(Yes, our mom needs to clean the window that's in front of Merlin's Gizzy quilt. You can see our nose and pawprints on the glass in Dragonheart's photo!)
The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
Wow...we just wanted to let you know that we think you guys are very handsome! Goodluck to your mommy and daddy in their marathon!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
We have nose prints all over our windows too. Good luck to your mommy and daddy in their marathon. Our bean cousin ran in the LA marathon 2 years ago (and finished it).
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We only see two very cute frootbats! We'll be purring for your humans, too!
We'll all purr for your beans on Sunday too! :)
Our windows always need cleaning. With us and the wee ones, it's a losing battle.
Good luck to your mom and Dad!!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
Our mum had to clean the big door and window the other day for the same reason. Now all she has to do is the outsides...
good luck to your mom and dad! we will be purring for them too!
I think I would have lots of nose prints on that window too!! I love to look out and see birds :)
Good luck to your folks too!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Ha ha! We sometimes make those patterns on our windows :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
haha YOu should not have told us.. we just though it was frost.. oh my goodness you guy dribble some ;)
Sok you are allowed to!
Sorry we couldn't get here yesterday to wish them luck!! We are really cheering them on in their race. And thank your mom so much for thinking of me during this very busy time! I can wait patiently (kind of- I do have to meeze at the toy closet a lot though). Make sure you give them extra purrs when they are done and tired.
We hope you two have a super fun week-end Drago and Merlin.
Best wishes for lots of great fun and accomplishments to your beans!
Our mom can't keep our windows clean either! She gave up!
Good luck to your beans in their marathon!
Our mom can't keep our windows clean either! She gave up!
Good luck to your beans in their marathon!
Whoa that is a dirty window! My window looks just like that! I'm snuggling for your parents to win!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
You two are as beautiful as always! Hey, we have window art here too! ~Purrs, Whimpurr~
I hope they do great times! They can take notes while you two run and play thundering herd of elephants around and know ho fun it is to run around!
Handsome as always, boys! I will be purring hard for your people to do great at the marathon!
Those are all nose prints? Heehee! Our windows are very dirty, but on the outside.
Our windows were more dirty than that....between our nose and paw prints and the outdoor kitties nose and paw prints. mewom finally cleaned them...but it took her months to get around to it!
Our windows need to be cleaned, too :-p
Good luck to your humans Sunday!!
You guys catching some rays? Good luck to your Beans!
Oh wow, Marathons look like fun! We are having one in Chicago on Sunday! Good luck to your humans!!! We sat with our mom this morning and watched a television special about Munich, Germany, where you live! It looks like a very nice place to live! Have a great weekend!
Looking very frooty, guys!
Nooooooeeees do not clean the window, yer paw prints and nosey prints give it character!
We're behind in visiting lately but we came by as soon as we heard about your humans running a marathon tomorrow. Lots of purrs and tail wags to them.
Don't worry about the nose prints. We have them on windows too. Even the car windows and Jan said she gives up cleaning them -- they add character to the decorations. (Cotton says she's being sarcastic, but we think Jan is right.)
We came back to see how your humans did! Well?
I hope the marathon went well for your mom and dad today!
I can't wait to hear about the marathon results!
I have ran several and already am signed up for many next year including my favorite, the Big Sur.
surveillance cameras
You guys look so handsome laying/sitting in the sun!! Don't get a sunburn. We hope your beans did great in the Marathon today.
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