Dragonheart: Miss Peach sent me this beautiful card and ATC for guessing the right plant on her blog!

Thank you so much, Miss Peach! They are beautiful! We love them and our mom loves the ATC. :)
The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
Hi Dragonheart and Merlin,
that is a wonderful mail from Miss Peach. She is always so nice.
Sorry I had no time yesterday to visit your blog for COT my mom was busy.
Thank you for your nice words for Frieda.
Have a nice day !
hugs Frieda, Luzie and Luna
Good Morning boys! We agree, it is very important to help our brother!
Getting mail is so much fun! Especially when it is from someone as nice as Miss Peach.
excellent rule Merlin!
Hi guys,
fings from Miss Peach are always so lovely, it is such a treat.
You boys look so cute together... i'm glad i's got little brofurs now.
Love & Purrs,
How lovely! Miss Peach is a real peach for sure!
Hi guys! We have missed you! Our mommy is FINALLY home, so we can visit again!
Great mail!!!!!
Get mail is more fun then getting e-mail :)
MissPeach and her mom are soooo nice!
They are also very artistic!!
That's a good rule Merlin. There may be something in there for you. That is a lovely gift from Miss Peach.
Congrats on guessing the plant.That is a very nice card.
Purrs Mickey
You are such a clever cat! You deserve this great prize all the way!
We all investigate the mail everyday! Dragonheart you were right to snooverise!
Ooh I do so love post! We got a book in the post today about Abyssinians! :)
It is very important to help your brother. Plus it's so awesome to get mail!!
Happy Day!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
How cute! Mail is great!! Speaking of mail, my mom's a dork and you package is still sitting at home. Is it too late for it to get to Canada or do we need to reroute it? Servers her right if she has to pay more. ~Queen Snickers
Miss Peach sends the best cards....
Wow!! What a lovely card! Miss Peach is the sweetest! And mail is the coolest thing to get! Have a lovely Wednesday!
Your FL furiends,
It is good to help your brother. What's an ATC?
Luf, Us
How wonderful to get mail, especially from Miss Peach.
That is a good rule Merlin. I check out all the mail too.
Great rule! All mail must be investigated.
Those are very beautiful :-) Miss Peach is a sweetheart.
It's great to have mail! I always check the Giant Kitty's mail too, since I never get any of mine own.
That works for me. What wonderful art from Miss Peach. Happy Wednesday.
Roxy & Lucky
nice shot of them!
Happy WW!
Don't worry little dude! We bet you'll be getting lots of your won mail before too long!
First... Dragonheart & Merlin I want to thank you SOO MUCH for the purrs and purrayers for my sister Miral!! They made a miracle happen!
As for the meezer rule... I am not a meezer but mail is always fun! I do remember my secret mail from you, Dragonheart, we had so much fun all together!! And Miss Peach is such a sweet always.
Btw, my staff showed me a picture of you boys in the newest Sara Magazine. :)
Headbutts & love,
Dat's a good rule Merlin. Miss Peach is always so nice...
That is an excellent rule! I've often caught Sophia trying to steal my treats from the mail.
Oh getting mail is fun! We don't care who it's for!
Oh getting mail is so exciting, speshally from Miss Peach.
We could not visit yesterday but wanted to say that the pictures of you and your dad are terrific! It was great to see both of you on his shoulders!
Those look lovely! Miss Peach is such a kind soul.
Oh what wonderful mail you guys got!
Way to go, you 2. A package like that is always welcome, and a nice break from the usual junk mail and bills. Miss Peach is a peach, too.
LOL.. you two are really having some great time/
How greats of Miss Peach to sends that and it is wonderfuls that you's won!
its wonderfuls to get cards! good for yous.
okay i am 'mbarrassed but i gotta ask...what is a meezer???? :-O
I love how kitties investigate
anything new that comes into
the house. Great WW!
We love mail. Even if its not for us!
Very pretty! We love the little piece of your tail that got into the last picture, hahahahahahahaha!
Miss Peach is a lovely lady cat and that is a wonderful prize. Well done. FAZ
What a nice package. We see you work good as a team in opening it and displaying the contents.
Those are lovely prizes from Miss Peach. That's a very important Meezer rule, Merlin. You should always investigate anything new.
Oh I am so honored dearest brother that you showed my card in your wordless Wednesday post:) Not everykitty knows what an ATC is...I am so glad you like the card. I enjoyed making it for you and you were the winner after all!
I can imagine that you and Merlin keep each other warm and happy at night. Do you sleep together lots?
Now that I am here I will do some reading of all the past posts. I like to catch up on a weeks worth of mews here with you in good ol Munich!
Love as always miss Peach
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