Friday, May 30, 2008

Frootbat Friday & A Wedding to Attend!

Dragonheart: Merlin and I both have wonderful Frootbat ears, but as you can see in the photos, our ears are very different. You can see the tufts and the light fuzz on my ears in my photo, whereas Merlin's ears are naked! In Merlin's photo, you can see his Seal Point and White colouring, with the darker Seal Point on his forehead and bridge of his nose, and the white blaze across his nose, and his white cheeks.


Today, Karl and Ruis are getting married! Check out the festivities on Voyager! Congratulations Karl and Ruis! We hope you have many years of joy together!

Congratulations Karl and Ruis(Graphic courtesy of Zoolatry)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: Jump!

Thursday Thirteen
Merlin: Here are 13 photos (+2) from the photo session of me playing with the Whirlybird! I'm a good jumper! (Click any photo to view a larger version)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Meezer Movie Monday: Bottle Top Fun!

Merlin: I love to play with the plastic bottle tops off of drink bottles. Dragonheart really likes the tops off of Gatorade/Powerade bottles, but I like the ones off of pop (Diet Coke, Sprite Zero) bottles, or Sprüdel (German sparkling water) bottles.

(If you have problems viewing the video, you can try viewing a version here.)

Happy Memorial Day to the Americans! In Canada, we celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11th. That's when we honour all those who gave their lives for our freedoms, and honour those who have served our country in the past and who continue to serve today.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Frootbat Friday

We both love to lie in the sun! :) For those of you who asked if we could get sunburned. Yes, if we were outside in direct sun, we would need to wear sunscreen so that we wouldn't get sunburned. However, indoors, the glass in the windows block enough of the bad UV that causes sunburns, and so we don't burn. When we go outside on our harnesses, we aren't out long enough to get sunburned, and our humans make sure we always have lots of shade.


Yesterday was a holiday here in Germany, so we weren't around to visit all of our friends. We are sorry that we were unable to return your visits, and we will visit as many of our friends who commented as we can today. Thanks for understanding!

We are very sad to hear that Bonnie Underfoot has gone to the Bridge. Our deepest condolences to her family.
(Thanks to Zoolatry for the graphic)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: Things We Don't Like

Thursday ThirteenThis week, we are listing 13 Things that we don't like

  1. Being bathed! It is necessary for us to stay healthy, but we don't like it. Like all cats, our skin secretes oils. Since we have no fur for the oil to distribute itself through, the oils build up on our skin and need to be periodically removed through bathing, otherwise it can cause skin problems. Merlin really doesn't like being bathed; Dragonheart tolerates it.

  2. Having our ears cleaned. Again, since we have no fur in our ears, the wax really builds up and needs to be removed. Once again, Merlin really hates having this done; Dragonheart tolerates it.

  3. Having our claws trimmed. Sphynx have a fast metabolism that helps to keep us warm. Because of this fast metabolism, our claws grow quickly, and need to be trimmed weekly, sometimes twice a week! Actually, Dragonheart doesn't mind having his nails trimmed, but Merlin hates it (see a trend here?)

  4. Having our eye "goop" wiped away. Sphynx have no eyebrow whiskers (we actually have no whiskers at all, or just very tiny whiskers) and no eyelashes, so our eyes aren't as well protected as those of other cats. So we tend to get "eye goop" collecting at the corner of our eyes. It is perfectly normal and healthy in Sphynx. But the "goop" needs to be cleaned away. Once again, Dragonheart doesn't mind this too much (most of the time) but Merlin hates it!

  5. Having our bums wiped. This doesn't happen very often any longer, but sometimes we end up with a little bit of poo on our bums, and it needs to be wiped off. Unlike the previous items, this is one that Dragonheart REALLY doesn't like. Merlin is not too fond of it either.

  6. The Cold! Again, because we have no fur, we really hate cold weather. Fortunately, we do have a fast metabolism that helps to keep us warm, and we are smart: if we feel cold, we'll find a warm lap to curl up in, or some blankets to burrow under. The rule of thumb as to whether or not a Sphynx is cold is this: if a human needs a sweater to stay warm indoors, then chances are a Sphynx would like a blanket or sweater to help stay warm too.

  7. Being Pet With Cold Hands! Since we don't like the cold, we really don't like when someone tries to pet us with cold hands! Pet us through a fleece or blanket, or warm up your hands if they are cold, before you try to pet us.

  8. Being told "no!" Like all cats, we don't like being told that we can't do something!

  9. Being told "get down!" There are certain places in the house where we aren't supposed to go, like up on the kitchen table. We don't like being told "get down" when we're up on one of them.

  10. Being sprayed with the evil spray water bottle. When we are doing something we aren't supposed to do, sometimes we are sprayed with the evil water bottle. We don't like it at all.

  11. Being shut out of the bedroom. Normally we are allowed in the bedroom, and we even sleep with our humans every night. Sometimes, however, we are shut out of the bedroom, and when that happens, we don't like it.

  12. Having toys put away. We have a lot of interactive toys that we love playing with, like the Whirlybird and the Butterfly. However, these toys require interaction with a human. When our humans get tired of playing with us, they put these toys away (so that we don't hurt ourselves with them). We don't like it when the toys are put away.

  13. When our humans go away. Although we either have a wonderful cat sitter looking after us, or else we have a deluxe private room in the Katzenpension, all to ourselves, when our humans go away, we still prefer having them at home. We love our human mom and dad, and much prefer spending our time with them!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meezer Rule Wednesday: Great Graphics

Merlin: My rule for this week: When someone creates great graphics for you, you must show them off!

These wonderful graphics were created by the gals at Zoolatry! They are so talented! Thank you so much, Maggy and Zoey, we love them all!

Dragonheart and Merlin
Dragonheart and Merlin
Dragonheart and Merlin
Dragonheart and Merlin

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cats on Tuesday: Crinkle Sack!

Cats on Tuesday

Miss Peach recently had an auction to raise money to help Mu Shue, Lilly Lu and Iris (who lost their home and belongings in a fire). We bid on and won a wonderful crinkle sack! Here are some photos of us checking out our new crinkle sack. We really love it! It is so cozy inside and we love the crinkle sounds it makes!

If you have trouble viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mancat & Meezer Movie Monday: Tunnel Fun!

Dragonheart: In this video, I am inside the tunnel, and Merlin (as you can see) is outside. We are having a lot of fun playing with each other through the small, side tunnel.

Happy Victoria Day to our fellow Canadian kitties, no matter where you are around the world!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cat Art Sunday: Goebel Cat Figurine

When our humans were in Vienna, they bought this little Goebel cat figurine. They say that although the colours aren't right, the two cats remind them of us.

Goebel Cat Figurine
We aren't quite sure why they think this!

Dragonheart and Merlin
What you do think?

Dragonheart and Merlin

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Photo Hunt: Candy



Since we are cats, we don't eat candy. However, we do eat treats! In these photos, you can see us checking out our Easter treats, including two bags of Dreamies, which are very yummy cat treats!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Two Frootbats & Two Memes

Here we are, enjoying the morning sun on our cat tree that's in the upstairs cat room (the silly humans call it the spare room).

Dragonheart and Merlin

We were tagged for the 6 Word Memoir Meme:

Here are the rules:
  1. Write your own six word memoir.
  2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
  3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
  4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
  5. Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
  6. Have fun!!
Dragonheart: Love and be loved, enjoy life.

Merlin: Play, Purr, Cuddle, Eat, Sleep, Love!

We were also tagged for the name meme!

Lots of kitties wanted to know what Tara's three names were after her Mom went to see "CATS". It got Tara & Kavan to thinking of a fun meme. If you aren't familiar with "The Naming of Cats," from Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, by T.S.Eliot, we all have three names! So... in this meme, you must link to the originator (Tara), list the rules, and give your "three names":
  1. The name that you use daily (Peter, Tara, Parker, Maggy).
  2. A name that is particular --a name that is peculiar -- and a most dignified name (like Munkustrap, Quaxo or Coricopat).
  3. And tell us what you were doing when thinking of your names, names only you will know, and never confess (when engaged in rapt contemplation), that deep and inscrutable singular name. Then tag three other kitties (and be sure to let them know they've been tagged).
  1. Dragonheart
  2. HairNSkin Dragonheart (my registered name on my 'papers')
  3. Lying in the sun on a Gizzy quilt, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin.
  1. Merlin
  2. MiracleLove Bijan (my registered name on my 'papers')
  3. Batting my toys around on the floor and pouncing on them!
We tag whoever would like to play!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: Stroller Ride!

Merlin: I went for my first stroller ride yesterday! It was a lot of fun! Dragonheart came along to. :) So for today, we give you:

13 Photos from our Stroller Ride!

First, Merlin checked out the stroller inside the house

Us, outside our door

Merlin looking out the back

Dragonheart looking out the back

Along the road in front of our home

Looking out the front

One of the paths we took (along one of our humans' running routes)

More sights along the path

One of the play structures in the park along our path

This tree smelled really good!

This plant was pretty!

These flowers were pretty too!

Everything looked, smelled and sounded really interesting!
(Click any photo above to view a larger version)

We also saw and heard plenty of birdies, but didn't get any photos of them. We also saw a couple of woofies. One nice group of people (three adults, one child, and one woofie) stopped to admire us! They had never seen Sphynx in person before, and thought we were quite handsome.