Sunday, January 20, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Merlin: Dragonheart seems obsessed with cleaning my ears, so I decided to try cleaning his ears, to see what the fuss was all about. Cleaning them once was fine, but I don't see myself making a regular habit of it.

Merlin cleaning Dragonheart's Ears(Click photo to view a larger image)

Dragonheart: Yes, I let the little guy clean my ears. He did an okay job, for a kitten. Unfortunately, he didn't clean them well enough to keep our humans from cleaning them yesterday, when we had our weekly baths. I have to confess, I wasn't very good when I had my bath yesterday. Normally, I sit fairly quietly, and let my humans bath me. Merlin is the squirmy one. Well, yesterday, about half way through my bath, I tried to climb out of the tub by climbing onto my mom's back. That wasn't a very good idea, since my dad wasn't very happy with me after that. Our humans are wondering if Merlin's being a bad influence on me, since normally I'm such a good boy at bath time.


Leslie said...

Oh dear!

Mom had to wash me recently and I screamed BLUE MURDER! ANd the neighbors were outside the laundry window in their driveway.

I'm sure we heard them talking about calling the SWAT Team.

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, I think you are a very good cat to even let yourself get a bath at all. I think I would do a lot of scratching and biting if I had to get a bath. I don't think Merlin is a bad influence, but maybe now you have other things you want to do (like play with Merlin) so you are less patient with the bath?

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is very very touching Dragonheart,
finally after you do the cleaning Merlin's ear and he return~~~ So so sweet brotherhood!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It looks like Merlin was doing a good job with the ear cleaning. Hopefully with practice he will get better. Daisy is probably right, you have more important things than baths that you want to be doing now.

Kaz's Cats said...

That's a respectable first attempt Merlin - you'll get better as you bath Dragonheart's ears more often. As for the weekly baths...::shudder::...we think you've been very brave to have just one.


Gypsy & Tasha

Parker said...

I think you had playing on your mind instead of bathing!

Mickey's Musings said...

Somedays ,you are just not into the idea of a bath :)
Cuddles and play sound way more fun.Climbing yp your Mom's back sounds like fun too,heehee,but then you get your nails clipped ;)
Purrs Mickey

Tesla and Hansel said...

i wish i had someone to clean me! although, i don't think i could sit still that long.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no one ever cleans my ears! That is unfair! I want someone to do that for me, too!

Gattina said...

You know DH, you probably thought you were clean enough as your little brother cleaned your ear so nicely. You seem to be very happy about it, lol
(I have a WCB post)

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Sometimes the beans gotta understand that we's kittys will do as we want when we want. A bath is something we do's ourself so they should be happys that you's let's them give you one.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, he could be putting some ideas into your head that you wouldn't have thought of otherwise, but he's not a bad influence.

Tara said...

Yes, I think Merlin most likely influenced you on that. Kavan has influenced me in both good ways and bad. We kitties always learn from each other.

Love the new blog header by the way!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it is only fair to let Merlin practice on you Dragonheart!

We also loved your tribute to Caesar. We are just getting online this morning and were shocked to hear about him on Adan's blog!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, Merlin jus needs more practice; hes new at it!

Skeeter an I sure are glad we dont hafta haf water bafs, though! I dont mind splasin my paws aroun inthe stuff, or efen gettin rained on some, but bein soakin it is no fun...


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Merlin is doing well there! He is only a little boy. Don't talk to me about baths. I shudder at the thought and you certainly don't want to be around when I have one. So, whatever you do it is great behaviour by my standard.

Kitikata-san said...

You two are just the cutest brothers. I am so glad you 2 sleep and play together,

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm surprised your humans had to clean your ears after Merlin cleaned them. Looks to me like Merlin was doing a very thorough job!

Halloween said...

BATH TIME! Ouch. No way. Once every few years around here. I hate it when my people hold me near the sink and the water is running. I don't blame you for climbing on mom's back - but keep the claws inside!

Thanks for visting my blog!


Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

That is suprising, as you are usually such a well behaved man-cat. I do not like baths in water, so I would not behave half so well.