We had some beautiful weather here in Munich on the weekend. It was nice and warm and sunny. So we both got to go outside on our harnesses to explore our Garten (yard).
Dragonheart: I'm checking out the patio portion of our yard, right by the windows.

Merlin: I'm checking out the patio. My humans say that once I stop growing, I'll get a cool soft Puppia harness like Dragonheart's!

Dragonheart: I'm checking out one of the fences that divides our yard from our neighbour's.

Merlin: I'm exploring the grass! Grass sure feels weird under my feet!

Today is also our humans' fourth wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! Here is one of their wedding photos:

Here's a slideshow of all their wedding photos:
If you can't view the slideshow, you can see all of their wedding photos here.
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR HUMANS! Beautiful pictures. Our Humans are getting ready to celebrate 25 years next week.
You guys look like you had fun outside! Glad you had some warm weather to explore in!
Gosh, I can't remember the last time I got to walk on the grass...
Happy Happy Aniiversary to your Mom and Dad!
My Mommy and Daddy will be married 10 years next month!
Looks like you two had a great time outside.Happy Anniversary to your humans.
Oh happy anniversary! Purrs from us over here. :)
Happy Anniversary to your Mom & Dad! Mom kept saying "Oooh, Ahh". And "Oh look, flip flops"! Mom hates shoes. She also loved the ocean setting in the Gazebo. Just gorgeous!
Happy Annifurrsary to your mom and dad!!!
Merlin, you really don't look like you are enjoying tbe grass too much
Happy Anniversary or Schoenen Hochzeitstag! :)
Nice you could enjoy the warm weather a bit and walk in the grass.
Great looking couple, perfect weather, beautiful spot! What more could you ask for on your wedding day! Wishing your humans a very happy anniversary. Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos!
Buon anniversario!
opus and roscoe
ps. Happy Earth day as well.
Gee guys,your grass looks super!!!
It might feel funny Merlin,but it tastes great!!!!
Happy 4th Anniversary to your Mom & Dad!!! Those were really nice pics . Looks like a beautiful spot too!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh my beautiful wedding photos. YOur mom and dad make a lovely couple! Happy 4 years of love and togetherness and many many many more years of fun!
I like seeing both of you outside. Looks like you have sun. How nice. Here is has been raining for 5 days :-(
You guys look like you had a really great time exploring outside this weekend! And Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad, we hope they enjoy their special day!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Oh guys, happy anniversary to your parents! Their wedding pictures are quite lovely.
I'm so jealous of you, Merlin. I've never felt grass under my feet and Dad says I have virgin paws.
I wish we had a backyard!!!! One that Meowm would actually let me go out in!
Happy Annipurrsary to your beans!! Meowm says that looks like a great place to get married!
Ooh how romantic! Next time Mummy takes me to visit a Stud boy I wanna purrty dress like that! :)
It looks like you and Merlin had a good walk outside and just look at that sunshine! :) We have the run open today as it's nice here too, though it's still over a week until the kittens can test it out too... Until then they shall run riot around the house! ;)
Lotsa Purrs to your Mom & Dad for their Anniversary! :)
Happy Anniversary to your beans!! :D
Happy anniversary to mom and dad !
Merlin you look really funny "flying" over the grass, lol ! We put out the garden furniture today and Rosie had to check it all !
happy aanifurrsery
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad! They sure make one good looking couple! Those are some gorgeous wedding pictures.
Merlin, you made me laugh . . . I can tell by the look on your face you aren't too sure about the grass! DH, you are as handsome and adventuresome as ever. ;)
Happy Anniversary to your people!
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad! Your mom was a very beautiful bride and your dad looked so handsome in his uniform. Their wedding pictures are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing.
And as for being outside....how exciting! Merlin looks like he wasn't quite sure of the grass. And Dragonheart, you look like an old pro at the Garten.
Sorry I haven't been visiting much the last week or so. My mom has been out of town and I need her thumbs to type and use the mouse.
Take care!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad!! Are they all recovered from their race?
You guys look like you're having so much fun outside. I wish my harness didn't steal my bones and make me paralyzed. :(
Happy Tuesday to you!
Happy four years to your mom and dad!!! It will be 4 years for my LL & TM in June.
How wonderful to have such a great outside adventure! I am still so unsure about Out of Doors...I mean its so BIG and BRIGHT! I make sure to use my meezing-sonar while I'm out there so I can always locate home.
Happy Anniversary to your humans! Your Mommy was certainly one beautiful bride and your Daddy is quite handsome as well. And our parents were married the same year too cause our parents 4th anniversary is this fall!
Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad. Enjoy your nice spring walk outside.
Happy Anniversary to your humans, Dragonheart & Merlin - what a beautiful couple they are! I know they'll have many, many more because as the old saying goes, "The couple who loves cats together stays together!"
Merlin, you look so cute with your legs uncertain about the grass!
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad.
Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad - it looks like it was a beautiful wedding!
Isn't grass great?!
Happy Anniversary to your Mum and Dad! Their wedding pictures are beautiful. My Mum loved your Mum's wedding dress and she absolutely LOVED that you wore white flip flops - that is so something that my Mum would do. She refuses to suffer in pain to wear some uncomfortable high heels.
Merlin, is this your first time outside? Was it wonderful?
Happy Anniversary Humans! And lovely photos. The outdoors looks like fun!
You look like you're enjoying your walk outside. We had some sunshine here today too.
Happy anniversary to your mummy & daddy
Purrs, Sukie X
Happy anniversary to your Mommy and Daddy. Love to see the wedding pictures.
Hey I can see you both have fun outside in the Garten!
Enjoy the warm weather !
Hoppy Anniversaty! And Merlin, the best part of the grass is noshing on it!
Concats to your beans! Theys furry cute in their piccys.
Uh, I am okay with not being outside but I am sure that it's feels greats!
Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad! They had such a lovely wedding :-)
I'm glad you two got to go outside this weekend. Merlin looks ferocious in his pictures, like there's something out there he's got to attack.
Your dad looked very handsome in his red jacket. Your mom looked very beautiful. Happy Anniversary to your beans.
PS we have been having really nice weather the last 5 days.
Happy Anniversary to your Humans. Merlin you will soon get used to the feel of grass beneath your feet. It's lovely and cooling to your pads on a hot sunny day.
Have a very HAPPY Aniversary!
Cherish every single one!
Love the outdoor photos, it
really shows off how awesome
Merlin and Dragonheart are!
Purrs to the humans and
Merlin & Dragonheart!
Happy anniversary to your parents. Lovely wedding photos, thanks for sharing them. We saw some of the photos over at your mom's scrapbook website some time ago too.
Merlin look soooooo cute on the grass.
I'll be visiting with the boys, Opus and Roscoe, for the next week! Please visit us at their blog at http://catnapsinitaly.blogspot.com
to see what we are up to.
We are celebrating our anniversary today too! Congratulations and many more for you!!!
Glad you can et out to explore! That is so much fun!!!!
We enjoyed your video with the box, merlin!
Wow! that was a great walk in your garden.
Be sure to give your beans a big purr and a kiss for their anniversary.
Your humans made a very attractive bridal couple! My Steve and his female have been married just seven years now. Question: when you go out in the sun, do you need to wear sunscreen?
Oh BOY! Those sure are some fancy looking wedding pictures! My Mommie and Daddy are engaged (can you believe I was borned out of wedlock)! Your patio sure looks nice, I'd like to lay on those bricks in the warm sunshines!
Congratulations to your humans!! Happy Anniversary!!! Those wedding photos are pretty.
It looks like you have perfect harness weather. Enjoy all that warm sun and grass!
Happy Anniversary to your beans - I enjoyed looking at their wedding photos!
WOWY - we're jealous you gots grass to walk on!
Happy Anniversary to yer beans!
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad.
How great that you two got to go outside! It looks nice out! Love the leashes!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to your humans!
You both look like you are having a great time outside!
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Congratulations to your beans on their anniversary. Our Mom likes that your mom wore flip-flops. Very comfortable. It looks like you had fun outside. Mom is thinking of getting us puppia harnesses too.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy Anniversary to your mom & dad! Great pics of your outside adventure.
I was veeeeeeery late last night with my COT, but I have adopted a new cat.... Wanna come meet her? ;-)
Congwats to your beans! They wook beautiful in the photos! You guys gets to go out! Eekkkss...I weave all the going out for That Thing. Me, I pwefer the gweat indoors.
We love grass! You two look like you are having a lot of fun in your yard.
Congratulations on your Humans Anniversary!
Your FL furiends,
We are a day late but wanted to say congratulations to the two of you! May you have many more wonderful years to come!
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