We both love to curl up inside of sleeping bags and crinkle sacks! It is nice and cozy to curl up inside of a nice, soft sleeping bag.
Dragonheart in his sleeping bag:
Merlin in his crinkle sack:

Tags: Cats on Tuesday, Cat Sleeping Bag, Crinkle Sack, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
Those furry beds look sooooo comfy! Lucky, lucky Dragonheart and Merlin. (cute toes too)
I wish I had such a nice bag too, but then a very big one for me and all 5 cats !
We thought you guys allus slept together!
I never noticed that you wear a glove before Dragonheart, IT gives me "Thrillerrrr , in the night" and makes me want to "beat it, beat it" before "Billy Jean who is not my Lover" catches up with me ;)
We love your sleeping bags! Mom promised that is she ever sees one of those she'd get one for us. We think it would be very snuggly in the winter months, not that the winter months are very long here!
I want one of those bags, they look so comfy!
Those sleeping bags look very comfy. We are suffering from neglect because our mum hasn't bought us one. We have to make do with getting under the covers.
Oh dear, out human is getting heart palpitations over these wonderful photos of wonderful kitties. Absolutely adorable, both of you! And what luxury...
Awww... you two look so cosy and warm! :)
Gee,you two really do look happy in your sacks!!!! I like enclosed things too because they are warm and feel safe and cozy!!
Purrs Mickey
you both look nice and cozy
Those cozy bags look VERY kitty friendly! When the temperatures
start to dip that's when they would come in handy. Dragonheart and
Merlin could sell these beds with the
great pictures! :)
I have a feeling that #1 would like one of those for herself... She's also bemoaning the fact that she can't fit in mine!
Hi! I finally get to come and visit my friends. How are you all doing? I talked to Tatum yesterday and she had gone to visit a friend who owns a pet store in Lynchburg, Va. Guess what kind of kitten she got to play with? A SPHYNX!!! She fell in love! She tells me that you fell like a warm chamois cloth! She had lots of fun playing with the kitten! She misses the CatSSSSS!!!
I hope that you have a wonderful day!
That looks so cozy! Latte got a new Millie Bed from the LL for his birthday and I've claimed it. I can nuzzle in the corner so its almost like a sleeping bag.
We usually have no trouble with Ikea furniture but this one was just wrong. Did you see they have new cat tunnels at Ikea?!!
That looks cozy and warm!
I just love your sleeping bags. We need to see if Mom will get us one of those to try out and see if we'd sleep in it.
Those beds look very comfy!
purrs, Sukie x
You guys look so cute!
I want one of those, you two look so snuggly comfortable in yours. FAZ
Looks really comfy, all snuggled up inside your bags.
You are both so cute and handsome!
Meowm says she wants to curl up with you guys! We prefer to curl up alone so far.
You make those sleeping bags look so comfy, guys!
Yoo's guys look furry warm and cozy!
We gots to get ourselves some sleeping bags 'cuz yours look really comfy and cozy.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You both look very cozy...do you like them because they are warm?
Oh how snuggly - they look perfect for this time of year!
You guys have the coolest stuff. Of course maybe I'd get more cool stuff if I ever used it...
You guys look so comfy that it makes us want to zzzzzzzz!!!
That duz look nice. I also reely enjoyed yur playfight viddy-oh. Me and Tenny do the same thing. Vary nice to stop by and see yoo guys is doin well and doin the mancat thing!
Oooooh, they looks so warm and cozy. We wouldn't mind having half a dozen of them, plus 3 in larger sizes.
Helllllloooooo! Are you listening, Jan? Or should we speak louder?
You 2 are so cute in your sleeping bags!
Mmm, those look so nice and cozy. I showed your pictures to Momma, and she said she wished she could curl up like that.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hi guys! You're just as handsome as ever, and just so cuddly! It's so good to see you again!!
You two look all snuggly and nice and warm. It was cold here today.
That looks very, very comfortable. Do you have any room for me?
These sleeping bags look a bit like your ears. Well chosen and comfy looking.
You both look very comfortable in your sleeping bags. Mom has promised to make us one or two, but hasn't yet. We need to make her do that.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
A very good illustration of cats doing what cats do best...sleeping.
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