Sphynx are not completely hairless. As many of you know, all Sphynx have a "regular" coat (fur) on the bridge of their nose. Most Sphynx also have hair on the outer edges of the ears, and short, fine hair can also be present on the ears, the tail, the feet, and the scrotum in males.
In terms of the rest of the body, according to the CFA Sphynx Breed Standard:
The remainder of the body can range from completely hairless to a covering of soft peach-like fuzz whose length does not interfere with the appearance of hairlessness. This coat/skin texture creates a feeling of resistance when stroking the cat.Dragonheart: I have a normally-coated nose (as described in the Sphynx breed standard), and I have fur on my ears. The fur on my ears has become more fluffy/fuzzy this winter. I don't have any hair on my feet, and my tail only has a few short, sparse hair along its length. I have a few, tiny, short, curled whiskers on each side of my face, but I don't have any eyebrow whiskers. The rest of my body is covered in a very fine down. My humans say that petting me is like petting a warm chamois. You can see a close up of my skin below (click to view it larger):

Merlin: I also have a normal coat on the bridge of my nose. I have absolutely no fur on my ears, however! I don't have any fur on my feet, and I have just a little bit of fur on my scrotum. My tail is like Dragonheart's - I have a few, short, sparse hairs scattered throughout the length of my tail. Like Dragonheart, I have a few short, tiny, curly whiskers on each side of my face, and I don't have any eyebrow whiskers. When it comes to the rest of my body, I don't have a perceptible fine down or peach fuzz like Dragonheart does. Instead, I have a few, short, sparse hairs scattered here and there, with more of them appearing on certain parts of my body. You can see some of these hairs on the right in the photo below (click it to view a larger image):

The TICA Sphynx Breed Standard has this to say:
The Sphynx appears to be a hairless cat, although it is not truly hairless. The skin should have the texture of chamois. It may be covered with very fine down which is almost imperceptible to both the eye and the touch. On the ears, muzzle, tail, feet and scrotum, short, soft, fine hair is allowed. Lack of coat makes the cat quite warm to the touch. Whiskers and eyebrows may be present, either whole or broken, or may be totally absent.So hopefully you have learned a little more about Sphynx! If you have any more questions about our breed, leave your question in the comments, and we'll answer any questions in a future edition of Cats on Tuesday!
Oh wowie! Now I know more about Sphynxes! Your Mom sure takes some wonderful pictors of you guys!
At least you don't loose hairs, lol !Arthur thinks he is too old to play with cat toys, and he became fat and lazy during his winter sleep ! It is about time that it stops to rain and he can visit the neighbors again and dig in the gardens ! This morning he tried to jump on the kitchen table and fell down !! We had a cat exposition here in Brussels, unfortunately I missed it and only saw it on TV and they showed one cat like you there were a lot of curious people around him !
Those pictures of your skin are very interesting and amazing! I think your whiskers are a lot like ours, because ours are curly and break off, too. I wish I could touch your skin!
Oh what interesting Sphynx facts! :) I just love hearing about you guys and what makes you so unique...
I'll bet it is wonderful to pet you boys!
Whoa~~ this is real informative. Now I know more about Sphynx. Surprisingly, I have yet to see one of your relatives over here in my country yet. If can I would love to experience how it feels to stroke you guys :)
Oh I so wanna try grooming you boys! I bet your suede like skin/fluffs would be wonderful to lick clean! :)
That is cool-I bet you're great to snuggle against.
Hi guys! I bet your bodies are very warm to touch as there is no furs in the way.That would make you really good for snuggling.Your humans must really like that too :)
Purrs Mickey
You're right: I haven't noticed your boys having the winter sleeps. You're having fun! I'm bored! Super macro, huh? Oh I hope the new camera has that! The photos are marvelous.
Very cool!! Thank you so much for answering my question. Now I'll just have to work on seeing one of these guys in real life.
We would like to snuggle with you! We think you must be very soft.
I really liked the close up pictures of your tiny furs and skin. You are both so cuddly looking!
You look so much softer than I imagined. It would be very nice to rub you, I have never petted or known a realy life Sphynx.
That was really interesting!
Thank you for teaching us about Sphynxes! Our Momma is very intrigued as well. We luv the pictures taken with the macro lens...we shall make Momma get one as well.
It was great to learn more about your breed! We will try to put up your cafe profile today Merlin, momma did not go day hunting but is still havving some trouble bloging with me, even though she is reclined. ~queen snickers
Wow! No furballs! That would be great!
cool! those are great pictures!!
Thanks for the info Dragonheart and Merlin. Its interesting to learn about you and your semi furriness.
Mom sez dat she loved touching da sphynx skin when da lady brawt one in to da HS meetings. It was, just as described, like touching a warm chamois.
I bet you are both really soft and snuggly! I have very soft and short fur. I think your noses must be extra special kissing zones.
They'd have to be inside cats up here in Canada where it's cold or they'd be wearing parkas! LOL! They are good for people with allergies I think?
My Bean has petted Sphynxes before and she thinks you feel very wonderful to the touch!
That's so fascinating, they are a fascinating breed, thanks for sharing. :)
Your mom did a great job with the pictures!
Very interesting guys. So smoooooth looking. That is looking inviting as all this floof is getting me neck high in mat problems.
Very informative! I always like to learn more information about your beautiful breed.
Hi Dragonheart & Merlin! I have small eyebrows, but that's just the way I'm made.
Your friend
We love reading about you. Your skin is amazing! I guess you guys don't have to worry about fur balls huh?
Thats very interesting to read about sphynx. Great with those informative pictures.
Ich habe auch noch nie eine Sphynxkatze gestreichelt. Aber ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass es sich samtig anfühlt.Manchmal gehe ich auf Katzenausstellungen, aber es war nie eine Sphynxzucht dabei.
hugs and purrs
I need a lens like that to portrait my beauty better. Very interesting post, if I continue to try and sniff candles I also won't have any eyebrow hairs left soon!
Those are great Macro shots! I too have to figure out how to take Macro with my digital...it has this feature, but I have yet to figure it out! :-( I'm glad you have a few hairs at least!
That's very interesting. I have never met a Sphynx in real life although SS has and she has cuddled and patted him too!
Always interesting to know some more about your family!
Thanks for stopping by!
Wowww....your skin is amazing~~~ Both of you, I haven't seen Sphyn's skin , that is very detail and great~!!!
What a cool informative post, thanks! I'd been wondering how it feels to pet Dragonheart or Merlin, wondering if there was any fuzz at all or if it was totally smooth. I enjoy posts like these, like learning about different breeds.
You give us interesting information on Sphynx cats. We never met one in person - or is that in cat and dog? We haven't seen one in the flesh. That's better. So we enjoy reading about you two.
jans funny farm
Every time you tell us more about Sphynx kitties mine mombean sez "Oooo, I whis I could reach through the computer and give them a pet. I bet they are lovely to pet!"
Wow, those were great photos of your skin!
I like to learn things, and those facts are most interesting! It was neat seeing the closeup of your skins!
Sophia - Hey, that looks like DKM's chin before she goes to the wax place.
Sophia - What?
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