We both love to curl up in a human lap when one is available. However, when there isn't a human around, we love to curl up and cuddle with each other.

Tags: Mancat, Mancat Monday, Meezer Monday, Meezer, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
Yay! We're first!
You two make a lovely contrast with your cuddle rug. Very photogenic you are...
Mitzi & Bella
Very Very sweet cuddles,
I am so glad to see you two together!
Snuggling with a Brother - always a good thing! ~Fiona Bun
Oh you looks sooooo cuddly.
Cute picture...both curled up .
Olli dreams to become a mancat too!
You guys look very cute as always. Merlin, you are growing up to be such a big mancat!
purrs Goldie and Shade
You two are so loveable! We love to see you snuggling.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You two are really cuddling close ;) I bet your fleece is cozy warm too :)
Purrs Mickey
You look great together, all cosy and cuddly!
Dat is truely the way to keep warm!
Dragonheart and Merlin, you two look so adorable cuddling like that! Enjoy your togetherness!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
You are both very bright boys...oops I should correct myself and say mancats!
That looks like a super spot to snuggle, too!
Squeeeee! We sure are glad you guys have each other!
You are so lucky to have each other to cuddle!
You are right! I think my cuddle priorities are:
1. Mommie
2. Daddie
3. Harley
4. A soft toy
you two are just so darn cute!
One can never have too many cuddles and you two are real champs at it!
Your Pal,
Cuddles are the best! Almost like snuggles?!?!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Cuddling is the best part of having siblings. ~S,S & C
Very handsome, mancat Monday pic!
Oh, I just love to curl up on a lap and have a nap - isn't it the best thing ever?!
P.S. Do you get to vote in the Federal Election at the base in Germany?
You two are sweet and good brothers.
I like the way to take good care of each other.
VERY mancatly <3
We are startin ta think you guys are magnetic to each other. MOL!
Snuggling in any form is important in the fall. I've been a bit of a lap girl even to our visitors.
Mom just loves the way you two snuggle and get along! She wants us to take lessons from you!
That's a good cuddle you've got going there. The fleece looks nice and snuggly too.
Yup, there is nothing better than cuddles. I was sleeping on mom's hip last night, despite repeated attempts to dislodge me. I was comfy. I don't know what mom's problem was.
That is a great photo! I have to cuddle up next to my mom when I want to cuddle.
You both haz a very "inviting " look on your faces!
Iz like you iz saying " come on a cuddle, you know you want to!!" :)
Love those little tummy wrinkles!
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