Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Here are our selfies for the week.  Dragonheart decided to keep his eyes open this time!




Please leave us a comment here!  Thanks!


pilch92 said...

Excellent selfies! You are all such cuties.

Hannah and Lucy said...

You did some wonderful selfie pictures this week - can you please thank Dragonheart for staying awake while posing!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You two sure are looking seriously terrific!

Catio Tales said...

Next step - Dragonheart can you look at the camera ? Hehehe. No, they are lovely selfies and Äiti is all a quiver with the nekkid faces.
As a furry one, I just don't get it. BUT at least I do not have to have baths - Seppo and Veikko have both been degreased and had their chins checked for pimples. Not nice.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Great selfies! You have the knack for taking them.
So glad to see you and finally know you are back.
I am a niece of sweet Angel Opus and Angel Roscoe. Those were from the way back years.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

You all look great!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

The Swiss Cats said...

Terrific selfies ! Purrs

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Hi, you guys make it look so easy, so natural. Great selfies, every one. Purrs ERin

Anonymous said...

You are all looking great in your Selfies and very awake :D Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

The Florida Furkids said...

Super Selfies! Mom almost NEVER has her eyes open in photos!!

The Florida Furkids


Superb selfies!!!
Happy Sunday Selfies.
Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

The Daily Pip said...

You are all three looking fabulous. I think my favorite is the one of Devi - the lighting is just lovely.

Purrseiodn said...

Great Sunday Selfies - Dragonheart, your eyes are beautiful! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Great selfies from all of you. You have lovely big eyes Devi.

Mickey's Musings said...

Pawsome selfies gang :)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable selfies!!!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! Those are some pawsome selfies!

Peaches and Paprika said...

Sweet, pawsome selfies! Love those big ears. Happy Sunday to all of you!

Annie Bear said...

Wow! These are three great selfies! You're all adorable and the lighting is lovely. Mainly, we're impressed with the open eyes. I like to close my eyes as soon as there's even a hint that the camera is coming out.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful selfies!!!

Pretinha said...

Vocês são muito fofos!
Gostei de ver todos e com seus nomes, já que eu estou conhecendo
vocês agora.

Just Ducky said...

All good selfies.

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Such wonderful selfies! You all look wonderful and adorable!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, you're all so adorable! Great selfies! :D

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What great pictures of you! And so clear and focussed... You are all looking great...

CATachresis said...

Excellent selfies!! You should give selfie classes!! MOL

Little Miss Titch said...

You all look Fantastic,xx Speedy

Katie and The Katz said...

Purrific Selfies! Hope you hads a furry goods Sunnyday.

Purrz from the Katie Katz.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

oh my cat! such grand selfies!

Dash Kitten Crew said...

You three look so marvelous. Sorry we are very late it's been a hectic week but we made it!