Dragonheart's Ears:

Merlin's Ears:

The CFA Sphynx breed standard states:
EARS: large to very large. Broad at the base, open and upright. When viewed from the front, the outer base of the ear should begin at the level of the eye, neither low set nor on top of the head. The interior of the ears is naturally without furnishing.
COAT/SKIN: the appearance of this cat is one of hairlessness. Short, fine hair may be present on the feet, outer edges of the ears, the tail, and the scrotum. The bridge of the nose should be normally coated. The remainder of the body can range from completely hairless to a covering of soft peach-like fuzz whose length does not interfere with the appearance of hairlessness. This coat/skin texture creates a feeling of resistance when stroking the cat. Wrinkled skin is desirable, particularly around the muzzle, between the ears, and around the shoulders. There are usually no whiskers but if whiskers are present they are short and sparse.
One of Dragonheart's Ears:

One of Merlin's Ears:
So, as you can see from the breed standard, Sphynx are not totally hairless. In accordance with the breed standard, we both have normal fur on the bridge of our nose, and short, fine hair on our tails. Neither of us has hair on our feet, and Merlin has a bit of hair on his scrotum. The ears are the big difference, in terms of the amount of fur present. Dragonheart has quite a lot, as you can see in the photos, whereas Merlin essentially has none.
I think big ears in order to get cooler. That is the design just for Sphynx and hot area cats~~
At cold country, the cats ear is smaller~~
But, in the other hand, big year means good fortune in my country. So, I think Dragonheart and Merlin will both have very good luck :>
With fur, almost without fur are both great~!
All the Spice Cats have furry ears. First time I've seen cat with naked ears.
Hey, Dragonheart~~~
Thanks for leaving comments on my blog to let me know~~~~
I learn something new today, I am so happy~!!!
Thanks a lot~!!!
That's very interesting about the ears and whether they have hair or not. I adore big ears on a cat...don't ask me why, but I think they look just beautiful. Mitzi's ears are just the usual generic kind...typical cat's ears.
Dragonheart, you even have little tufts at the end of your ears. That's very cute!
We like your ears - they're so big. It's cute the way that you Dragonheart have fur on your ears - it makes a nice contrast with the rest of you. We like that your ears are furless Merlin, in contrast with your brother. You two complement each other nicely,
Gypsy & Tasha
DRagonheart,I love your tufts of hair on your ears! I like Merlin's big ears and how they are slightly rounded rather than pointed at the tip. Excellent frootbat ears :)
Purrs Mickey
DH, your ears are so hairy! It's super cute. Your mom and dad are so lucky to have not one, but TWO frootbats at their house!
wow Dragonheart you sure got lots of furs now on your ears! very cool!
YOu both have very interesting ears. I do believe that Dragonheart your furs are almost as long as ours... on the places you have furs. we have mostly fuzzzzz but curlie furs on our tunny and legs.
You two are very very very cute and frooty!
Purrrrs for a happy Friday, Prin
The fuzz is very kyoooote!
I think both of your ears are cute. I have very soft fine fur on my ears that lies very flat. Merlin I gave you an award.
ooo me want to be a frootbat! me don't know are my ears bigs enough? me luv your ears, if me was there me would licks them all! hehe ~Empress
The tuffs on the end of your ears is really cute, but Merlin is just so adorable....
Both sets of ears are very cute!
That was interesting stuff about your ears. I did not know that Dragonheart gotted some fur on his ears. Either furry eared or naked eared, you are still both adorable!
That is interesting. I vote that Dragonheart has more hair on his ears because he is older. At least that it is true that meezers change as they age. I should think Sphynx would too!
If you had hairy toes, would that make you hobbit cats?
You are growing hair Dragonheart! Cool!!! maybe your ears just need a little extra warmth!
Dragonheart - my mom loves your ear tufts! (Maggie has the best ear tufts in our house.) And Merlin's ears look so soft and silky. My mom would love to rub his little ears.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Aww, you guys have very cute Frootbat ears! I especially like the fine hair on Dragonheart's ears, it is very cute!
I loves your cute little ears!!
I gaved you an awards, check my Friday posted!
LOVE the ears! Gorgeous!!!
Dragonheart & Merlin, we've given you a "You Make My Day" Award because every time we see you, we feel all warm and nippy inside! Come see!
We like your ears, furry & plain.
We have given you both an award each. Dragonheart, you have the Thinking Blogger award, and Merlin has the Bloggers of the World award. You can get them from our blog.
Hahaha, mom sez maybe it's just like bean men...the older they get the more hair they have in odd places.
Hmmm.... we fink it's a boy & older thingy. Man beans gits more hair on (and in) their ears when they gits older - hehehe!
I didn't realize that Dragonheart was so young! Wow, he's just a boy still! Merlin's ears are exquisite with the delicate veins.
Merlin your ears remind us of Skeezix's! They look like roadmaps when the light shines through them.
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