Well, I didn't get any food. Soon, my mom stuck me in the PTU with my sleeping bag and a warm fleece blanket, and then she gave food to Dragonheart!!! That wasn't fair at all, so I meowed and meowed and meowed some more.
Then my mom took me out to the metal monster with wheels, and strapped the PTU in. I kept meowing and meowing and meowing. I didn't stop meowing until the metal monster stopped, and my mom unstrapped the PTU and picked it up.
It turns out we were going to the vet's! Once there, I started purring for my mom while we waited a few short minutes in the waiting room. Then we went into one of the smaller rooms, where my mom took me out of my PTU and put me in another cage. I was purring and purring and the vet and vet technician were smiling at me. The vet tech took me out to the scale, where another lady who was waiting there with a cat saw me, and she said "oh my goodness." I guess she had never seen a handsome Sphynx before! So I was weighed and I weigh 2.7 kg (5.95 lbs, so almost 6 pounds!)
The vet tech brought me back to the room where my mom was, and I was still purring away. My sleeping bag was put into the cage with me, and I immediately curled up in it. My mom said goodbye, and the vet tech took me downstairs, and I was purring all the way.
A little while later, the vet tech came to see me again, and I purred for her. Then she took me out of my cage, and stole some of my blood! Afterwards, she gave me a shot, and I feel asleep.
When I woke up, I felt really weird! I was very groggy, and my behind felt a little strange. I couldn't believe it! They had taken my little Mancat bits! My little Mancat sack was empty!!! I curled up in my sleeping bag, and fell back asleep.
I slept on and off throughout the day, and whenever anyone was checking on me I purred. I love purring! I did miss Dragonheart and my humans though. After a while, the vet tech put my fleece blanket back in my PTU, and then I was put in the PTU, and carried upstairs. My humans were there! I started purring and purring and purring! I was so happy to see my humans.
My humans talked with the vet for a bit, and then we went into the metal monster and dad drove home while mom held my PTU on her lap, and pet me through the door. I purred and purred and purred.
Now, the vet had said that I could eat the next day, but that if I was really hungry, I could have a bit of food. Well, I was hungry! I was meowing and meowing and meowing for food. So my humans gave me a can of yummy kitten tuna stinky goodness! After eating, I curled up on my dad. First I helped him with the computer, then I curled up on his chest and fell asleep.
After spending some time with Dragonheart and my dad, I was getting hungry again! I was meowing and meowing and meowing! So finally my dad gave me some more food. I was very happy, because I was hungry! Then afterwards, I played a fun game with the litterbox. I would run into the litterbox, dig, throw litter around, then run back out. I kept doing this over and over again! It was a very fun game! My dad didn't seem to like it, though.
Finally, we all went to bed, and I curled up between my mom and my dad.
This morning, thankfully, things are back to normal! When my dad took his shower, I decided to investigate the shower as well. It was interesting, but I decided to hang around outside the shower curtain while the water was spraying. After my dad showered, my mom woke up, and she fed me my breakfast, as usual, although again, as usual, I kept trying to eat some of Dragonheart's yummy vishus deer food, and I kept being brought back to my bowl. After breakfast, I ran around the house, playing with a lot of my toys! I had fun batting a bunch of my toys around on the floor, and attacking the leather wand toy my mom held out for me. Now, as I'm blogging, I'm on my mom's lap while we're at the computer, and Dragonheart is here too.
Thanks to everyone for their good wishes and purrs yesterday! I really appreciate them, and so do my mom and dad and Dragonheart. I seem to be back to normal, and my mom says my tiny incisions look good and that she can barely see them.
So thanks again everyone!
P.S. Dragonheart would like everyone to check out his Valentine to Stella. Thanks!
You are in my prayers~!!
Don't you worry about it, you will be alright~!!!!
When I got that surgery, only take a half day and I jump again~~~ So, you will be alright!!
Oh my, I am second on the comments. This has never happened before. There would have been at least 30 before me by the time I came around.
I digress.....
I am so happy to see that Merlin is alright after the surgery. I was thinking about him all day and purring for him. I am sure the little one will be back to normal in no time.
Poor little Merlin ! Not getting to eat that's the most awful thing ! But now it's over and you can play and eat without any problem. I had to laugh when I read about your meowing at home and in the car ! Your poor mum and dad, I am sure they needed earplugs !
It is very cute of you to be such a little sewing machine which purrs all the time !
I am so glad that your hoohaectomy went so well. Going without food must have been the hardest part on you. I am so happy that you are back to normal now.
G'day little Merlin, it's good to hear that you're feeling okay again after your big adventure. That was a big day for you. The "no food from the night before" part must have been the worst part. Glad you let everyone know exactly how you felt - no point being a meezer-in-training if you don't exercise your voice.
Purrs to you and DH,
Gypsy & Tasha
See Merlin? We told you it would be okay. I'm sure all that purring and purring and purring helped the most!
I'm so happy things went well. You didn't need those bits anyway!!!
Hooray! I am glad all went well for you Merlin. It seems as though the worst part of the ordeal for you was the empty tummy!
Oh we are so glad you made it through your first big day Merlin.
We purred for you all day yesterday!
purrs, K&O
Merlin, we are sorry about your hoo-ha situation. it happens to most mancats though. so, you're on your wayt to becoming a mancat!!
Don't forget to bring your sweaters so you and enjoy playing in the cat run! :) Oh and Merlin there's lots of food here, so you can make up for your missing meals yesterday...
Dragonheart, Mummy has some nice vishus deer cooked and ready for you too! :)
I am glad you are okay after your vet trip.
I do not think I would be as bootiful as you guys without furs so I will not let Cheysuli shave me. Besides, I would have to get used to not having furs to stay warm and it is very cold here!
Oh my, let us all have a moment to remember what Merlin had to go through. Happens to the best of mancats...:(
Gee Merlin,that was quite a day!! I am happy that everything went OK. My sisfut Georgia likes to play in the litterboxes too. She gets in scratches ip all the litter then shoots out and runs to another one and does the same!!
It is nice that you help your Mom with the computer :)
See you two at Isis's Tea Party with Ramses!!!
Purrs Mickey
Aw, I'm glad that awful procedure is over for you! I promise you it will never happen again!
Merlin you sure had a big day, and with no breakfast! I am glad to hear that you are doing okay and playing already!
Dragonheart's Valentine to Stella is very sweet and I love the song too!
Merlin we really are so alike!! With the purring and the "toys" and the constant desire to meeze...I'm so happy everything went easily and you're back home. I find that purring at the VET really is key, it makes them all think you're so special. Could they hear your heart over your purr? They can't hear mine.
We're glad everyting worked out ok Merlin. It sound like you were very brave.
Oh Merlin, I am happy you made it back home after that adventure.
(((hug))) and purrrs
See, I told you it wasn't all the big of a deal. I can tell it didn't slow you down much. Now you'll be able to play and play and play the day away!
Oh poor Merlin, my poor hair is not even close to being grown back since the VET dared shave it off (not that that would be a problem to you hehe). It seems much easier for the mancats then us girlies, be glad you got home so quick! I think you should tell your humans that you deserve a feast for your bravery.
Lots of Purrs, Tamra
Merlin, we are very glad that you are okay. however, we cannot believed that you purred at the V-E-Ts. That shows real bravery! We purr at our V-E-T Aunt Susan but only when she comes to see us, not when we got to see her at the V-E-T place.
Oh poor Merlin! We know what happened that we also had to go through.Don´t be worry, after a few days all will be good and you are alright.
purrs to you and your brother Dragonheart
Happy day! I'm so happy that you are back to normal and your surgery went well. Sorry about your mancat bits....it happens to the best of us.
Take care!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
You are a brave little dude, Merlin. I'm glad you got lots of tuna stinky goodness after everything you went through! Don't worry about the mancat bits, though--you won't miss 'em.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Glad to see that Merlin came through the surgery well. It sounds like he'll be back to his little energetic self real soon!
Oh my, I think I was remiss in leaving Merlin good wishes yesterday! I am so glad the hoo-haa-ectomy went well. Sounds like you are all recovered Merlin!
They...took...your...mancat bits???
So in a few months' time when I have to be fixed....this will happen to me too??!!!
Merlin, I am glad everything went well and the ordeal is over.
Dragonheart, your valentine to Stella is beautiful. :)
That's sounds like a vera exciting day! I've had my man bits taken too but it doesn't make you any less manly.
Oh Merlin, your hoohaectomy brought back everything from mine, more than 8 years ago.
I read it at cat blogosphere, and although I couldn't comment (I have another typist now) we have purred for you yesterday.
Oh Merlin so glad you got through that horrible hoohaectomy so well. You seem like such a sweet little boy purring at all the vets! Don't you know you are supposed to give them the evil eye cause they steal all your stuff? hoohas, teeth, blood, the list goes on and on. Well, maybe next time.
Merlin, you were such a good brave boy, purring at the vet! Willow and I are glad that you are safely back home with Dragonheart and having fun with your toys. And, of course, very importantly being fed again!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Merlin, we're so glad you're back home and all that hooha is behind you (no pun intended!) Keep up all that purring ... cat purrs can heal anything!
Oh little Merlin. I am sorry you had to go through losing your little man cat bits but mama and daddy are right. Your health and well being will be so much better off. Still it is a scary ordeal anytime you go under and I am glad you are safely back home and purring away!
I am so sorry about your Mancat bits Merlin! I am sure that you will soon feel better and will not even miss them. Get well soon!
We are so glad that you did well at the V-E-Ts yesterday and that you finally got a snack. There's nothing worse than a rumbly tummy!
Merlin, you have a delightful purry purrsonality. It sounds like you have gotten through your hoohahectomy just fine, and that's good news.
I was in the v*t's office yesterday too, only my visit wasn't planned. But I'm going to be fine, and my humans have the laptop out so I can keep visiting from my bed.
We're so pleased to hear that everything went well Merlin! See, no problem, you're back in action!
we're very glad to hear you're home and safe after your surgery. we thought of you all day yesterday, Dragonheart too who must've missed you lots.
you enjoy all that nummy stinky and all that extra lovin you'll get!
I'm glad everything went so well! Purring at the V.E.T.! You are a litte loverboy aren't you? hehe ~Queen Snickers
Dennis had a similar experience, it happens. Just part of cat-life.
Hey, Merlin is a great cat blogger. I love many of his expressions! He mentioned how often he was purring, and that is what my post is about today--cat purrs. Obviously,he was healing himself!
Nice to see all is ok now with your health! Mom and dad can be very proud to have a so nice kitty like you, so courageous and so sweet!
So sorry that had to happen, Merlin, but they only did that because it's good for you. I'm glad to hear you're back to your normal rambunctious self :-)
My mancat bits gotted gone a year ago this month! I don't miss 'em, hehe.
Merlin, I'm so glad efurrything went so good fur you, and that was so sweet to read about how much you purred! You sound like a wunnerful purrur. You have a big motor fur a little feller! How preshus! :)
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Well, we are glad you are getting food and feeling better, but we are sorry about your mancat bits. Maybe you won't miss them too much.
Yoo heal furry quickly Merlin! We am happy efurrything went so well for you and you went frew all dat wif no problems. Hugs to yoo (not on yur back end tho).
Awwww, precious little Merlin! I'm glad you came through your procedure with flying colors, and don't worry, you won't miss those certain parts.
And I saw Dragonheart's Valentine to Stella -- it is very beautiful!
What a little purrer you are! Just precious. I am a purrer, too! All Mom has to do is touch me and I get my kitty-motor revved up, *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Hi, Merlin! I'm glad you are eating again, that's the awful part of this, isn't it! You have such a wonderful family. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Dragonheart, and your folks!
Merlin very glad that your little bit operation went well. You will recover soon and you won't miss those bits.
Ah, Merlin, so glad the procedure went well and you're recovering so quickly :)
We are so happy that you had a good procedure. Sounds like it's not slowed you down one bit!! We're glad you're home safe and sound.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
What an exciting day, Merlin! I am glad you didn't have any problem with the "fixing" thing, hahahahahahha!
Yay, well, not fur da snip snip but fur it going well.
Oh man they made you wait a day to eat? That's harsh! When Buddah got nootered he got to eat later that day. He was mad, though, cause I told him it would be 10 kinds of fun and he only counted three. Heh.
So Merlin, did yoo do that valentine to Kaze beefore or after yer hoohahs wint bye-bye???? HAHAHAHA!!!!
We are sorry you didn't get to eat for a day Merlin. But we are really glad that the day wasn't too traumatic for you. Purring is always good. Glad to hear you are feeling okay.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You'll be OK Merlin :) Now that you can eat again, be sure to have something extra tasty ;)
no food is confusing. i'm glad your mom and dad fed you as soon as you could eat.
No food?! At all?!?! On no..this getting "fixed" thing is sounding worse and worse by the minute. Maybe the beans will change their minds about getting us "fixed".
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