Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Potential New Blog Names

Thursday Thirteen

As I mentioned before, when my little brother arrives, we are going to have to share this blog. So I asked for suggestions for a new name for the blog. Here are 13 of the suggested names. Tomorrow I will share my favourite and announce the winner(s) in the blog name contest. Feel free to tell me which name you like the best in your comment!

#46 - 13 Potential Blog Names

  1. The Mystical Musings of the Sphynx
  2. Sublime Sphynx Siblings
  3. The Sphynx Catacombs
  4. The Riddle of the Sphynx
  5. Sphynx Stories
  6. The Sphynx Brothers
  7. Simply Sphynx
  8. Chat Aux Magic
  9. The Secrets of the Sphynx
  10. The Naked Truth
  11. The Word of the Sphynx
  12. Magical Sphynx
  13. Dragonheart's Domain (ie. keep the same name!)
Three of the above-mentioned names are among my favourites, but I would like to know what your favourites are!


Around Your Wrist said...

here at the fuzz factor, we like 'the naked truth'.

keeping 'dragonheart's domain' would certainly set up the pecking order in your house. maybe you want to do that?

we'll wait with some excitement to see what you pick!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Thank you dear Dragonheart for your visit to my tea today! I hope you were warm enough.
Those are very good new name selections. I left you two but can not remember them:)
Love Peach

Di said...

Before you decide, I think you should visit this blogger's TT:

It's anagrams of her blog name...I think you should pick whichever name has the coolest anagrams!

Leslie said...

I would like to see you keep your name. It is simply stunning and can't be beat. Cats share blogs all the time. Look at me and Trixie on topcatrules.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I choice 13. the best, keep it~!
Or, 7. is not bad, but I don't wanna change~!(that's why I really can't come up good name suggestions)

Because you will protect and lead your brother :)
Besides, Dragonheart is a mighty name~!! (in my culture)

7. is good, if you really need to change~! I think it's just very clear and nice feeling~! Well~!! You are working very hard on names, hehehe~!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for number 4.


jenianddean said...

I really like The Naked Truth or Simply Sphynx. But which ever one you pick, I'm sure will be purrfect.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Daisy said...

Those are some great suggestions. I like The Sphynx Catacombs and The Riddle of the Sphynx.

The Naked Truth is very cute, but you might have visitors looking for something other than cats...

Parker said...

Oh, I still like Sublime Sphynx Siblings!
You must be so excited - just weeks before you have a sibling!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha ,we agree with Daisy. The Naked Truth is a good name, but you could get a lot of disappointed visitors. We like most of the suggestions and can't wait to see what you choose.

Ramses said...

Well I'z like Chat Aux Magic 'cause I don't wanna get "bopped" by Ramses!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We like the Naked Truth if you change the name of your blog. We think Dragonheart's Domain has a very nice ring too it.

Congrats on the new brother. We can't wait to meet him.

Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh.

PS Mommy did her TT on December.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

The Naked Truth makes me giggles.

The Riddle of the Sphynx is one of my favorites too.

Mickey's Musings said...

So many fine names including the current one.The old saying "If is ain't broke....." But the choice is yours,I have not checked the site with anagrams yet.Might be interesting :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart!!! these are all such good names. We cannot decide!
WE are soo excited for your baby brother to come home and live with you. You are going to be the very best big brother ever!

Darla said...

"The Riddle of the Sphynx" is a classic--I love it!

And congrats on the little brother!

Anonymous said...

We like The Sphynx Brothers and The Naked Truth. Some may get the wrong idea with The Naked Truth though.

The Furry Kids said...

We like The Naked Truth. We can't wait til your brother gets there. We're so excited to meet him!

Monty Q. Kat said...

MomBean's worried if you use 'The Naked Truth' that you might get some...unusual search results.

I like The Brothers Sphynx.

maryt/theteach said...

I like Chat Aux Magic but shouldn't it be "Chats Aux Magic"? But I really like the Naked Truth...:)

My TT post is up at Answers to the Questions

LZ said...

I like #2, it just sounds right to me :). Of course you could always leave it the same too (like Tara did).


Anonymous said...

After the time devoted to building Dragonheart's Domain, it'd be a shame to stop using it.

Maybe "Dragonheart and New-Kitten's Domain" ?

Or create a separate Blogger blog for the new addition?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I like #6 and #10. Course, if I recall correctly, I created number 6, so how could I not like it.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

These are my top three but many are very cute:

Simply Sphynx
The Secrets of the Sphynx
The Naked Truth

Queen Snickers

Anonymous said...

At first I picked The Naked Truth yet I agree with Daisy.The The Sphynx Brothers is cute :)

Gattina said...

Not easy, but I would vote for n° 5 ! or keep Dragonheart and add the name of the little newcomer.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Those are all very good names. We have no idea how you will choose but we cannot wait til you reveal the new name!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we like Sphynx Stories and The Naked Truth, but our mommy said that if you use that name, you might get people looking for naughty stuff.

We do think though, that you should keep your same name, Dragonheart's Domain is an awsome name, and we will all know that your new brother will be posting too, so it would be ok.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like the Secrets of the Sphynx and keeping Dragonheart's Domain--after all it is still yours. But I do like Secrets!!!

Tybalt said...

I rather like Simply Sphynx, although I still think Dragonheart's Domain is a GREAT name.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We still think you should keep Dragonheart's Domain. Your domain includes your people and brother.
Otherwise Simply Sphynx or or Sphynx Stories.
Or Dragonheart and _____________ .
(We think you'd get weirdos & kooks if you used Naked Truth too.)

The Crew said...

What great choices. We like #9 the best.

Rian Fike said...

I think it should be called "Something Sphinx in Here."


13 Love Scenes:

Aloysius said...

Please don't give up Dragonheart's Domain! You have a great brand name there, and it's pretty hard to beat.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Very hard to choose, they're all good. But I think I like The Sphynx Catacombs best. Can't wait to find out what your new blog name will be!

PB 'n J said...

Here are our favorites:
The Riddles of the Shynx
Sphynx Stories
The Naked Truth

We can hardly wait to see which one you've picked (or to see your new brother for that matter!).

snowforest said...

We like 'Simply Sphynx' though all the names are good.

love from Snow & Forest :)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I rather like your present name. That's why I couldn't come up with a suggestion. Being old and set in my ways, yours will always be Dragonheart's Domain to me.

Janet said...

I like #5!

Denise Patrick said...

I like:
Sphynx Stories
Simply Sphynx
Magical Sphynx

but, I really would prefer you keep the name you have.

Happy TT!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Naked Truth!

Anonymous said...

I really like The Riddle of the Sphynx. I think it has a nice ring to it.

Irishcoda said...

Personally I like the Sphynx Brothers best

I also like Sphynx Sibs and Simply Sphynx

Kimo and Sabi said...

We fink you should keep da same name - that's whut Tara did when Kavan came along. There are perks to being first born!

The Devil Dog said...

Keep Dragonhearts Domain or Simply Sphynx.


Max said...

I think you should keep the name. You're the eldest, you should be #1, and thusly should the blog still have your name. But see, you're nice. I wouldn;t even share mine...

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Darn, darn, darn... with Mommy having a bad cold and all the hustle and bustle around here we never got to vote for a new name - sorry, DH. Of those suggested, we like "The Sphynx Brothers" and "The Secrets of the Sphynx" but actually we think the first one would be cool if you reversed it to "The Brothers Sphynx." Can't wait to hear your fave!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
O, Dragonheart, i's really likes tha name u's haf now. Dragonheart's Domain has such a nice sound to it.
Anyways, you'll make the right choice. Can't wait to see ur's baby brofur.
Purrs, KC

pee ess: i's agree wif Daisy about The Naked Truth

Rascal said...

Too many excellent choices. I'm glad I don't have to be the one to choose!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


It could still be your domain. You began it & can share it. I tink da Naked Truth iz cute, but mebbe Daisy iz right. You could haz lots of new kindz of visitorz.

damozel said...

How about "Sphynx Again, Sucka!" Just kidding. I love "Dragonheart's Domain," so I'm sad it's being changed, but "The Naked Truth" (as we here at "Buck Naked Politics" can attest) will get you LOTS of traffic. Some of it, you might not like, though...

Di's anagram idea is cool, though.


Phoebe said...

Nice to meet you! I vote for #3Sphynx Catacombs.

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot i like this.