Dragonheart: Since I am a gentleman cat, my Full Monty is a modest one, with everything covered.

Merlin: I like to let everything hang out! Here I am doing a Full Monty with a twist!

You can check out the other entries at Doing the Q. If you like ours, don't forget to vote for us once the voting starts!
Darn, I STILL can't figure out how ta do the Monty Q!
Those are excellent entries! Dragonheart, I am impressed by your modesty! :)
Both of you doing great Monty Q~!
Great Full Monty's. Dragonheart we are impressed with your modesty.
Both of you are very good in doing montys!
Wonderful Full Monty's Dragonheart and Merlin! You two are so Cute!
Your FL furiends,
Oh my...we're all hot and bothered now guys. Woowee...not used to seeing things like that...I think we've lived rather sheltered lives.
You guys have great Monty's!!!!!!
We have decided to enter this year too :) We are doing it with a sideways twist :)
Purrs Mickey
Dragonheart, you are a proper 'gentleman' Very good Montys.
Purrs, Sukie x
Being a gentleman is very important! We like your crinkled tummies!
Super Full Montys! Ramir entered too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Those are some excellent entries. Good luck to both. This contest is going to be very interesting.
Great Qs! Huggy Bear is our Full Monty cat. Thanks for reminding us to get our entry in.
Dragonheart, I like your sleeping position. You are a true gentlecat!
Merlin... you are like Pierro, silly and cute!
You guys are so cute! Have a great vacation! We can't wait to hear all about it.
Those are both very excellent entries!! I hope you guys do well in the contest and have fun in your penthouse for the week. We're going to miss you lots!
Great job, guys!
Have a lot of fun at your kitty spa!
They are both cute Full MOntys!
You guys, those are great!!
what handsome tummies, boys
i just wanna stick my head in for some belly bumps
Good Full Montys, boys!
great full monty's guys!!!
Excellent Full Montys :-D You're right, Dragonheart, you are a gentleman cat. I think Merlin's still a little young and unaware of how to be a gentleman cat ;-)
I hope your Mommy and Daddy have a wonderful vacation and that you and Merlin enjoy your time at the cat hotel :-)
Great Montys boys!
I have to check and see if I'm alowd to look at pikchers like this. I'm kinda gitting urjes!
Wow you both do the monty really well!
~ Molly ~
Dragonheart and Merlin, those are very good entries. You are going to give Tavi and Camie a run for our money. Good luck to you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
PS - we are going to miss you while you are away, but we hope your mom and dad have fun in Tuscany.
Merlin, you've got the idea -- monty like no one's watching.
Both of you have done an excellent job!!!
Hi! My name is Eduardo, I'm a puggle who loves to snuggle! I added you to my blog I hope you don't mind! Please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Great full Monty's :)
Good modest tail-curl, Dragonheart. Hee-hee!
Nice montys! You are really modest Dragonheart!
You have such a wonderful gentleman like quality Dragonheart! That is what drew me to you from the beginning.
I am so happy your humans are traveling so much in Europa! Italy in olive harvest wow!
Stay well and happy until you come back to visit, I send my best love to you both...
your Peach
they is excellent Monty's - i can see everything! i reckon you may just win that competition :)
oh...my Meowmie managed to do her 10km - she started out slowly and ran the whole distance without stopping for a walk. well, when i say 'ran' i mean slow jogging. she did it in 1hr amd 11mins - which is OK for a first attempt at a 10km with no training!
the next race is the Nike challenge at the end of the month. another 10km.
I'm a little shy about showing off my bits, but Tigmut'hep can be seen doing the Monty all the time! What's even more shocking is the fact that he's given himself a Brazilian to make sure it all shows! Honestly some mancat's lack good breeding and manners! ;)
We like your Full Montys!! We were going to do it, but momma never got around to taking our pictures. :(
You are letting everything hang out Merlin! heee heee heee!
You are both doing excellent full montys! I never do them and Willow tried but you boys are great! Hope that you are having a nice vacation!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
You make me wanna scratch that cute tummy of yours.
I wonder what it would be like to put the 2 of you with the Spice Cats, I bet the photos would come out great since all of you are such contrast.
cute cute cute!!! i miss you guys. i hope your beans come home soon. we miss your awesome pictures.
i found a Sphynx kitty that was rescued from a breeder. she is Josh's sister and her name is Connie.
We haven't felt like blogging all week. But we had to stop by and say hi!
I just think you guys have great skin!
You are lookin' good, buddies. I hope you are doin' okay at the Katzenpension and getting enough lovvies.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
We've been missing you boys!
~~The Bunch
Those are great entries! Ruckus entered too but I refused.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
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