Both of us, Dragonheart and Merlin, are Sphynx, and so we share many of the typical Sphynx characteristics. Of course, we are also individuals, each with our own unique personality. So for today, we thought we should share our similarities and differences with you.
#51 - Our Similarities and Differences
BONUS: Of course, there are all the physical differences between us too. Dragonheart is a black and white tuxedo Sphynx, with green eyes. Merlin is a seal point and white Sphynx with blue eyes. Dragonheart is about twice Merlin's size, since he is almost full grown (18 months), whereas Merlin is still a growing kitten (17 weeks). But we are both very loving, friendly, active, cuddle bugs, very typical and excellent examples of the Sphynx breed (if we do say so ourselves!)Like most Sphynx, we both LOVE to cuddle. We love curling up in a human lap, or with each other.
- We both LOVE to purr. However, Merlin purrs at the slightest touch, or even when you just approach him. Dragonheart purrs easily, but you do have to earn his purrs, with pets, head rubs, or chin scritches.
- Speaking of head rubs, Dragonheart loves having his head rubbed, Merlin doesn't. We both love being pet, however.
- We both love to sleep under the covers, next to one of our humans, at night.
Merlin is very squirmy; Dragonheart isn't. Although neither of us enjoys their weekly baths, or likes having our ears cleaned or our claws trimmed, Dragonheart will at least sit quietly and endure, whereas Merlin is constantly squirming while being taken care of. The same thing happens at the vet. Dragonheart will sit quietly and be a "good boy" whereas Merlin squirms.
- Like most Sphynx, both of us LOVE playing. We especially love wand toys and trackballs. Merlin will play with anything, though, while Dragonheart is more discriminating.
- Merlin likes to get into the garbage, and fish things out of the garbage to play with. Dragonheart generally leaves the garbage alone.
Most Sphynx have a little bit of fur on their ears. Merlin, however, has naked ears! He only has a little bit of extremely short fur around the edges. (No, it's not from Dragonheart cleaning them - his ears were naked to start, and Dragonheart licks them on the inside, not the outside.) Dragonheart has fur on his ears, and he has even developed a line of "fluff" where the fur ends. We aren't sure whether the fluff is there because it's winter, or because Dragonheart is getting older (18 months) but we'll see when spring arrives! You can see the difference in our ears on the photos to the right. Merlin's ears are the photo just above; Dragonheart's are the ones to the right.
- We don't like to be apart. When we are placed in separate rooms, we stand at the door and meow.
Merlin likes having his tummy rubbed, Dragonheart doesn't. Merlin's umbilicus (a cat's "belly button" essentially) is a lot less noticeable than Dragonheart's.
- We both love our water fountain, however, Dragonheart drinks from the top, where the water comes out, but Merlin drinks from the bowl.
- Sphynx have a fast metabolism that helps to keep us warm. Because of that fast metabolism, we burn a lot of calories, and so we both like to eat. Since Merlin is a growing kitten, he eats more.
- Merlin likes to eat more human foods than Dragonheart. The only human foods Dragonheart likes are salmon and tuna. Merlin likes those, along with animal crackers and yogourt.
Today is Miss Peach's Birthday! We would like to wish her a very Happy Birthday! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! We hope you have a wonderful day, filled with joy and love, Miss Peach. :)
Dear Dragonheart and Merlin,
I am so glad to learn more about you same and different part~!
That is great~!!!
No matter the difference of you and same of you both, you are now the best brother ever~!!!
Dragonheart, I never realized you had so much fur on the back of your ears before. This was a really interesting comparison!
Oh we so enjoyed hearing that. :)
You two are SO beautiful!!
It's very interesting to hear about and see your differences! Sphynx like Aby's can be alike, but also very different... :) Oh and isn't it great that it's Miss Peach's 15th Birthday! :)
Very interesting. Dragonheart, we knew you had some fur on your ears, but didn't realise how much was there.
I love your photos - the one you two in the bag is wonderful!
My beloved brother thank you for the nice birthday wishes! I would love a scrapbook page or two made by your talented mom. You know my style and many photos are on my blog. I would like if you picked YOUR favorite. Mommy has to download two full chips soon as she is out of room! Maybe we can find some good one:)
You both look so handsome..Mister Green Eyes and Mister Blue EYes
That was a great T13. It's nice to know the things you two have in common.We can imagine what it's like when you two are in separate rooms :) I am so happy you get along so well.Have fun.
Purrs Mickey
Yup, I'm pretty sure Merlin and I are like cousins or something. Oh my little friend....the things I have to teach you about trash theft...sigh. I love you!
Very interesting. I thought maybe Merlin would change color as he grew older. Very cool cats indeed.
MomBean loves your ear tuffs, Dragonheart!
Oh my, they are so beautiful. I want to hold them. Badly.
You two are so CUTE! Mom can hardly stand it. It is neat that you have some differences but are a lot alike.
That was really interesting! I think Dragonheart is such a good boy because he was there first, all alone for a while. I'm very good, where as Kavan is a lot like Merlin!
It's the same here all five have their personality and character !
that was great guys! we love to learn more about our friends! and you two are so cute in the ferst pikshur
Our daughter's cat Sage loves yogurt and melons, and can be coaxed to eat salmon. The dog, on the other hand, will eat anything that she can chew up. Sage finds this unworthy of comment.
We love learning about Sphynx! It is so interesting!
Luf, Us
How interesting! Merlin loves the trash just like Ivy, huh? It sounds like maybe he will be joining Bendrix and Ivy in their exploits when he gets a bit older. Mommy laughed when she read that. Dragonheart, you are a great kitty mentor for your little brother! I am glad the two of you love each other so much. =^_^=
That was fun learning all about your similarities and differences! WOW!
You too cuddlebugs too cute! That was a neat comparison. You really are brothers. :) OH, I let Empress lick my ears this morning, it felt funny! Then I nuzzled her under the chin with my head. Momma got all gushy. ~Queen Snickers
Both of you are so cool!!!!!
That was a great post about your similarities and differences, I really enjoyed it. I love the pictures, they both seem to really be cuddlebugs!
I wonder if Merlin will become less squirmy as he gets older and becomes used to those things that are done routinely, or if that's just his temperament. It'll be interesting to find out.
And the most importint similarity...yoor both so darn cute!
Sorry we haven't been around much. First the holidays, then vacation and THEN our human got sick. Well we just heard today that you were feeling sick a while back and we just wanted to check in and see how you are. We are happy to know that you are doing better!
Keeping you in our thoughts and hope that each day you feel better than the last!
Opus and Roscoe
ps. What a CUTE photo of you two!
You guys have super cute ears! We loved learning more about you. It's so neat that you're such good friends already.
i love the pair of you two - such gorgeous kitties. Merlin sounds alot like Castle with the belly rubs and alot like me with the constant purring! he is a proper little Meeze!
please come by cos I have an award for you xxx
What a fun Thursday Thirteenie! I loved learnin about yur similarities and differences. You are such great Sphynx fellers and such wunnerful bruthers!
And I love the new headur for your bloggie! It looks fabyoolus.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
It was great to learn about you both! So same and yet so different at the same time, and both very special friends.
How fascinating to read about your similarities and differences, Dragonheart and Merlin! What delightful kitties you both are -- and what precious and loving brothers to each other.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I noticed that fur on your ears the other day, Dragonheart, and I wondered if that was characteristic of Sphynx or not. Thanks for telling us so much about you!
That is so neat! It was fun to learn more about Dragonheart and Merlin...I had absolutely no idea that cats have belly buttons!
It's fun to learn about yall. Fanks!
Now I have learned a lot about you both. Interessting that you have little fur on the ears. I always thought you were fully furless.
You are both very unique cats. I enjoyed reading the differences between you.
I'm also glad Dragonheart is feeling well again.
Hey DH! You and your baby brother are very cute! I think your list is very interesting. I think Merlin is more squirmy because babies are more squirmy. I am also glad you 2 like to nap together cuz that is just very cute to see! I am also happy you look very healthy DH. moew!
Welcome, Merlin! I've been looking forward to you arriving! Sorry I wasn't around when you first arrived, but, it's been Christmas and the computer has been off =)
Arh! Now I know more about both of you!
This was so interesting. Their metabolism, their preferences. But I love the part about them wanting to be together. The photo with them in their little sleep house says it all. What a gorgeous story.
Thanks for a really fascinating thursday thirteen. We enjoyed learning about your similarities and differences.
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