As you can see in this photo (especially if you click to view a larger image), I have very small, tiny whiskers. All Sphynx either have no whiskers, or very short, sparse ones. I understand that whiskers are important to other cats, but we Sphynx get along just fine without them. We Sphynx do not suffer for our lack of whiskers. As to why, no one knows! But even when it is dark out, Sphynx have no problems getting around, we get our bearings easily, we don't bump into furniture, we don't try to fit into spaces that are too small for us, and we love acrobatics of all sorts. We are very agile cats. So this is one fact about Sphynx that remains a mystery!

As you can see in this photo (especially if you click to view a larger image), I have very small, tiny whiskers. All Sphynx either have no whiskers, or very short, sparse ones. I understand that whiskers are important to other cats, but we Sphynx get along just fine without them. We Sphynx do not suffer for our lack of whiskers. As to why, no one knows! But even when it is dark out, Sphynx have no problems getting around, we get our bearings easily, we don't bump into furniture, we don't try to fit into spaces that are too small for us, and we love acrobatics of all sorts. We are very agile cats. So this is one fact about Sphynx that remains a mystery!

Hey - great picture, and we love the quilt too!
I suppose if you're hairles then you would not have whiskers like other cats. Whiskers or no whiskers, you are a handsome fellow! Happy weekend
Yes that is a mystery. Eric has very long whiskers as he has a widebody. I am more streamlined, so my whiskers are a bit shorter. We sent you an ecard the other day but see you haven't picked it up yet. Can you check it hasn't gone in your spam folder.
Awwwwwwww, this photo melts my heart. I say, I really don't care about the whiskers, I just wanna hold you and hug you and love you! You're so so sweet.
My sister Pixie has only a few little whisker stubs left. Mine are starting to get brittle and break off too. I agree, you don't need 'em!
What a nice picture!!!!!!
That is also a great take on SMALL :)
Maybe the beans need to do more research about the function of whiskers ;)
Dragonheart - small is not the word for today! The second part of CCSI is up and it's YOUR day! What a GREAT performance you gave! And it was wonderful to work with you.
Whickers are alright, but man BabyBean has a firm grip. o_0
After a long long time with small or without whiskers, I believe Shpnix will develope your own very high technique skills and wonderful feature to be any condition environment~!!!! So, you are amazing to me~!!! You are the envolution of cats.
Great photo~!!!!!
Dragonheart, we think you're magnificent whiskers or no whiskers. And anyway, we know lots of humans with whiskers who bumble around and bump into furniture and get stuck in small places, so whiskers are no guarantee of agility!
Handsome pictor of you Dwagonheart!
Well, you have very big ears - probably you can hear the furniture..
There is no mystery about you, You are a handsome mancat!
Are you starting to get excited about your bro-fur? He should be there soon, right?
Wow, Dragonheart--I didn't realize your whiskers were so small. You must have special magical Sphynx powers to prowl around in the dark! That is so cool.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Dragonheart you look very handsome and nice to know you get along fine with your very small whiskers. You certainly don't need them to look good.
I think you are a highly evolved cat Dragonheart. I am so dependent upon my whiskers!
I think whiskers are highly over-rated...
You look fab!
Who needs whiskers anyway? :) Beautiful picture!
adorable still..thanks for sharing. Mine is up at 4Seasons Of My Life
and 2Cents Worth . Hope you can visit me too. Happy Hunting !!!
You obviously have great instincts so you don't need large whiskers ;-)
Great photo, as usual.
Wow you barely have any whiskers at all! If you hadn't mentioned it, I probably wouldn't have noticed though.
I really must get me a Sphynx. My cats keep poking me in my eyes with their whiskers. Lovely pic, as ever, Dragonheart. Have a nice, purry, snuggly weekend!
My pics are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.
You look wonderful in your role of the Easter Bunny, Dragonheart. Great acting job.
Jan's Funny Farm
You are right. Those are some small whiskers. I have super long whiskers. Mom says it's because I have a lot of floof!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
That's a beeyootiful pickshure of you, Dragonheart. You are so handsum!
Whiskies vary a whole lot, don't they? Brainball's got the longest whiskies Mom has ever seen on a kitty!
You did a great job in the CCSI episode today. Me and alla the othur Ballicai were on the edge of our seaties!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
I'm so relieved to hear your Secret Paws package made it to you all right, Dragonheart, I was starting to worry it had got lost! It is not the biggest package but I hope you like it!
Sphinx are special in so many ways. As you say your ears may make up for your whiskers. They take quite a big of grooming which I can do without. Purrs FAZ
Love the picture! Maybe with not having hair you do not need the extra "zoning area" of long whiskers.
I am only suppose to be in my fenced in yard without my bra (harness) and leash. Other than there, I adorn my bra. That is why I am in trouble right now, I have been escaping my yard to play in the woods. Bad ME. Purrs, Pepper
Those are very short!
My Photo Hunt is up too! :)
Your explanations really made me thought Sphynx is a mystery. Good shot too.
I have something small to show you too. I hope you can visit me
here. Happy weekend.
That is a very unique characteristic, DH. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great weekend! :)
I had to biggify the piccy and couldn'ts help to notice that you also has small curly ear hairs. Mommy beans said that it was very cute.
Your whiskers are very small, but you are so handsome! That's a great photo.
Wow, ya sure do haf SMALL whiskers, but makes sense. We jus nefer noticed that before.
We haf real long whiskers (which Skeeter has made a bad habit of usin to tickle The Big Thing awake at night wif lately).
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