Sunday, April 03, 2016

Sunday Selfie: Two Months with Cancer for Merlin

Merlin here!  I've got one selfie this week (a little ways down), but a bunch more photos and an important milestone to talk about.

It has now been two months since my cancer diagnosis.  When I was diagnosed, the internal medicine veterinarian gave me 1 to 3 months to live.  So I'm two-thirds of the way through that.

I am still doing well. I purr, I play, I eat, I groom, I drink, I use the litterbox, I curl up with my brother and sister, and I pretty much act normal.  If my biopsies hadn't been so definitive (and they managed to get very good biopsies of the enlarged lymph nodes in my abdomen, as well as my spleen), it would be hard to believe I have cancer.

I have thrown up a couple of times in the past week, and that always worried my mom, but it doesn't seem to bother me, and my behaviour goes back to normal after.  It's also just a bit of bile, no blood or anything, so it doesn't seem to be serious.

Merlin's selfie for this week

I take my medication every evening like a good boy.  Since starting the medication, my stools have been nice and firm and there's been no blood or mucus in or on them, so that's really good.

Excuse the blurriness, but we wanted to show you that I still like to play!

I haven't lost any weight.  I'm still the solid, muscular boy of the family.

Again, excuse the blurriness, but I'm still jumping after that whirlybird!

So, we continue to be hopeful that I will make it until June, when my dad returns from his deployment overseas.  I really miss my dad.  I'm a daddy's boy, and although mommy is wonderful, my dad is my special human.  I am very proud of my dad and the work he does serving our country, but I do miss him.

Thank you all for your continued supports, purrs, prayers, and positive thoughts.  We all appreciate them very much.

Please leave us a comment here - thank you!


Catio Tales said...

We are totally sure your Daddy misses you, big time. Now we know what the biopsies say, but your body is right now saying play, eat, poop and be merry and we guess your body will tell you when it is time otherwise. Trust the body! We have all our paws crossed (and I will even try to know together Veikko and Seppo's tailios!) for you - to June and BEYOND we hope. You sphynxies can be pretty strong - I know.........

Mickey's Musings said...

Pawsome selfie Merlin :)
We are happy that you continue to do well,
and purr that you get to see your Dad in June.
Extra purrs for you.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ


Merlin those are pawsome selfies. WE sure enjoyed hearing ALL the good news and we do continue to purr and pray for you. Paws crossed for you to see your Daddy again in June.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We love your selfie Merlin and we're all sending you a big bunch of purrs and prayers pal.

Deb Barnes said...

What a beautiful boy you are, Merlin. Such a wise and uplifting spirit you have. Purrs to you and we can't wait for you to see your Daddy... Sending really strong purrs for that moment. xo from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Merlin, I love your selfie and the pictures showing you having fun. I am glad that you are still feeling good. I will keep you in my prayers, and Abbey, Connor, and Natasha send healing purrs.

pilch92 said...

Merlin, I pray for you every day. I sure hope you have many more months beyond June so you can spend time with your Dad. I am glad you have an excellent quality of life despite the diagnosis. XO

Erin the Cat Princess said...

WOW, Merlin, you are looking good & I can see you're enjoying life to the full! Great action selfies, I bet your dad is really keen to be home and join the fun. purrs ERin

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Love your selfie!

We are glad you are doing well.

Sending you healing thoughts and purrs xx

Athena and Marie

Marg said...

Merlin, glad to hear that you are doing sort of OK. We sure send lots of purrs and prayers that you make until the Dad gets home. Take care.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your selfie is lovely as are all your photos. I am glad you continue to do well and am purring that you will be here to see your dad when he comes home and will be able to spend lots of time with him.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we are purring and praying with all of our might that the diagnosis was a mistake!! We want you to be able to see your Daddy, we send lots of love and many, many positive wishes! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

The Swiss Cats said...

We love the photos of you playing, jumping, and having fun. We keep purring for you. Beautiful selfie ! Purrs

Annie Bear said...

Merlin, it's nice to meet you. I'm so sorry about the cancer. We truly appreciate your daddy's service and really hope he gets home to be with you. Those action shots are awesome as well as your selfie.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Do you know Cole and Marmalade on Facebook? Marm is a successful cancer survivor and we're partnered on cancer awareness efforts. Our 21-year-old is named Merlin too so hope the magic of the name rubs off on you.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You sweet little boy, we send you bucket loads of purrs and prayers that you are able to prove those doctors wrong and enjoy many, many more months with your loving family. {{{HUGS}}}

Anonymous said...

What good news Merlin! I'm glad you're doing well. We''l keep purring and praying for your continued health!!

The Island Cats said...

We love your selfie, Merlin. And we're glad you're doing well. We're purring that you continue to do well and prove the vet wrong. :)

Pretinha said...

Olá Merlin, estamos conhecendo você agora, nós somos do Brasil.
Você é um menino bonito, fico contente que você está se sentindo bem,
estamos enviando muitos ronronas para você!

Anonymous said...

Mee-you deer Merlin Kat....mee name iss Purrince Siddhartha Henry an mee wanted to visit an tell you how brave you are! LadyMum iss typin fur mee an has to wipe tearss frum her eyess. Shee an mee will purray fur yur Pappaw'ss reetern an you to bee there waitin fur him. You are hansum an so amazin to jump an play despite beein sick.
Sendin you all mee POTP an good wishess an LadyMum sends white lite of healin!
Sinseerlee, Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum aka Nylabluesmum

catladymac said...

Oh Merlin - prayers for you and your Daddy. And your sibs and Mama too.

meowmeowmans said...

That's a fantastic selfie, Merlin! We are glad you are doing well, and are sending lots of purrs and prayers for you and your family.

Ingrid said...

Sometimes Doctors are wrong ! Thats what I wish for you!!

Anonymous said...

Merlin we pray for you every day. You are a strong and determined boy and I'm sure you'll be here to welcome your Daddy home and spend some quality GUY time with him too. You look good and I'm glad you're feeling alright. You're so brave and I admire you greatly my friend.

Hugs, Sammy

Little Miss Titch said...

I sure hope you get to see you dad too Merlin,I'll send you super snuggles to help you get there,xx Speedy

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood.....miracles happen everee day....eye for one can attest two that fax.....tell that nastee azz C ta get outta dodge, due knot come bak......EVER....& heerz ta see in yur dad in joon oh thiz yeer...... & for like 12 mor ta come ♥♥♥♥♥ St Francis' blessing two ewe ♥♥♥ boomer

LP said...

Merlin, you sure look handsome and well despite your diagnosis. We hope you continue to maintain your strength and love of life until well past your Dad's return home. You will be in our thoughts.

the critters in the cottage xo

Unknown said...

You still look so wonderful! Look at that jump! We had our own cancer issue in the menagerie this year, but we got lucky. Sinead had a mast cell tumor that responded to surgery and chemo, with no chance of spread. I hate cancer more than I can say. I wish your prognosis was better.

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful cat, Merlin and we see that you are still in good shape. We wish you lots of time more with your mommy and daddy. We send Extra Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers your way :) <3 <3 <3

Dash Kitten Crew said...

You look wonderful - SO Darned AMAZING! Our hearts fill with pride to see you.

Hang in there for your lovely dad to come home and be with you again.