As many of you know, our human dad is an officer in the Canadian Forces, and we are very proud of him. His grandfather served in the Second World War. Although we have never met him, we are very proud of him and his service as well.
Please take a moment to attend your local Remembrance Day ceremonies. If that's not possible, Canadians can watch the ceremony at the National War Memorial on CBC. At the very least, please pause for two minutes of silence at 11:00.
Also take a moment to reflect on the lines in the poem, In Flanders Fields, written by Canadian physician, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, in the trenches in WW I on May 3, 1915.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.Take up our quarrel with the foe:
In Flanders Fields, by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
More resources on Remembrance Day:
1 – 200 of 294 Newer› Newest»We will remember them!
It is good to remember and to think of all those who are serving now, like your Dad.
Whicky Wuudler
We will always remember, and be thankful to them.
We's furry proud to learn about yours Grandfather and Human Dad.
We are furry fankful to all of them, because freedom isn't free.
Love and Purrs,
I remember. My mom's father, The Sandy Man, and uncles and aunts all served or are still serving. We are proud and honored to know them, and to know your dad, Dragonheart and Merlin. Please tell him we send a grateful thanks.
It is very important to remember.
Yes ... always remember!
We must never forget them!
We too have a lot to remember today, well Mummy does as most of her family members have served, her Grandpa being the youngest commissioned officer in WW1, her favourite Uncle a Japanese POW... I on the other paw can't remember where I put my 'nip fish...
As always, a wonderful tribute
We remember.....
We remember !
We are very grateful to all the brave men and women who have served fought for freedom.
Thank you to your Dad for serving!!! We have always found that poem so amazing.
Thank you so much to your Dad - and all the others like him who serve so bravely.
We always love that poem.
We will remember them.. all!
Mommas great Uncle did not come back from fighting in France in the WW.
Both Momma grandpas were in the War, though one in Air Force and one in the Army
I thinks every family haz been affected by war.
Mommas heart always feels so heavy today, for all the men and women that did not make it back, and also for the families that lost them :(
We honor and remember!
I forgot all about it - that's what happens when you live in Malaysia - short memories!
We will remember all who have served and are thankful for those currently serving, like your dad.
Wonderful post of Remembrance, boys!
Hello Dragonheart and Merlin.
I adore your photo below DH dear. You are sooo wonderfully adorable. You look like caesar in sphinx form!
today we remember those who served our country too!
God bless them all
Here's to all the bwave soldiers who have served, who are serving and who are going to serve in the future! You're all amazing people. And so is your Dad!
We wanted to say thank you to your Daddy and Mommy for all they do for both your country and ours.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Hey Dragonheart and Merlin, you guys are invited over on Saturday! Here's the invitation!
It's very important to remember and to thank the people who serve to preserve our freedom - like your Daddy:) xxx
A very moving poem. Always...
I learnt that poem at school and saw Remembrance Day in New Zealand this year. I lost my grandfather in the First World War and a cousin in Korea.
Thank God for those brave men and women who serve to protect our countries.
Such an important day.
n. We still have your addrress from last years chritmas cards. can we send you one this year too?
Pixel and Samba
We miss you guys!
Great post we will always remember...Hugs Ariel
Just dropping by to say Hi,and hope that your 'puter is better soon!!
WE miss you.
Purrs Mickey
We will remember them, too!
Just popping by to say hi - we miss you!
Where are you two??? I miss you soooo much. Hope you're OK.
Just checking in. We hope you are all okay and your absence is nothing more than computer problems. We miss you.
We've been missing you too! Hope you're all OK.
Just checking in....hope all is well!
We think every day should be Veterans Day, after all, it is every day we enjoy the protection of those who serve.
We hope your computer gets better soon!
Hey, guys! How are you? I'm sure missin' you and hopin' things are well with you and your mom and dad.
Miss you two guys. Hope all is well.
Dearest Dragonheart...you are always in my heart and I am sure you are all safe and sound...but I am a bit worried. Hope to hear from you soon.
All my love Peach
Now it's Thanksgiving in the US, so we're wishin' all of you Canadians a belated Canadian Thanksgiving, too!
Happy Fangs-giving! Gobble, gobble, gobble ... 'urp!
DMM and the Feline Americans
What a nice post to help us remember. Thank you!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
My humans were in France for 11/11. They told me that at 11:00 am, the church bells peeled for 10 minutes. They said it was very beautiful. Thanks so much for this post, the poem and your human dad's service.
Checking back again. Now we are getting worried. Can you leave a message on the CB or something just to let us all know if you are okay.
Where are you guys?
we certainly do miss you Dragonheart and Merlin.
I know you are happy I hope everything is going well
Love and purr
Hi Dragonheart and Merlin!!!
Just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you. I hope all is well.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
DOOODS! Where are you? We're all getting worried!
hey guys, we miss you lots!! we hopes you are ok
We miss you guys! Hope everything is ok!
I hope all is well with you. We are getting worried!
Tap, Tap, Tap...
Is this thing on?
Hi Dragonheart and Merlin, we just stopped by to say "Hi!" We hope everything is going well with you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
hoping all is well.....
we hope that you all are ok. just checking in again. we miss you very much
Now I am getting REALLY worried about all of you! Maybe your Daddy can send us a message from his work or something like an internet cafe...anything! Not knowing is so hard....we love you all so much!
Hi guys, we're just dropping by to say hi, and that we hope everything is ok and you'll be back soon.
Just checking in to see if you are back! Hope all is well with you!!
Anyone know how to contact Dragonheart's people? This is gettin' scary. They never go this long without posting or sayin' they're on vacavtion.
Remember, and be thankful to them.
Leaving you a basket full of love on Sankt Nicholaus Tag...I am so worried about you!
Does anyone know how to reach Dragonheart and Merlin? We's all so worried about them!
I don't know, I've been e-mailing the too. We are very worried!!
Just checking on you guys.
we really really really miss you guys!!
Thinking about you so much.....
We miss you, we hope you are doing ok.
Donny, Marie, Casey
I hope all is well. Miss you guys, hope all is well. Say something guys!
There is something wrong, it's almost a months they disappeared from Blogworld wihout a word . Does somebody know the family name ? They must be in the phone book of Munich.
I thought I remembered that Caylynn used to have her own blog spot but don't see a link anymore. Does anyone remember anything about it? I agree, something is wrong.
Hey, guys! We're worried about you! We hope you're okay, and please please touch base when you can!
Love from the Ballicai.
We's all checkin in wif yoo... We come by every furry day to see if yoo is here and now wif it almost 4 squillion weeks later we is furry furry worried about yoos. We dun know how to locates yoo other than the blog, we hopes dat yoo and yer beans are okay?
Purrs and headbutts,
I is Jake!
Mommy Bean Laure
Where are yoo guys? Effuryone is getting worried, we hope yoo is okay.
Praying for all of you....
guys? where are you? we are furry werried!!!!!
Mama's got their snail mail address. She's going to send them a note.
not forgetting you today either!
we're back again today too and still missing you!
Remebering you all today...May God hold you close whereever you may be...
We's missed you... where are you????
Love and Purrs, KC
I am missing my two Sphynx friends, Dragonheart and Merlin. I hope everything is okay.
we are so worried about you all. we pray that you are all safe and ok.
Stopping in check up on you as well. We hope and purr all is well.
Hey buddies--I hope you are all doing okay. We miss you!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Dragonheart and Merlin,
We miss you very much. We would love to hear from you. We hope things are going well for you.
Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady
Missing you, Dragonheart and Merlin! Hope that everything is ok.
We're getting furry worried about you guys - is everything ok?
Dragonheart, my friend, we miss you and we're getting very worried about you.
& all of us at Artsy Catsy
Hoping all is well and that you are just busy playing.....
Charlemagne and Tamar
Hey all, where are you? Is everything OK? We miss you! Come back or let us know on the cat blogosphere that you're OK please.
Dragonheart & Merlin, We've been computerless and offline the past 3 weeks and were not aware Miss Peach and the other kitties have been worrying about you. We hope you are all right and the problem is with your computer, not with you or your humans.
We have stopped in and wondered what had happened, because we know you posted nearly everyday. We hope all is OK with everyone and we sure do miss our sphynx friends so much.
We miss you guys. We hope everything is okay.
Hope all is well.
Just checking back in again. I hope we hear from you soon!
Hey you two! Where are ya?
We hope everything is ok and all are well in your world
Whicky Wuudler & Family
Dear Dragonheart and Merlin, we miss you and think about you all the time.
We love to read your posts. Where are you? Please come back. Hugs from the topcatrules girls. Tigger, and Trixie and Pyewacket.
G'day guys, we hope things are okay with you all,
Gypsy & Tasha
please come back soon. we miss you.
We worried about you too! We hope everything is ok and we hear something soon.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Dragonheart and Merlin, are you okay?? We are all very worried about you. We haven't heard from you in a month. We know you were having computer issues, but we hope you can at least let us know you are okay.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Hello friends, we are missing you too.
What happened, where are you. Please, please leave us a note!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Hello Dragonheart and Merlin! Where are you guys at? We miss you!
Luf, Us
headbutts, where r yoo?
You should know that you can't just hide! Not within the CB! We will send CCSI detectives out after you if you don't show up soon!!!!
The Cat Realm
We hope everything is ok with you, sweet friends. We have missed hearing your news.
I'm sure hopin' all is well at your house, guys. We sure do miss you and are gettin' kinda werried about you. Please give us a shout, eh?
I miss you, Dragonheart and Merlin. I hope everything is OK and that we will hear from you again soon.
We are checking back in again. We are really worried about you as it is not like you to disappear without saying. Please, please, please let us know if you are okay.
Hey Guys! Where are you? I really hope everything is okay. Miss you!
DRAGONHEART AND MERLIN! We miss you, and we're purrin that you two and yur fambly are okeydokeys!
Dudes, where are you???
Hey, just checking in with you, and hoping everything is okay!
Does anyone have a contact at the Base in Munich? I'm going to look for a web contact.
I was offline because my typist could not help me and after that our ISP messed things up and we have to find another...,
... but where are you now?
Dragonheart, Merlin, your friends are missing you, I MISS YOU!!
We at Kattenpraat: Bubbles, Gucci, Korenna, B'Elanna, Mientje, Bubbles, Soraya, Kyra and I are purrrrrring very hard for you come back!
I hope you guys are OK. We are all worried. Purrs.
We were having momma address your Christmas card this morning and where like wow when was the last time we saw you guys? 4 weeks! We hope your ok!!!
We's worried about you, too. Pleeze let us hear from you.
Love & Purrs,
we want to always remember that and always been thankful for all the brave men and women who have served fought for freedom.
Keeping you in my very best thoughts...
We hope you have a Merry Christmas dragonheart, Merlin, and mom and daddy too.
Love and purrs Princess and co.
We popped in to say "Hi!" after being away for a few months. Looks like you boys are busy too? Hope you and your beans are OK!
Nermal, Nico, Virgil, Westley, & Mags.
We miss you both a lot and hope that everything is okay with you.
Please come back soon!
Where are you????
We figured you were having computer probs but it has been a month. We hope you are all OK. We are thinking about you as Christmas nears.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Can't find anything online. Thinking of you and hope you are well. Merry Christmas!
I'll keep checking back...
just checking in - we are so very werried about you all and we miss you so much
We are remembering you and worrying about you... Please let us know if you're ok!
We're hoping you are OK and we miss you.
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
We seem to have beaten to the punch! We were wondering if all is well with you?
We really miss you.... we hope you and your family are all ok.
If you have a chance, stop by our blog today cause there's a party--it's Abby's first birthday-- and you're invited!
*tap tap tap*
This thing still on??
Just stopping by, I notice that y'all haven't updated in awhile & I'm thinking about y'all!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Dropping by with some Christmas cheer for all of you...thinking about you all the time...
I'm very worried about you guys, I hope things are OK!
11-11 at 11:11.
End og the Great War (1st WW).
Back in Paris, the year was 1967, I heard a coverasation with a WW 1 veteran and his granddaughter. It was taped. Microphone hidden in a bouquet of flowers, as he would not talk about his experience.
What I still remember, and will not forget is the Following:
In the Trench in NE France - where there were only a few meters between the French and Germans, the Soldiers from both sides changed X-Mas Gifts!
What did they give each others?
Potatoes from the Germans and Cigarettes from the French.
How did they do it?
When no officers were in sight (they went away by free will), the Soldiers stretched over the Trenches and in that way changed X-Mas gifts.
I do think this is a very strong story. About what each indivual think about War. And how they did make Peace during X-Mas.
Veterans Day.
We do not have anything similar in Norway. But I was in US last year and overlooked the parade both in Key West and in Miami.
Sorry, I've been away for so time.
It has something with work to do.
Mieew - have miece Miexmas
Thinking about you all again this morning.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. :)
Hugs from the topcatrules girls.
It is Weihnachts Woche and I am thinking about all of you and pray you are well....
I was watching Cats101 on Animal planet & we seen some cats that looked just like y'all. WE MISS Y'ALL! *SOB* Please come back & tell us y'all are okay!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Mom went looking for you on Gotta pixel but she couldn't find you there either! *wail*
Merry Christmas to you both! :)
from the topcatrules girls, Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket. :)
dearest brother Dragonheart...Wishing you a Merry Christmas...Frohe Weihnachten...I am not forgetting you ever...
Love Peach
Guys, we are thinking of you and your beans and wishing you a very merry christmas and happy healthy 2009. We sure hope you are all ok. It is very unlike you to not post for so long... Big big hugs and many purrssssss....
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Missing you, yet sharing our wishes with you for a warm and wonderful Christmas holiday together, a new year full of good things.
Missing you guys this Christmas. Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Criz & the J Family Kitties
Guys, we're thinking about you on this Christmas. I hope all is well with you and your family. We miss you a lot.
Marry Christmas
We hope all is well with you & we wish you a Merry Christmas!!
We just really wonder what happened to you...???
We hope all is o.k. and wish you happy holidays.
The Cat Realm
Merry Christmas! We hope Santa brought you everything you wished for.
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
Merry Christmas to you all. We miss you!
Thinking of you this Holy Christmas day.....pray you are well and safe...
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!!
We hope it was pawsome and fun :)
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
We hope you guys are ok. Please get in touch with someone, anyone, so we know you're allright.
Dear friends, we hope you had the merriest of Christmases and are wishing you a happy, healthy New Year.
We hope that the reason you stopped blogging isn't because someone hurt your feelings or upset you. We are all so concerned.
We understand if you decided to stop posting for good, although we'd miss you terribly, but we wish you would send an email to the blogosphere news page, or make one last post just to let us know you're all OK.
Well, we won't bother you any more but will remember you always.
Hendrix, Bendrix & Mommy Amy
We hope that you are all well and had a good Christmas. We understand that sometimes events take over human lives and blogging isn't possible. But we miss you all lots and lots and really hope that everything is ok.
We send you all big rumbly purrs and wishes for you all to have a very Happy New Year!
Whicky, Angel, Oliver, Gerry & Mum.
guys, we miss you so very much. we are so very worried about you. please come back!
we wishes you a happy new year with many good prospects and health, wealth, and the time to enjoy them!!
we misses you, an' hopes that you returns to us someday, if only fur an update. be well, dear furriends--
ed, nitro, an' xing lu
the meowers from missouri
We is hopin all is well wif yoo all!
Happy New Year!! We all hope its filled with lots of new and great things for you all. =)
I is Jake!
Mommy Bean Laure
TT's spirit
Doooods...thinkin about ya tonight!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr is my wish for you all. Please stay safe and well...knowing we care and love you all so.
We wish you all a
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!
We hope all is well with you and we miss you.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
Happy New Year 2009! Hope you are all well.
Happy, Healthy 2009 to you two and your mom and dad. We are praying and purring that you are all ok.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Dragonheart and Merlin, it's been a while since we've seen you around. We miss you and hope all is well.
purrs and hugs,
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Happy New Year Sweet Dragonheart and Merlin and beans. we hope you are all well.
purrrs and love always,
Prinnie and Company
Happy new year. We hope you are well.
Happy New Year! Thinking of you. :)
From the topcatrules girls.
Happy New Year you guys! Drop us a line, how are you????
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Dragonheart, Merlin & Family!! We miss you guys!!
Your FL furiends,
Happy New Year, Dragonheart, Merlin, and family! We Ballicai hope you are well. We miss you, and we're sending purrs.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao, Dorydoo, Brainball, and Marilyn (and hugs from the Ballicus Mom).
oh how we wish we knowed if you was ok. we is so werried and miss you so furry much
We sure are missing you guys! We hope all is well!
Junior, Orion and Meowm
Where have you been? I miss you!
Where have you been? I miss you!
It's sad that nobody can reach you, it's just to know that you are OK !
just checking in again. we miss you very much
Missing you... I hope everything is okay!
Doods!!! Where are you? Still missing you!
Just checking by again. What has happened to you? We really hope everything is okay.
Dear Dragonheart and Merlin,
Hope you are doing ok~!
I miss you :)
Adan & Lego
just checking in again. We are hoping things are ok
Hi Dragonheart and Merlin...
We think of you both often and hope you are doing all right.
We hope your beans are well, too.
Wish you would write to someone just to let us know how you are..
~ The Bunch and Momma Bobbie
whares ar yus? we hopes yu is doin good.
We are stopping by to say "Hi" and "We miss you very much."
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Checking in again. Hope all is well
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Dragonheart and Merlin, we miss you!!! We hope everything is okay with you and your Mom and Dad ...
us and all of your furriends in the CB have been worried about you.
Hug, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Dudes, don't do this to us...:(
We miss you guys too. We hope that you're all ok. Please check in with somecat or somebean and let us know, speshly if there's anyfing we can do.
Sending lots of love & purrs & hugs,
Finnegan Buddy & Jasmine
We just heard from Millie that you guys are doing fine - and this makes us so happy!
Hope we can hear from you soon!
Thinking of you,
~Donny, Marie, Casey
I'm sure glad to hear from Miss Millie that you are well! I've missed you boys. I saw a show on the telly the other night and there were some blokes what looked like you, but I knew they weren't-you're both MUCH handsomer!
Missin you guys...
Hey guys, we MISS YOU...
I'm so glad to hear that you're okay. I was really worried. Come back if you can guys :) xxx
We sure do miss you all!!!
-The McKitten-Cats
miss you lots. We have been praying for all ofyou. Hope all is well.
Love always
Hi! We've been checking back regularly, hoping someone would have some news of you, and were so thrilled to finally get some today via Miss Millie. HURRAY!!!!! We're so glad you're all OK and hope you can return to blogging soon. The CB is just not the same without you!
Tom and Tama-Chan (it's just us now. Sen-Chan went to the Bridge on January 2 and we were all so sad) and #1 too
We're so-o-o-o furry glad to hear you guys and yore beans are ok. Sending lots of hugs & purrs and hoping to see you soon.
Finnegan Buddy & Jazzy
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