First up is the name meme!
What is your name?
D: My registered name is Hair'N'Skin Dragonheart; my daily use name is Dragonheart
M: My registered name is MiracleLove Bijan; my daily use name is Merlin

D: I like my name just the way it is. It suits me.
M: I like my daily use name, so I wouldn't change it
What is your pet's name?
We have two pets called "Mom" and "Dad"
If you could change your pet's name what would it be?
We think their names are fine
What is your brother or sisters name?
D: I have one brother named Merlin
M: I have one brother named Dragonheart
If you could change their name what would it be?
D: Merlin should be called "Trouble" or "El Destructo"
M: Dragonheart should be called "Little Mister Perfect" or "Goody Two Shoes"
Next comes the 7 Quirks Meme!
- There are only a few human foods I like: salmon, milk in the bottom of a cereal bowl, and vanilla ice cream.
- I love to dig and dig and dig in the litterbox, yet half the time I end up not covering, despite all the digging.
- I like to lick the lotion off of my mom's hands.
- I follow my mom around from room to room. When she goes upstairs, I follow her. When she comes back downstairs, I follow her too.
- I love to burrow! I like to burrow under the covers when I sleep with my humans in bed at night, I like to burrow under the fleece blankets that are laid out on the futon in the family room for us, and I like to burrow under a fleece blanket when I'm curled up on my mom's lap.
- I love having my head rubbed, but afterwards I shake my head and my ears made a very cool noise as I'm shaking my head back in forth. When I shake my head, my humans say I'm getting rid of the "human cooties" after they've given me a good head rub.
- I like to wake my dad up in the morning by very gently tapping his face with my paw. If he doesn't respond, I get my face very close to his and breathe on him.
- Despite the fact that we cats are supposed to be obligate carnivores, I like to eat plenty of different foods! I like to eat animal crackers, Digestive biscuits, cheese, Ritz crackers, sandwich meat, popcorn, fruit smoothies, and of course, fish. In fact, my humans say that I like to eat anything edible. They call me a four-legged stomach and they are always reminding me that I'm supposed to be an obligate carnivore.
- I love to chew and attack cardboard.
I love to play! If my humans aren't paying enough attention to me and I want to play, I start to meow (and I have a very loud voice) or else I do things that I'm not supposed to, like jumping up on the table, or attacking the list of emergency contact numbers by the phone.
- I love to give my dad head-butts and rub my face into his face! I particularly love running at warp speed across the room and launching myself onto his chest, then rubbing my head all over his face! It's so much fun!
- I have a fun game I'll play with my dad: When he's busy working or playing on the laptop, I jump into his lap, rubbing my head all over his face, or walking all over the computer. The minute he puts the laptop down and starts paying attention to me, I stop paying attention to him. This is a really fun game!
- Although I don't like being bathed, I do love playing in the bathtub! Attacking the shower curtain is lots of fun, and licking up any water left in the bottom of the bathtub is fun too (although my humans always yell at me to stop doing those things).
- I love to purr! I'm almost always purring. You don't even have to touch me, you just need to approach me, and I'll start purring. I even purr at the vet's! I purr when Dragonheart grooms me, I purr when one of my humans pets me, I purr when one of my humans approaches me. If I'm not asleep or busy playing, I'm probably purring!
So so happy to know more about you~!
I recall Dragonheart's purr video, it's just too neat to me!!!! I believe both of your purr are awesome!
It's good to find out more about you both.
Purrs, Sukie X
Hey, guess what? We also do not like baths but enjoy playing on the bathtub and the shower curtain! We did not know any other cat liked that!
I love your quirks! I follow my mom wherever she goes, too. It is one of my favorite activities, besides being fed.
These have been fun memes! Pumuckl also follows me everywhere :-)
We did the fridge MEME today.
Salmon is the bestest food in the whole world. ~Socks, S & C
I must say that you really have chosen the perfect shade of blue in the blankies!
Loved reading all about you both!
From "Apelsinam Castelo Branco",
aka Sen-Chan!
"human cooties"! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
I always love reading more about the two of you...I also love to follow my Mom around, in fact she says I lead her around.
I like your memes!!
DRagonheart, I am like you in #2& 4
Merlin,you made Mom laugh with your #4 :) Heehee
Purrs Mickey
I enjoyed getting to know more about you both! :)
Dragonheart and Merlin, those are absolutely wonderful things to learn about you, and we love your registered names, they are so precious! We sometimes try to wipe the kissies off of our faces with our paws after Momma and Daddy kiss us ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I like the fact that you think of your Mom & Dad as your pets! ;) We think more of D'Boy as our pet then Mummy or Daddy... After all D'Boy has toys and other goodies like a pet and if he's naughty and leaves them out we take them away from them. Though Mummy gets cross when she finds we've put the lego men in her bed! ;)
Great job on the memes, guys! It is always fun to learn more about you two.
That was nice to learn more about you both!
~ Miss Emily
You each have the most endearing habits! You are both distinct individuals and that makes it all the more fun for your parents!
Scout says when he is in his harness he is staked out in the yard with a long lead attached to it. That way he can explore and play while mom can sit in the shade & read. So thats how he caught the birdie, because he was checking things out on his own. (But mom is always outside with him)
those were great answers! and Merlin, your game wif your dad sounds AWESOME
El Destructo, Goody Two Shoes.....MOL!!!!!!
You two are just full of purrsonality!!!
awww, Merlin - constant purring will get you anything you want in life!
I like ta lick the bathwater an the sides of the shower too, an plus I'll lick anybody who just bathed. They say I'm lickin' the clean offa them. Oh, an I lick the lotion too!
El Destructo - Hahahahahaha! We just love that!
I like how you shake off the cooties. I will have to remember that. heh heh
It is funny how different you two are! My Mommie loves that flapping noise that big cat ears make during a good shake.
Dragonheart and Merlin, we learned so much about you, those are great memes. You love your mom dad a lot and we just know they loves you both, too. Great picture of you, Merlin, with dad! You are sweet and gentle kitties and our mom likes you a lot. Us too.
Mindy & Moe
That is nice to read. I´m glad to know more about you both.
We follow our Momma all around the house too!!! She might get into trouble if we aren't checking up on her!!! We also luv ice cream and fishies!!!!!
Merlin, you sound like a lot of fun! I don't know why Dragonheart calls you el destructo :-p You just like to play!!
I think it's very funny that you have to shake off the human cooties after a head rub, Dragonheart :-) I wonder if our cats think we have cooties? Hmmm.
Our pet's name is Mom - isn't it weird how we named them the same thing. We loved your answers. We particularly like that you are a velcro kitty Dragonheart and that you are "El Destructo" Merlin.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Ha ha - pets named Mom and Dad, that's great! We love it!
El Destructo could be Little Isis' name too!
Always interesting to learn more about our friends!
Auntie Spooker
Hehe...I'm called destructo-meeze. We just love you two and your quirks!
I love you two. I really enjoyed reading these meme's. You two are amazing. I am so glad you have eachother and play together
Hey Merlin, do you think Dragonheart would call me Elle Destructo too? Boy, you and I are so much alike, eating everything, not being perfect, not liking baths.
Great answers the both of you.
Oooh...vanilla ice cream is the best treat ever! We like it too!
Great memes! Merlin, I like the games you play with your dad! HAHAHA ~Queen Snickers
That was very interesting and we also enjoyed your licking video which we missed the other day 'cause mommy was MIA allll day! Ya know what...she did it again today too. She said it wasn't her fault, Dad got lost since there was a detour, then on the way back he missed the turn off and didn't even realize it till mommy said, "I think you did it we might as well stop at this BJs since we are headed that way"....and so they did.......Then they had to go back the way they came due to a traffic jam and finally, and it's about time, they got home! It's a good thing we are forgiving boyz........they brought chew toys for the Spoos and treats for us...Tee Hee!=^Y^=Setzer & the Boyz
i wuz intrested to lern more abowt merl. i know allotta stuff abowt dh ...
hehehehe, Merlin, a four-legged stomack! That's what Momma and Daddy need to call me cuz I'm the same way! EFURRYTHING is eithur FOODIES or a TOY.
I hadded a lot of fun readin both of your memes! You two are superkool fellers.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hahaha, four legged stomache...dat's funny. Yoo guys are just too cute.
A fabulous meme! I enjoyed reading
it and getting to you you both!
Sweeeeeet! Happy COT !
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