Dragonheart's Toes:

Merlin's Toes:
As you can see from these photos, we Sphynx have paw pads that are thicker than the paw pads of most other breeds. Some say this gives us the appearance of walking on air cushions. In fact, the CFA Sphynx Breed Standard states:
Paws are oval with well-knuckled toes; five in front and four behind. The paw pads are thick, giving the appearance of walking on cushions.
I have to admit, I have never seen such paws as your's Merlin ! They look like painted. Very special !!
I agree with Gattina as well~
Merlin's paw is very unique~
But Dragonheart's toes seems younger to me, hehehe~~
Haha...Adan. Dragonheart's toes do look younger to me too :P Now I am worried about my Jon's paw pads on both hands. He is still recovering from the injuries from an unexpected brawl with the mafia of my place. It was a sudden attack from an intruder and I guessed that's the reason he refused to go outside the house anymore.
From the size and look of the big sized orange cat, he sure looked like a mafia with that fierce looking face. :(
Oh wow! I do not think I have ever seen your paw-pads up close before. They are really neat! I have multi-colored pads, too.
We agree, Merlin's pads do look very neatly painted. We think it is all the pink on Dragonhearts that make his look younger.
Cute toes, can I'z lick 'em?! ;) They'z look quite a lot like furless Aby paws, we'z gotted the same oval shape and they'z purrty much like little hands - which is very helpful when you'z wanna get in everything! ;)
Very interesting.
Felicia's paws are all black, and as a Manx the rear are very powerful. Rosa is black with som thin dusks of white. (Her father is very longhaired).
Their paw pads do look larger than most cats, I will have to inspect my Boot's paws just to compare...although I may be in for a biting I'm not sure she'll like it too much! Lol.
...no she reeeaaallly didn't like me doing that. Boot's paw pads are pink and black...she's washing herself in disgust with me now.
I never thought paws could be so different. My paws are not as well padded but I am so lazy that I mainly sleep. I do like to jump onto fences and roofs though.
Syrian kitties are very chatty!
Dragonheart looks like he has fingers instead of toes. Can he open food cans with those?
Those are some very adorable paw pads that both of you have!
You guys have the best toes! It does look like you have pillowy paw pads.
Merlin's really do look like little air cushions, very poofy but strong. And Dragonheart yours look so young.
Happy COT to you two fellows!
WOW!! I love those toes! Merlin certainly has very distinctive toes.Painted,like Gattina says.Dragonheart,your toes seem to have very little color.I guess you saved that for your body and that cute nose :)
Purrs Mickey
wow, Merlin you do haf seal point paw pads!
Merlin, mommy thinks your feets look like little human hands
both are very cute
Wow, that´s special. they are interesting and different. Lunas paws are violet and big. Dragonheart and Merlins paws looks large.
Cute pictures!
hugs and purrs !!!
That is a unique thing to look at..they are all so different. Black cats always have black pads but our calico cats are mostly pink.
You two have completely different pads, but that is what makes you special. Very cute toesies!
HA! "five on the front with four behind"......that reminded mom of years ago when the family went to Thunder Bay for a boys hockey tournament. One man asked us if we'd seen the new $2.oo coin. Queen Elizabeth on the front a polar bear on the back. He said: "The queen on the front, with a bear behind"
Your paw pads are so cool looking! I love them and Meowm wants to touch them!
What adorable paw pads you both have! Very unique!
Wow! Walking on cushions must be a gweat feewing! I wish I've got as much cushions on mine paw pads as you guys do!
I have never seen such cute puffy toe pads as you guys have! Thank you for sharing that - I hadn't realized your toe pads were so different than mine. Merlin's toe pads look like chocolate jelly beans!
OMG! When Maw first looked at DH's paw, she thought it was a hand holding something in the palm! It looked like there were fingers! Wowee! And yes, Merlin's paw pads are a very unique coloring.
Luf, Us
What fun photos! You have great paws!! Dragonheart, we gave you an award (you probably already got it but honor you again) - come see!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
At first I thought the first picture was Merlin's toesies because of all the pink. You all have very cute toesies!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh my goodness! Merlin has the most adorable paw pads!
Kellie said Merlin's pads look like chocolate jelly beans. They reminded me of tootsie rolls -- which happen to be one of my most favorite candies :-)
I also mistook Dragonheart's paw for a human hand at first glance. Maybe the Sphynx is a missing link between cats and humans? :-)
Merlin looks like he's picked up some paint somewhere and is ready to leave pawprints everywhere!
those are some precious looking pawsies..I do love those markings, like you have stepped in chocolate! xx
Those are the cutest toes I think I've ever seen!! They made the LL squeal! Thanks for sharing.
Merlin, your paw look like mine after momma puts them on an ink pad so paw print stuff. ~Queen Snickers
ps Don't worry momma uses safe inks. :)
The paws are so amazing looking! If they were my cats, I'd always be admiring them!
wow, what a beautiful brown paw! stunning :)
You have such cute toes and very different you two!
Very pretty paw pads. They look like they wold be so soft touching
It looks like Merlin stepped in melted chocolate.
That was a great shot of Merlin's toes!
Those are some seriously cute toes! The cushion thing is cool - we always thought you guys look like you were floating :-)
I would love to feel those toes curl around my finger. Must be a wonderful feeling!
Those are neat paws. Thanks for showing us.
Oh, those pads look so comfy.
jans funny farm
Wow, our pawpads are much more delicate-lookin than yours. You guys mus be able ta run around like crazy!
Wow, that's the first time we've really looked at your paw pads - it's fun seeing kitty paws without lots of fur. You both have handsome feet, along with the rest of you,
Gypsy & Tasha
Wow, Merlin's brown paw pads are just beautiful! I've never seen paw pads quite like that before.
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