Saturday, February 09, 2008

Photo Hunt: Heavy



Although we are small cats and don't weigh much (Dragonheart is about 3.65 kg or 8 lbs, and Merlin weighs less than that) our mom says that when we are both sitting on her lap, we become heavy after a while. We're not sure what she means, after all, we don't start to weigh any more when we're sitting on her!

Dragonheart and Merlin
Dragonheart and Merlin


Karen Jo said...

It's just an apparent weight gain. When we beans support something for a while, it seems to get heavier and heavier. The two of you look very cute in Mom's lap.

snowforest said...

Beans get tired fast ~ unlike us cats who are always full of energy!
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)

jmb said...

They look like two lazy heavy lumps to me. They are so cute and isn't it great that Dragonheart has a friend now.

CRIZ LAI said...

Hmmm...are my eyes deceiving or what? Suddenly I felt that Merlin has grown up quite a lot compared to last week. this will surely add some weight to Mummy's lap :)

Come in for some fun in Criz’s Sanctuary and/or some serious matter in Insight Criz. Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

OHH!! I just love those cats!
One day I will have one sphynxs=)

Liz said...

I have to agree with jmb. But they're both cute. Happy hunting.

Anonymous said...

Nice take on heavy. Have a great weekend.

CHIKAI ♥ said...

i love the 2nd photo. they look so sweet together. ;)

i got my entries up too, you can view it here and here.

Anonymous said...

I bet you get heavier when you are asleep.
Thank you for looking in, Rinli and Tris send their regards.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can tell I've been away from here for way too long. When I was last here, Dragonheart was an only cat. It's wonderful to see that you are now so happy with your new 'sibling', Dragonheart. Welcome to the blog world, Merlin.

Anonymous said...

People can be very funny, guys. Heavy, geeee, you two couldn't be heavy if you ate 2 mice each. (woof, meow).

My brother is now co-author of my blog. He's a cat, but he has hair, unlike you.

jams o donnell said...

You are such an adorable couple! We feel the same when up to three cats vie for lap space. Robyn (the subject of my own photohunt entry), Bebe and Mimi come to about 29lbs together -Robyn weighs more than the two girls combined! Have a nice restful weekend!

Anonymous said...

hehe...very cute!! :) thanks for stopping by.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Dragon and Merlin! Tell mom she's way heavier compared to the both of you!! heeheee..

Unknown said...

Very cute take on heavy, Dragonheart and Merlin. =)


Schönes Wochenende!

Daisy said...

I think you two look very solid and muscular, but without any fat.

Anonymous said...

They are cute kiddie cats. Happy hunting.

Hootin Anni said...

But I must add they're beautiful too!!!!

My heavy is posted...hope you can drop by and celebrate my birthday with me. Happy Hunting!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very sweet photo you guys. The PM says she'd love to have you two curled up in her lap. Shade and I NEVER sit on laps together, just in our bed.

Sarge Charlie said...

nice photos

Joyismygoal said...

good shots they are heavy ---not they are so little and cute

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think this is a very sweet heavy~! Double love on your lady's laps~!
This is the heavy we are all joy for~!!!

Wenchie said...

Hello, what a nice sight...Nice pics...

Mickey's Musings said...

I agree with you Dragonheart.
Mom sometimes says the same thing to me and I know I cannot gain weight by magic. That is a good idea for 'Heavy' :)
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Sweet! You are well-muscled, DH :)

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I imagine they do feel heavy after a while!

Anonymous said...

You look soo adorable together!!!

Monty Q. Kat said...

That's because you just can't measure how manly a mancat really is. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you, even just one cat starts to feel heavy at times:)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You two are such handsome kittyboys. Dragonheart, I like your furs on your ears and face.
True tuxie *sigh* and Merlin, you are very very cute with your dark edges.
Cuteness abounds, and I am sure your mommie doesn't mind the weight too much. I am sure she says "ok guys, enough" sometimes and transfers you to a softie bed in the sun :-)

Anonymous said...

That's funny... we humans do tend to say "you're getting heavy" when we mean "we are getting tired/weary, etc."

Wonderful shots of you both!

ancient one said...

Hairless Cats are heavy?

Dragonstar said...

But Micky, it is magic. Cats are magic creatures, and they do get heavier when they've been asleep for a bit. Human babies do, too.

Ingrid said...

Wow, you are light as feathers ! I thought you were much heavier that's only half of Arthur's weight and probably close to Rosie's !
BTW for WCB Rosie presents the same little blue tent you have I finally could buy it (together with the vitamines recommended by Luna) at Zoo. Not "" as your mom had told me but "" which is exactly the same company but in Belgium. told me that they don't deliver in Belgium and gave me the belgian address. It's exactly the same even the prices. Thanks again for the hint ! Now Rosie and Arthur are very busy with the tent, lol !

YTSL said...

Agree with Dragonheart and Merlin that they're not heavy cats but still could see where their mom is coming from with regards to stuff on laps feeling heavy after a while...! ;b

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you don't get heavier as you nap. Maybe your mom just uses that as an excuse to move again.

GAB said...

Dear Dragonheart and Merlin:

Our mom says the same thing when we sit on her lap. After awhile sh will say to us "move a little my legs are falling asleep". We don't know what she means so we curl up more and go back to sleep. Imagine our surprise when she "pushes" us off so she can get up and strech(and we thought we only did that!)
Love Puff and Pumpkin

Hot(M)BC said...

You're lucky it's "after a while" she says you're heavy. Mom says that to me right off.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

OH!!! You look adorable snuggled together.

Mom's are weird that way, our Mommy says we are heavy when we are in her lap.

Artsy Catsy said...

I tell you what, guys ... Fracas and I will come over and sit on your mom's lap and she'll never again think you're heavy! Each of us alone weighs more than both of you together!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I can't imagine you gain weight while on your human. They are such weaklings. You are such fine small cats.

Heather said...

Yeah, that would get heavy.

Lux said...

You two are just the sweetest kitties! Ninna doesn't weigh anything, either, but sometimes Mom puts her down because her legs start to go to sleep!

Anna said...

Oh they look so cute...I love those cats. Thanks for sharing...

Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You two look pretty heavy to me!
We sure do enjoy your pictures and how much you love each other!

~ Napoleon

Isis said...

Oh wow, you and I weight about the same at the moment Dragonheart! I hope that doesn't mean you're pregnant! ;) I usually weight just 3.2kg when I'm not full of kittens... :)

Chrissie said...

But you guys are also really warm, too! Ya gotta take the bad AND the good, right!

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

It's true, we start to feel heavier after a while. Right now we're sitting on our bean and her arm went numb so she had to get it out from under us.

Ramses said...

I see you two cats on one lap and raise you one pregnant sister! ;)

Kaz's Cats said...

Your Mom needs to go into training for nursing you two on her lap - like she does with the running, but this would have a far more practical goal!


Gypsy & Tasha

PastormacsAnn said...

Is this not what her lap is for?

Cute choice for The Hunt.

bonggamom said...

Nah, you're not heavy, tell your mom she needs to have you on her lap more often so she can "train" her muscles to carry your weight! That way you get to snuggle up to her more often :)

maryt/theteach said...

Been a while guys - sorry I haven't visited you. I can't imagine yoou guys being heavy...Ha! Happy PH!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh gosh, Merlin looks like he's grown a little! Mom sez we can affect gravity, everytime she puts us in a PTU and tries to lift it she sez we seem to double our weight!

Andree said...

Dragonheart is bigger than I had thought! That second photo is so enchanting! They are such good brothers.

Irishcoda said...

Wow, you are little guys! Our Indigo weighs about 8 lbs which is about what my kids' weighed as newborns, very light compared to some of the gang. Kosmo is the heaviest, over 16 lbs!

The Devil Dog said...

You are not heavy, you're my brother ha ha ha. I am 18 pounds and Lucky is 14. Can you imagine the two of us in mom's lap after a while? You are very cute.


Anonymous said...

My cats seem to get heavier after they've been sitting on me a while, too. I thing we beans are just feeble. Have a lovely, purry weekend, you two!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Almost forgot - I have another award for you two!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OK "two cats heavy"... The Big Thing he unnerstands that.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I do not think you get heavier, I think just her legs get tired. Although how you can get tired of two handsome mancats like the pair of you, I don't know.