Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Merlin's First Birthday!

Merlin: I am one today, so I officially become a Mancat! Thank you all for stopping by and celebrating my birthday today with me!

I sure have grown a lot in my first year. Here's a look back:

Here I am as a little baby kitten, nursing with my littermates:

Here I am with my brother, only a couple of days old. Weren't we cute?

Here I am at 8 weeks old. Look at those ears!

My first day in my Forever Home, Dec. 22, 2007. I was 14 weeks old:

Here are Dragonheart and I after I'd been in my Forever Home for a week. We quickly became best friends and inseperable. Look how tiny I am, compared to Dragonheart! We are now about the same size, although I outweigh him, because I have a stockier build.

And here I am today, one year old!

Thank you for stopping by to celebrate my first birthday with me!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What adorable pictures!!!

Puss-in-Boots said...

A very happy birthday, Merlin. We think you've grown into such a handsome mancat from that tiny kitten.

Purrs and headbutts.

Mitzi and Bella

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you, Merlin~!!!
I am so so happy for you!
You are still young and shining~!!! You look wonderful~!!
I am so glad you and Dragonheart are very best friend!!!!!!

I wish you always happy and healthy!!!

Karen Jo said...

Happy First Birthday, Merlin! Congratulations on becoming an official Mancat. I love all the pictures of you.

Ramses said...

Happy Birthday Merlin you're a big mancat now and can start looking around for a girlfriend! ;)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday Merlin!!!!!!!

You are such a big mancat now!

You were such a sweet kitten too!

purrs Goldie and Shade

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin! And happy first Mancat Day!

You really do have some amazing Frootbat ears! We love that Dragonheart took to you right away. It's so sweet!

Parker said...

Happy 1st Birthday Merlin! You have grown into a fine Mancat!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh my gosh: that has to be one of the best collections of photos we've ever seen. And Merlin at
8-weeks with "wings on his head" is beyond adorable! What a marvelous mancat came to live with you all...
Happy Happy First Birthday!

Mickey's Musings said...


Welcome to our newest Mancat!!!!!!!
I hope you have a pawsome day too!!!!!
We are going to have fun at your party!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Purrs Mickey

Babs (Beetle) said...

Happy birthday tooo yooo
Happy birthday tooo yooo
Happy birthday dear Merlin
Happy birthday tooo yooo

Purrs, Sukie x

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...


Congratulations on becoming a Mancat! It's fun to be grown-up when one can still play the kitten with one's people!The early photos of you and Dragonheart are just great!

Happy to be your friends!

Sen-Chan and Tom

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We really love the way you have grown!
You are such a sweet handsome mancat now!
Today is your big day. We hope you have the best day ever with your sweet brother Dragonheart.
We love both of you very much!

<3 Princess

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday Merlin!!!

Now you is a mancat like Billy!!!!

you pikshurs are so adorable

Honey P. Sunshine said...

happy birthday merlin!!!


What a wonderful grouping of pictures Merlin! Look at how you've grown up right before our eyes. A very happy happy purrday to you....


Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Happy Happy First Birthday Merlin! You have grown from an absolutely adorable baby kitten to a totally stunning mancat! We hope you get lots of lovin' and presents and treats on your special day!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Birthday Merlin, you are a very handsome mancat. ~Scylla & Charybdis

Happy Birthday Merline. Hope you have a wonderful day. ~Socks

Spooky said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin! I love your photos...what a cutie!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Happy Birthday Merlin!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Birthday Merlin. Those are great photos of you. We like the one with you at 8 weeks old with huge ears.

jenianddean said...

Happy Birthday Merlin!!! Your baby pictures made my mom SQUEEEEE! You have really grown into quite the mancat. I hope you get lots of treats and milk jug rings for your birthday.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat (and HB, Josie, and Maggie)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!! Happy Purrthday Merlin!!!!!!!!

You sure were a cute baby and you are a handsome mancat now!!!

We hope you get tons of special treatment today!

Jimmy Joe said...

Happy Birthday Merlin ol' buddy! You were a very cute little kitten, but it is great to be a Cool Mancat now.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Chrissie said...

Happy Purrthday, Merlin! You've sure grown up into a handsome young ManCat! And I know that Dragonheart is happy to have you to snuggle with and share body heat,especially now that the seasons are changing.

Tara said...

Happy First Birthday Merlin! You have grown into a handsome mancat!


Purrageous Pirates said...

As the beans say - You've Come a Long way Baby!! Happiest of Birthdays to you Merlin. May you have many many more!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy First Birthday Merlin! You were an adorable kitten and are a very handsome Mancat!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Daisy said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin! How neat to see all of those baby photos of you. You grew up good!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin!!! Welcome to the world of ManCats!!! We hope you have a great day!

Wally & Ernie

oh yeah...Zoey sends birthday wishes too even though she's not part of the mancat club...

Shaggy and Scout said...

Happy Birthday Merlin!!!
Your baby pictures are adorable, so wrinkly you were! It has been fun to watch you grow into the Mancat you are now!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Purrthday Merlin! Yoor such a handsome mancat...we is glad yoo and Dragonheart are best frends, there is nothing like a brofur.

Anonymous said...

Omg you have posted just THE bestest pictures!!! and you has grown so fast, and how gorgeous was Dragonheart to take to you like that, and your big beautiful bat ears makes it look like your heads going to topple over and,,, and... and...
Ohh mega happy birthday you is a big boy now ( as momma would say) :))))

Mr. Hendrix said...

Happy Birthday Merlin! Wow, you have grown up so much. Look at those ears! You could have flown in the air and caught a real fev-ver with those, and I mean that in an "impressive frootbat" way.

I am so glad you have such a wonderful, loving forever home with beans who love you and spoil you the way you deserve.

Happy birthday to our newest Mantat!

catsynth said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin!

Thanks for sharing your kitten photos . You have grown quite a bit in your first year.

LZ said...

You were adorable them and dashingly handsome now! A very very happy birthday to my dear friend who is my brother from another mother.


PB 'n J said...

Happiest of Happy Birthdays Merlin! Wow - one year old, time sure does fly. We remember when you first came home! Come on over to our bloggie today, we're having a belated birthday party for Pearl. You both can sit back and have a niptini or two!!!

Willow said...

Happy 1st Birthday, Merlin! I hope that you have a wonderful day on your first Mancat day! You have certainly grown up so handsome!

Purrrrrrrrs, Willow

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We already left birthday greetings for Merlin but we wanted Dragonheart to know that we gave him an award!

purrs Shade and Goldie

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Merlin, I hope that you have the Happiest Ever First Birthday! I so enjoyed seeing your kitten pictures again and you have grown up to be such a handsome Mancat! I hope that you get lots of treats and toys today!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Birthday Merlin!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy, happy birthday, Merlin!

You have certainly brightened Dragonheart's life. We're glad you two are so close.

The Furry Kids said...

Happy happy happy Birthday, Merlin!! We remember how excited we all were when your mom and dad were going to get you. I can't believe how little you were.


PS - We hope your mom's feeling lots better. We know that tummy troubles are NO GOOD.

Team Tabby said...

Happy First Birthday to you Merlin. You are now an offishul mancat. We loved all the baby pictures - why do moms do that - you know, the baby pictures - just when you feels all grown up? You are very handsome and a great brother to Dragonheart.

Mindy & Moe

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy. Happy, Joy, Joy 1st Birthday Merlin and many, many, many moooooooore!!! Oh my you have grown up so fast and you are a very handsome ManCat! We hhope your day was full of fun and lots of gifties!
Your FL furiends,

The Devil Dog said...

happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Merlin
Happy Birthday to you.
And many mooooooooore

Roxy & Lucky

Black Cat said...

Happy, happy first Purrfday dear Merlin! I can't believe you are already One! It seems like only a week ago that you were this tiny cutie being brought into your forever home, but now here you are, a gorgeous mancat:) xxx

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We love, love those babycat pictures!! You have become a most handsome Mancat!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Merlin!!
~ The Bunch

Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy, happy purrfday! I always thought the two of you were brothers because of how close you were!

Anonymous said...

Merlin, you've grown so much in your first year! Now you are a man cat. Happy birthday, and may you have many more to come!

Forty Paws said...

Happy Happy Purrfday to a wonderful Merlin Mancat! Luf the pictures of your ginormous ears when you were so small. Cute!!!

Luf, Us

Just Ducky said...

Happy Purrthday and Welcome to ManCat hood!

Anonymous said...

Merlin yoo has grown so much in a short time! How cute yoo is then and now.

Max said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Man, you really grew! I hope you had a most awesome day!

Ana said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin! Those are wonderful kitty pics of you!

Motor Home Cats said...

Happy Birthday Merlin. We can't believe you are already a year old. You have grown up so fast. Congratulations.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Happy belated birthday, Merlin! I love the pictures :)