(Once again, our typist put her morning workouts ahead of our blog post! As if her workouts are more important than us!)
So yesterday, a bunch of you were asking us about this fellow:

This is Bruno, our Snuggle Safe! He's a nice, soft pillow that helps to keep us warm in the winter! There's a Snuggle Safe disc (the pink circular thing below) that gets heated in the microwave:

After it's been heated, the pink disc gets put inside the cat-shaped pillow (Bruno), and then the pillow is zipped shut:

Then Bruno, the Snuggle Safe continues to give off heat for up to 10 hours, and is safe for us to use!

Our Snuggle Safe comes in very handy in the winter, especially if we have to go out in our PTUs (cat carriers), for example, if we have to go to the vet. The Snuggle Safe is also very useful when our humans are running on the moving sidewalk (treadmill) in the winter, and have the patio door cracked open to let some fresh air in. We also appreciate his warmth when the windows are opened during the winter for a brief period of time (our home, like most homes in Germany, is made of concrete, and needs to be "aired out" every day in the winter).
In the winter, our humans will put our fleece blanket on top of Bruno, so we can burrow under the blankets, and enjoy the heat that Bruno gives off.
We have one of those Snuggle Safes, too! They are very great. But we do not have one of those cool covers for it (we just wrap it up in a blanket). I think we are going to buy one of those for the kitties at the shelter.
That looks wonderful, boys! Mom says she would like to get a Snuggle Safe for our Grampy's cold footies.
Dragonheart and Merlin, that is a really neat way to keep warm, and it is really cute too! Our Daddy has something like that to sit on when he goes vishus deer hunting!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
That snuggle safe kitty looks fun. I think I would like to snuggle with it under the covers
That looks furry great to has when it's cold out. I wonder if I'ds like it.
Mommmmmmmm can you gets me a Snuggle Safe? Peas???
Bruno is really cool!!!!
Looks like a very nice invention, especially for you without fur !
That is too cool!!! We have the disc,but not the Snuggle cat:) It is neat for older kitties like mw who like heat,but then what cat does not like heat? Heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
That looks pawsome, 'cept for having to use Spot #13 to hold the heater...;)
That is a very good idea. MB might see about one for Livvie. She doesn't move around like Me and Mitzi, so she feels the cold more.
Purrs, Sukie X
Wow! Bruno is a very useful guy to have around!
What a wonderful way to keep warm!
That is totally the "cat's meow"! I want one! It must be furry challenging for you to keep warm having no furs like I do. I'm furry happy for you that your momma takes such good care of you two.
That is the coolest -- or should I say, the warmest thing! I will make Steve get me one for the three days in California that it gets really cold.
Oooo your snuggle safe is furry cute...it doesn't get too cold here in Flordia too often, but I could see it being very useful...thank you for your purrs for Ping.
Cool, we could use something like that. Even now in the summer it can get cold at night when the fog rolls in.
That looks really cool! I think I would like that very much in the winter we will have to search for one because I get VERY cold!!
My sphynx Marley loves his snuggle safe in the winter time. When we took him to the vet last time he didn't move off his snuggle safe during the entire examination. Must have been a lot warmer than those cold exam tables! Dugh!!
Wow, Bruno is an awesome Snuggle Safe! I can imagine how great it must be with him in winter in Germany!
I don't really needs a warm snuggle safe here in Dallas I needs an air conditioned one!
Momma thinks she needs a Bruno for her toesies next winter. hee hee
I always like lernin about yoo! That looks like a soft and warm thing to nap on.
MMmmmm, that sounds sooo comfy and warm it makes me sleepy, just thinkin' about it. We used to live in a concrete home and had to air it out everyday..courtesy of the USMC! But, that's what they issued us!
Wow, that is warm invention! And heated by the microwave in minutes... that is so safe!
Ruis' sisters, which have lesser and thinner hair than him would LOVE a Bruno. :-)
Karl & Ruis
Oh that looks wonderful! Your humans take such good care of you!
Wow, Bruno is a "Wärmflasche"
That is a good idea to keep you warm and cosy .
I think we need a Bruno if we stay outside this night and sleep on terrace.It is really cold (7°C last night) in northern Germany.
That is neat! Momma has been thinking about getting some of those Snuggle Safes, but we haven't seen those neat covers.
Wow! I really like that idea. I get cold, with only one layer of fur so I think I would enjoy one of those.
Hint Hint Mom!
Cute! Got something to cool us tropically based kitties down???
That is a wonderful invention. And your description of it, believe it or not, even tho it is "summer" here but cold, makes me want to get one for me. It sounds so comforting and cozy.
Our mommy has seen those Snuggle Safes, they look very useful and warm. Mom really likes Bruno, the covering.
Mindy & Moe
That looks really great. You two must need it without having any furs. I don't need that so much here in Texas, because it is pretty warm most of the year.
That is so cool that your beans are marathon runners.....my mom can't even run one mile!
That is PAWSOME! Where did you git it?
We bet dat feels good and dis winter der will two of yoo unner da blankies enjoying da warmth!
A super idea!
I. Totally. Need. One.
Dat is the coolest ever!
I have a fleece blankie that I like to curl up under when is gets cold. I could totally use one of those.
I didn't know what is Snuggle Safes before, now I get it~! I think that is very comfy and cute~~~
By the way, Thank you for your advice. I am sorry I use "stinky" to make you feel not nice. Just everytime when I smell my brother Lego, my mouth open...that must meaning his smell is acridness. After so many days, I still can't used to his smell. Many I will try to groom him while he is not attacking my tail anymore, then after that, his smell may not so bothers me.
I will try.
Wow 10 hours of warmth? That sounds great.
That's a very cool thing - we'd never heard of it!
Pls, do not talk about winter when it's almost midsummer and we do have the Green Winter here. brrr. Blowing and raining - 12-14 Centigrades.
We love to lay down in front of the Fireplace.
Or staying on the ground below the Restroom (Yes it's built above the ground so the water from the hill can flood freely without doing and damage to the construction - Smart - miaaah)
During the Winter, we stay in our parents Restroom, because they have heating cables in the floor.
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