us
It sounds like your pointing colouration is more like that of a Snowshoe Siamese with the white patches... Dis cat colour genetics stuff is very interesting to My Mummy as she needs to be able to work out what possible colour kittens Isis could have with any perspective mate. She carries d'blue fur gene and might carry d'sorrel fur gene too as well as d'ususal or ruddy one! :)
Happy 2008!
So you're kind of like a! Sphynx are quite an amazing breed and I love learning more about them.
You have about 9 hours until Happy New Year!
We hope yours is fun and festive.
This is going to be the best eyar ever!
We are very happy that your mommie is so smart that she can help us learn these things about you. YOu are very cute and you and Dragonheart make a wonderuful kitty team!
purrrs, Caesar
Thanks for the info Merlin. We once knew nothing about Sphynx, but through Dragonheart and now you, we are learning more all the time. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Happy Meow Year my friends!
So cute the pics and thanks for his information.
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_______00______AÑO NUEVO____00
_____00___HAPPY NEW YEAR______00
Merlin, will your point colors come in more as you grow up? With Siamese, all kittens is borned white and then their points come in as they grow up.
you're really cute!
deer dh an merl,
happee noo yeer to u both from mickey an me!
It was good to learn more about you Merlin! I really like your blue eyes, I had blue eyes when I was a kitten too!
It sounds like Merlin's coloring is a little different from your typical Siamese....very interesting! Thank you for teaching us!
Happy New Year to all of you!
Wow, that's a lot of information on pointed sphynx'. I can't wait to watch you grow up to see what you look like.
Happy New Year!
That was very interesting to read about your colors. I definitely do think that you have some very beautiful blue eyes!
China Cat & I and our humans with a Happy New Year to all of you!
Purrrrrs, Willow
Ah so the genes for Merlin's white bits are not quite the same as a Snowshoe, but I'z fink I'z gotted the idea... Like all Siamese he's going to get darker as he gets older and you'll be able to see his points more clearly then as well as his white bits! :)
Well hello Merlin. All of Dragonheart's friends have been waiting for you to join his family and we're so happy to finally meet you! My, you're a very handsome guy.
We call your big brother "D" and we know he'll be a great role model for you. Soon you'll be best friends just like my brother Max and me!
Thanks for sharing that great info DH!
We hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year :)
Merlin, we just think you are cute! Hope that's okay, but we do love reading all about you.
Roxy & Lucky
Happy New Year (and enjoy the no snow)
Happy NEw Year, Dragonheart, Merlin and your beans!
Mindy & Moe
Thanks for the 'xplanation, Merlin. I thought that you had some snowshoe, but you cleared up the mystery about your coloration. You are furry goodlooking!
Happy New Year to you an' Dragonheart!
Thank you for sharing that neat information, Merlin. It sounds like you and Dragonheart are getting along pretty well. Siblings are so much fun. Well, sometimes. hee hee
Happy New Year to you guys and your mom and dad!
Happy New Year, Dragonheart and Merlin!
Have a Happy New Year! Love Henry, Clyde and Charlotte Helton!
We're getting a little nervous! The Big Thing shaves his face fur off efry day, and wile he was holdin his fur-shaver thingie he ast us what we looked like unner OUR fur...
Happy New Year to our favorite sphynx kittie brothers.
purrs and headbutts
Happy New Year guys!
Luf, Us
Wowie, what innaresting info about the pointed Sphynx, Merlin! And that's kool to know yur kolorin is similar to a Snowshoe Meezer -- that's what I am! hehe
Happy New Year to you and yur fambly! We wish you all the bestest in 2008.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Thanks Merlin for sharing with us about your coloring! You are such a cutie!! We are so glad you and Dragonheart are getting along so well!
We want to wish you, Dragonheart and your Mom and Dad a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Your FL furiends,
How fascinating! Merlin, you are such a smart young kittyboy! I love learning about your beautiful breed.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Merlin is gorgeous. Thanks for the information on his breed.
Happy New Year to you both!
Thank you for all the information about Pointed Sphynx, Merlin. I could see your points on your nose, ears and tail. I guess the legs will darken as you grow up, like Siamese do. I love the color of your eyes. Happy New Year!
You sure look pretty; that's all I know! :)
What a darling name for a darling little cutie! Welcome Merlin!!
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