Saturday, July 02, 2016

Caturday Art: Merlin

Hello all!  Merlin here.  We hope all our Canadian friends had a Happy Canada Day yesterday!  If you missed our post yesterday, be sure to check out our special Canada Day scrapbook page.

Today for Caturday Art with Athena, Cat Goddess, we have another digital scrapbook page of me, where the photos have again been manipulated with the Waterlogue app for iOS.  We love that app!  Our mom is very happy that she was able to get it for free when it was a special feature on the Apple Store app!

Made with Today and Every Day by J.B. Studio
I am still doing well!  I occasionally vomit or have soft stool, or blood or mucus in my stool, but otherwise I'm doing great!

This week will be interesting, as our mom and dad are going on a house-hunting trip, as we are being posted to a new city in September.  So we are all being left with a cat sitter.  She is very nice, and is a third year veterinary student so we are being left in good hands, but our mom and dad naturally still worry about us when they are gone, especially now that I have cancer.  They will get daily emails from the vet student, though, so hopefully that will help keep them calm.

To all those celebrating a long weekend this weekend, enjoy!


Katie and The Katz said...

thats a blessing to haz a third year vet student to watch over you all while mom and dad go house looking... Purring you haz a furry safe weekend dearest Merlin and your artsy collage am furry goods... Me likes dat.
-Katie Kitty Too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You're sure looking good Merlin and I hope y'all have an uneventful weekend!

Christy Paws said...

Your scrapbook page is very beautiful, Merlin. Mom really likes the look from that app and says she needs to check it out. Purring you continue to do well. Happy 4th.

The Menagerie Mom said...

I hope you all had a wonderful Canada Day!

I love your scrapbook pages. Merlin, you are so handsome, and you have such gorgeous blue eyes. And I am so happy to hear that you're doing well! We'll of course keep up our purrs and prayers for you.

I know what you mean about being worried leaving your kitties. I'm a homebody and don't go away very often at all, but even being gone for a day makes me worry about my little critters. Purrs, and good luck house hunting!

Marvelous Marv said...

Fabulishious Scrapbook page! Mes Loves it!
We will has to goes and see that app!
Your sitter sounds like she will be fun.

Hannah and Lucy said...

How nice to have a lovely sitter while your Mom and Dad are going house hunting. We hope she spoils you with treats.

Catio Tales said...

Another posting ? My goodness. We would hate that but home is where your Mom and Dad are - we can see that. And great they have such a good catsitter for you. Merlin, it's July! You are an awesome guy. Long may it continue.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you look great Merlin!!!! Tell Mom and Dad to try not to worry, we are sure all will go well! catchatwithcarenandcody

The Swiss Cats said...

Your blue eyes are stunning ! Beautiful collage ! Purrs


We are so happy you are doing well!!!
What a beautiful photo and art work!!!
Happy Caturday!!

pilch92 said...

I am happy you are doing well- I am praying for you. Good luck to your folks with their house hunting.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Happy (belated) Canada Day! Your digital scrapbook pages always look so wonderful :)

The Island Cats said...

What beautiful art of you, Merlin. We're glad to hear you're still feeling good. :)

Cathy Keisha said...

I love the scrapbook pages and wish we'd known about thatt waterlogue app. I'm glad you're still holding your own healthwise.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Such pretty art as always!

Hope you have a good time with your sitter :)

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We hope everything works out well with your sitter who sounds wonderful.

Stay well, Merlin!

The Chans

Anonymous said...

We love your scrapbook pages and this one is no exception!! glad you've got an almost-doctor looking after you while your folks are gone. Looks like another adventure in your future!!!

Ingrid said...

That's a beautiful caturday art !

Anonymous said...

We love your scrapbook and so good to hear that you are fine, Merlin. We wish you all the best. Hope your parents are home soon, but we are sure you'll be fine with the catsitter :) Pawkisses for a Happy Week and good luck on the house hunting :) <3