Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Cats on Tuesday: Tongue Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday Here are our fabulous tongues!

Dragonheart's Tongue
Merlin's Tongue

It seems that a number of our friends are having problems accessing our blog. We don't know what is wrong. We've tried changing the template, and we've tested our blog both in Firefox and Internet Explorer. Because we can't figure out what is happening with Blogger, we might be moving to a Wordpress blog: SphynxTales. We'll let you know if and when we move.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We read yer blog jus fine usin Firefox... Jus wanted ya ta know.

Jenn Valmonte said...

wow...cute cat!

my post can be read here:
Out of My Bed, Teddy!. Please drop by when you have the time. Thanks!

Ingrid said...

Now aren't you ashamed to show me your tongue ? lol !
Apparently nobody has problems with my blogs and I never had any with yours. It acutally works very well. I also use Firefox. I think it is not so much the blog but the Internet server. I remember in Italy it was awful it took ages to load one Blog. In Egypt I didn't have this problem and in Turkey neither. England was OK too.

jane said...

They're adorable! I love their skin.

We plan to get a devon rex when we are able to get a furry family member again.

Anonymous said...

We think your tongues are so cute, boys!!

Our Mom took most of the stuff out of our side bar. The more scripts that run, the slower the page load, no matter which browser we used. Before we upgraded and WordPress ate our self-hosted dot.com blog, we didn't have the issues with WordPress, but Wordpress has other issues...

TorAa said...

No problems accessing your blog.

Impressing tongues Dragonheart and Merlin do have. Like Felicia. Very long.

Ana said...

Hehe, these are great tongue pics!

No probs with accessing your blog from my side also.

Parker said...

I jumped right on! It didn't lock me up!
This is great!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Look at those cute tongues! Great pictures as usual!

Millie said...

We use Firefox and we don't have any problems.

The Meezers or Billy said...

great pikshurs!!! people haf been hafing prollems getting to lots of bloggies - it's prolly a DP Blogger issue. we can see your bloggie fine in IE6 and IE7.

what cute tongues!!!

Irishcoda said...

Hi sorry to hear that people are having trouble accessing the blog. We use Firefox and haven't had a problem...what adorable tongues, LOL! And thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers for TB.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great tongues!!! It must be nice to do all that grooming and not worry about hairballs!

We have no problems with your blog. We are on Safari with a Mac.

~Goldie and Shade

Ramses said...

So cute!

None said...

Nice tongues, Griffin's is very light colored and always licking something.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Purrrs, Tamra

Monty Q. Kat said...

Dragonheart, has your skin been darkening by your nose? Your colors look more pronounced lately.

The Crew said...

We don't have any trouble seeing you guys and we use Firefox.

Great pictures!

Babs (Beetle) said...

I never have a problem with your blog, and I use 'Flock' browser (similar to Firefox)

Lovely tongues!

jenianddean said...

Sometimes it doesn't load fully, but it hasn't done it to us in a long time, and we use Firefox. But we'll follow wherever you go, don't worry. I know we had trouble loading our own blog, but it was one of the widgets we had that was bogging us down.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

so far so good boyz ...
nice tonguez!
luv--yer frend--jh

Daisy said...

You have cute tongues! I have not had any problem with your blog.

LZ said...

Your blog loads for most of our browsers but we have an old computer that the Tall Man uses for Internet surfing and we can't get to your blog from there. Its an old IE browser. But you work from old/new Safari, Firefox and IE 6 here at the work place. Even with crappy Vista.

Your tongues are toooo cute!!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like your tongues. For awhile your blog was slow but now it's fast again. We've never not been able to access it. We are on Mac OS 10.5 and use firefox.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh....what cute tongues you guys have!

The Furry Kids said...

Awesome pictures! Your little tongues are so cute!


PS - We use firefox and your blog looks just fine to us, too.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Well, if Mommie ML would stop going "awwwwwww", i's could say yours blog looks fine, we's use Firefox.

Deana said...

What great captures, you guys are making almost the exact same face...very cute. And I love the picture of you guys below cuddled in your blankie.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Look at those tongues! Did you has something left overs from nom nom's there?

We trieds the bloggy on both the Imac and a PC all with IE and Firefox and has no problems seein your bloggy.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Hee! Soo cute ;0)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Very fabulous tongues indeed! Merlin's is so cute, but Dragonheart you might want to be careful. You look like you could asphyxiate yourself :-p

I've been having problems since late last week trying to get on blogs. However, it's not just yours. To me it appears to be blogger/blogspot. It takes forever for even the comment pages to load. Sometimes I cannot get the pictures to open in a new window to see them bigger. Very frustrating.

kuanyin333 said...

Those are the cutest tongues I've ever seen--absolutely adorable!

Luna und Luzie said...

Those are funny tongue photos.

Both looks so cute.
We use firefox and today we had no problem to load your blog.


Anonymous said...

You both have such cute little pink tongues!!

Sometimes your blog is slow to load but we can always read it.

Karen Coutu said...

That is just too precious!

Chrissie said...

Yeah, I read you in Firefox and have never had a problem. Merlin, is skin getting darker? I think I can see your points more clearly!

Ellen Whyte said...

Blog looks great - and those tongues are cute!

The Devil Dog said...

Mom thinks it is Internet Explorer. It starts slow in the beginning, but it always works in the end.
Thanks for your help with Blondie. SHe had to go to Michigan for 3 days for her son's gymnastics, but she is going to see what she can find out from there. :)


The Devil Dog said...

PS. We love the tongues. They are so cute.

Roxy & Lucky

Motor Home Cats said...

Wow, whatever you did to the template this time made it load lots faster for us. We just waited it out before. (We use aol). Your tongues look so cute. Dragonheart, it must be the lighting, but you look a lot darker.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

PERFECT loading this time Dragonheart!!!! Yeah I think you finally tweeked the mix just right! SO you can stay put and I can visit each day now...oh I am so happy! I have missed you so much.
Hope mommy is all better again after her run. The beans went to Portland today for Lapdaddies check up and he is doing fine. A very good day indeed! Oh an dI sat on top of your crinkle sack as mommy was getting it ready to send off. She said to get down because I had my chance at it. This will be a fun toy for both of you.
Love Miss Peach

Java's Coffee House said...

I loves sticking my tongues out, sometimes I just leaves it out.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We're not hafin any problems wif yer bloggie. Windows XP, Firefox 5.0...

Celeste said...

No problems here. I tested with Firefox, IE and AOL.

Maybe it is people with dialup?

What cute tongues!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am so late in stopping by this week! What gorgeous little pink tongues you have. Very cute.

Please tell your humans that I was having a similar problem with Blogger: one person said my blog took her two and a half minutes to load, while others said it was OK. I finally switched to Wordpress (self-hosted version) and all is well now. I like it MUCH better than Blogger!