Dragonheart: My second birthday is coming up on Friday! I can't believe I'll be 2!
The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
If there are no siblings on close proximity, a human is the next best thing. - Bella
Two already, Dragonheart, time does fly.
Looks like you make great pillows for one another.
We'll come back on Friday for the "big two" :)
Very good~! These might be the best pillows ever!!!!
Since it's always good to have a pillow handy, broadening your range of options is very wise!
You always look so beautiful and cuddly together!
Definitely, although Eric tends to use me as a pillow more often, and flattens me.
Great pillow!!!!
I sometimes use Shade as a mat as opposed to a pillow.
Purrs, Goldie
Oh....such cute pictures! Siblings make great pillows!
awwww so cute!
this is so true! since stormie went away I have been clinging to my humans for cuddles...but it ain't the same. nothign beats a sibling :)
We completely agree!! Yup, he's my brother AND my pillow.
p.s. You boys have the cutest footies.
very snuggly you two. Merlin you are a sweet brother. I do not want to snuggle with Pierro, he is too wiggly.
Dragonheart, you are amazing! 2 already... wonderful age to be
Apparently YOU are the pillow, D...not the other way around. More often than not I'M the pillow for Max, too. Maybe that's a younger brother "thing".
Are you having friends over? If so, we 4 will plan on coming by on Friday.
Such sweet brothers! Your photos always give us a big smile.
See you Friday!!
~ Kitty Boy
Great rule!!! Brothers are warm too :)
Purrs Mickey
Yes, siblings can be purrfect pillows....and it seems I am a pillow for Orion.
Great rule!
You has the "awwwwww" factor goings on there! hehe
We like to use each other as pillows too!
Purrs, Sukie X
I found out snuggling under covers is not bad! I burrowed under the blankets with momma the other night for the first time ever the other night!! ~Queen Snickers
Boy, that is really convenient that you can be pillows for each other! I'm glad you have so many nice blankies to burrow in, too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Merlin I am constantly impressed by your self-centered skills! Well done my friend!! Well done. Siblings do in fact make great pillows.
Merlin, I wholeheartedly agree! Titus makes the best pillow.
DH, do you ever get to use Merlin as a pillow? Titus used me as a pillow once. It was ok.
Happy Wednesday!
Brothers do make the best pillows. I use my brothers all the time for pillows. Excellent rule!
-Maggie McKitten-Cat
A fine rule, unless you have a sibling like Gemini--you can't breath trying to use her as a pillow because of that fluff!
You both make great pillows but I would never let my sisfur touch me...it almost happened this morning when I laid between Momma's feet and Boo was not more than an inch away...it was too close. I hissed at her..
Ah, Dragonheart, I think it is so cute how Merlin rests his little paws on your back. He trusts you.
Merlin, you look so cute using Dragonheart for a pillow. We like to do that too.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh yes, that's a really good rule! So true :-)
hi guys! hope you are doin' fine!
you look so cute napping togefur
Dragonheart, do you ever get to use Merlin as a pillow? This appears to be a one sided thing happening.
ha ha ha cute cute cute. it must be nice to have a sibling to pillow on
You are right, Merlin, siblings are the purrfuct alternative for human laps. With so many siblings in my house there is always a pillow available, hahaha.
Great and cute photos, too!!
Is there a party Friday, Dragonheart?
What beautiful pictures!!! You are so sweet together. And Merlin is sooooooo big!
Looks like Dragonheart is getting the worst part of the deal because he appears to be the pillow. Just kidding!
You are correct, Dragonheart. It is perfectly acceptable to use a sibling as a pillow. Wow, your birthday? Cool!
Hey Merlin, can I claim you as my not of my species sibling. I need all the help I can get today.
Oh my! We can't believe yoo will be two already! We prolly can't stop by for yur birfday coz owr 'puter is being taken hostije by da beans whilst dey am on vacayshun. So we am sending many wonderful birfday wishes yur way now.
Siblings make really great pillows!
Hmm, looks like Merlin uses yoo as a pillow a little more often than yoo use him Dragonheart. Zippy waits till Speedy is asleep and then puts her head on top of his and naps. Oh boy, yoor gonna be two on Friday...where does the time go?
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! You guys are so cute and cuddly:) xxx
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