As we mentioned yesterday, we don't have air conditioning. So since it went up to 34°C (93°F) yesterday (and it was very humid), this is what we were doing all day:
Dragonheart: Our dad calls this my "shrimp pose"

Merlin: Both of our humans were laughing at me, saying I looked silly! Okay, they also said I was very cute. They were happy that I was being quiet and sleeping, instead of causing havok and creating destruction

Tags: Mancat, Mancat Monday, Meezer Monday, Meezer, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
When it's hot, it sort of takes all the energy out of allcats. We haven't been our lively selves lately, except just before mealtime.
Cute pictures!
It's really amazing you sleep with blanket~! My blanket has already throw to the closet~!!!
We are so hot hot hot here~!
Both of you sleep very very adorable pose, I like sleep like a shrimp, too.
When it gets that hot, I just sprawl out in front of the fan and let my fur blow in the breeze.
Heh, seems like you guys would be a bit cooler without all the fur.
Stay cool,
Can we have a little of your heat here please? My week ahead if full of suffering, but it would be easier to take if I was hot and sleepy! ;)
Heat makes me lazy too!
sometimes it's just too hot for havoc and destruction
WOWSIE...that is hot! You two look very cute napping! Hope it gets cooler soon.
What a funny napping pose, Merlin! :-D
Chica and Pumuckl also lay in the weirdest ways. And Pumuckl also chose to sleep under the blanket yesterday? Is it cooler in there?
When it's hot & sticky,you snooze. Nighttime is great for causing havok and creating destruction!!!!! Heh,heh,heh
Purrs Mickey
That is a very funny pose Merlin.
It's not very hot here and it's all cloudy too.
Purrs, Sukie X
Gosh Dragonheart and Merlin, it is hot there! You have the right idea conserving all of your energy. We like to lay on the end of Momma's bed when it is really hot so the air from the A/C vent blows on us. We still wish we could send you a magic A/C unit ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I can't imagine that heat, I am sure it gets that hot here once in a blue moon but I can't remember.
Napping is all a cat can do then it gets that sticky!
Purrs, Shade and Goldie
Its been really hot here too! But we do have air conditioning. You certainly have an advantage over us furried cats in such a situation!
No a/c...I'd melt! :P
Ouch! No air condition! I lay directly in front of the air condition vent when it gets hot, which is often because of all of my fur.
You kitties had the right idea! When it is hot like that, the best thing to do is nap.
Oh Merlin, you are absolutely so cute! Look at you hanging a leg out to stay a bit cool!
93 is hot...wowie and no cold box to cool you off. We hopes that you had fans to help....
I like your little shrimp pose! I feel cooler if I stretch out as long as possible.
You guys have the right idea about beating the heat. It has been hot here too and we stretch out really long. Stay cool!
Dragonheart and Merlin,
So nice to meet you! The shrimp pose is very cute, I agree. If it gets too hot over there in Germany, please come visit me across the ocean.
Abby Normal
I'm glad its Monday. My peeple are off making kitty cat food munney so I can finely ketch up on sum naptime. I nefur sleep on weekends cuz snoopervising them is a fulltime job. Thare are lotsa nappin pitchurs on the CB today and thay are all makin Echo a very tired meezerboy!
Is it HUMID? Ugh...that is really hot! It would make me cranky to say the least.
Hahaha....shrimp pose!
whoaaa...we think you both have a very sexy pose catnap;)
-meaouwy troops-
93 and no a/c? Oh my, that's unbearable! Merlin, I have to say you look hot with that blanket on top of you.
Oh, we hope it cools down for you. Or at least gets less humid. We are having more thunderstorms and lots of rain.
Those pictures are priceless.
Blaa so hot weather! We don't use our conditioner until we have to, but I can't imagine not having one at all! Momma knows how you feel, her dorm at Oxford did not have air conditioning. England had a (90+F-32C) heat wave during the summer and it was icky.
We are so sorry that you are so hot. We really know what you are going thru. Mom says that when she was in Germany, it never got that warm - but the climate has changed since then. We hope it cools down soon for you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh wow, that's hot hot hot! Stay kool, fellers! Those are adorabble pickshures of you.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Wow, that is really hot. Does it help to not be so hot without fur? Do you have nice cool tile to sleep on? I have been sleeping on the kitchen tile because it is hot here too.
Ack, aren't you too close to that blankie?
Oh, that's hot. And the humidity makes it worse. We've been doing a lot of napping too.
purrs and tail wags
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