At the Katzenpension, we had a Einzelzimmer (private room) to ourselves. The Katzenpension had three private rooms, and one Gruppenzimmer (group room). Each room had an outdoor cat run that was open during the day (the door to it was closed up at night). So we had a room all to ourselves, with plenty of cubbyholes for us to curl up in, as well as a wonderful cat tree.

Merlin: I LOVED the outdoor cat run! It was fabulous! There were all kinds of REAL tree branches to run around on, as well as a bunch of platforms. It was fully enclosed, so we couldn't escape, and there were plenty of shady spots outdoors too. But it was wonderful to explore outdoors, and to feel the sun on my skin! Silly, fraidy-cat Dragonheart didn't go outside very often. I don't know why - it was wonderful outside!

Dragonheart: I wasn't afraid, you silly kitten, but I have a lot more sense than you do! I know to stay out of the sun, so that I don't get sunburned, or end up with funny-looking tan lines like you did! You are lucky that you didn't get sunburned - it's a good thing you aren't a white Sphynx! Besides, I enjoyed watching you behave like a silly fool. I had an excellent view from the window leading outside to the run, and I had more than enough sun and plenty of fresh air from there. (You can see the funny tan lines that Merlin

We were very well looked after at the Katzenpension, with staff on call 24 hours a day. The nice ladies there fed us, cleaned our litter box, made sure we had fresh water, and played with us and petted us. They really enjoy having us Sphynx there, since we are so friendly (especially Merlin) and so unique! Although we were rather fussy with our food. They feed us fresh food at the Katzenpension (fresh beef or lamb) but because Dragonheart is allergic to poultry, our humans also brought some of our venison food with us. Well, it turns out we only wanted to eat our venison food! We didn't want any of the fresh stuff! Which is astounding, because normally Merlin eats ANYTHING, including foods that aren't for kitties, like Digestive biscuits, animal crackers, popcorn, fruit smoothies, etc.
But, as wonderful as it was at the Katzenpension, we are very happy to be back home, and we are very, very glad that our humans are back! Merlin does miss the outdoor run, though, and keeps scratching at the window, wanting to go outside. Our humans have promised to take us outside on our harnesses once we have a nice, warm sunny day.
Welcome back boys and your humans! Great to hear you had a wonderful time!
Those tan lines are indeed very funny!
PS: Could you ask your Mom where she got your harnesses from?
Haha Merlin, your tan lines are funny. We are glad you didn't get burnt though. The cat hotel sounds very nice. Maybe your dad could build you an outdoor run for warm days. We only use ours now when our Beans go on holiday, because since dad built the high fence, we can stay in the garden all day.
We loved reading about your vacation! The "mansion" sounds like a great place, especially the outdoor run. Merlin's tan photos are a hoot!
Your Pals
Sen-Chan and Tom
Oh it must feel so wonderful to have your Momma and Dadda home :) I bet you cuddled lots! did they get scardez at your tan lines, you looks scary to me! :)
You iz lucky, very, to have peeps that make sure you iz as happy as they are going to be.
We iz very happy for you both!!
Merlin, you are a tanned kitty! It's nice to see you back again!
We think Merlin's tan lines are cute. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Sound like you were living in the lap of luxury. ~Socks
From time to time I look gladly here past, in order to read the well written contributions as suggestions. Here I would like to leave a greeting from Thuringia in Germany!
Tan lines,heeheehee I'm happy that you two had fun:) It's nice to have a cool place to be when your folks are away :) Being home again with them is the best though !!
Purrs Mickey
those are cool tan lines Merlin!!! we are glad you had a good time
Hey, guys! I'm glad you're back! I'd a never thunk you'd tan in the sun, which is silly, 'cause of course you would! What I want to know is-did you freckle? My mom does NOT tan, she just turns lobster red and then SPOTS just POP out all over her skin. I do not freckle, nor do I tan cause I'm NOT allowed out! [grump} But it sounds like you had the coolest place on earth to stay while your folks were gone. I'd go there just for the fun of it!
Welcome back home! I am glad you had such a great time at the Kitty Hotel. Merlin, you do have interesting tan lines! Who knew that a kitty could tan so well?
ooooh you are all stripy! ha ha!
Glad you are all back home now.
Purrs, Sukie x
Welcome back Dragonheart and Merlin. what an interesting place to stay and visit. I need that sort of attention and service regularly. How can I train my human to do that?
Welcome back. Merlin looks funny with his tan. I assume it will turn back, just like Mom and Dad when they came back from the beach. I never thought about him getting a tan in the cat run. That sounds like a nice thing, but we're OK inside for right now (honestly, I'm afraid of fleas...)
The Katzenpension sounds like a great place you two are so cute...Hugs Ariel
What a cool tan Merlin!! The Lap Lady has a tan too but not nearly as cool as yours. It sounds like you had a very fun adventure.
We have Gamma come and entertain me when my humans are away. She comes over for 2 hours at a time to play with me :). I have her well trained. Gamma PLAYS with me so much that we killed the butterfly toy :(. I am very happy to hear you're going to help me get some new ones because I don't know what I would do for fun without them!
We are so glad you two are home and that your people had another good trip. That cat hotel sounds rally nice!! Those tan lines are t-o-o funny!!
Wow! You guys had your own vacation! And Merlin, those tan lines are pretty funny! Heehee!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Your wrinkles almost look like dunes!
That kat hotel place sounds like lots of fun but there is nowhere quite like home. You will have to work on your suntan and see if you can tan all ofer.
Merlin your tan lines made Mommy squeee - she thought it was the cutest thing ever!
We are very glad that you had a good time, but happier that you are back!
Welcome home Merlin and Dragonheart and to your Mom and Dad as well. It is good that everyone had a fun time...
Those stripes are certainly different looking Merlin.
~ Shadow ~
Your cat hotel sounds totally wonderful, but I'm sure you're glad to be back home with your humans.
We missed you guys so much! We're glad you had a nice vacation. Merlin, you have very nice tan lines. :)
Happy Monday to you guys!
Merlin, please be careful in the sun! We're glad you enjoyed your vacation! We know how nice it is to sleep in your own beds.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That sounds like a wonderful hotel you two were in. Merlin, I think you got a little bit too much sun.
I am glad you got your own private room! Those tan lines look very funny and cute.
I'm glad you're back but what? A PRIVATE ROOM? That's my dream, I never have privacity!!!
I think the tans lines look kind of awesome, actually!
Nice tan, Merlin. That place sounds like it was a lot of fun. We are glad you had a nice time, but we are glad you are back.
PS you are very welcome about the quilt. Auntie knew you would have participated if you had not been on vacation and I agreed that we had to add your names. We would never leave you two out.
What a neat place to stay. Do you think Merlin has a hidden desire to be a tiger?
I stayed at home while my mom was away, but I sure will be glad to have her back home tomorrow.
You make it sound so good I think I want to go stay at a Katzenpension! Welcome back!
You have a delux place to stay. When I go to the kittie hotel, I don't have an outdoor run.
Wow, your vacation hotel sounds like a great place! But I know it sure is nice to have your momma and daddy back and to sleep in your own beds. Merlin, those tan lines are really funny.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Merlin, we love your tan lines. You need to be careful tho. We would hate for you to get a burn. It looks like you had a good time at your hotel. We missed you tho.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We're glad you had so much fun. I hope our mum finds us a place as good as that for our holiday. We are going to a cat hotel in November while mum and Gabbie are in New Zealand.
But it's good to see you back and we're glad that you had a good time.
Bella & Mitzi
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