We are very happy that Dragonheart is celebrating his 10th birthday! For a long time, we didn't know if he would make it to 10. So we are very, very glad that he has!
When he was about a year and a half old, Dragonheart developed a really high fever of unknown origin, and was on IV fluids at the vet for a long time. They never figured out what caused the fever, but Dragonheart fully recovered, which is what mattered.
Then a couple of years later, Dragonheart was diagnosed with a heart murmur, and after having an ultrasound of his heart completed, he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Fortunately Dragonheart's HCM has not progressed since that time, and at his last heart scan, he was "equivocal" for HCM, which means there was some abnormalities in his heart muscle, but not enough to classify him as having HCM, and no need for medications. We continue to just monitor his heart with periodic scans.
Dragonheart has had quite an exciting life so far! He was born in Frankfurt, spent the first four years of his life in Munich, travelled to Switzerland for a week's vacation, flew across the ocean from Germany to Canada, drove across a good chunk of Canada from Quebec to Alberta, then back again a year later (although only to Southern Ontario).
In honour of Dragonheart's 10th birthday, we are having a comment-a-thon for SOAR - Sphynx Open Arms Rescue. Sadly there are some Sphynx, like our sister Devi, who do end up in rescue. Mainly because people don't realize that Sphynx can be a lot of work and require a lot of attention! Devi was deemed "too affectionate" for example. Other people don't realize how much bathing and cleaning we need, or that we can leave our Sphynx oils on fabrics, leaving brown stains. For every comment we receive on this post until midnight July 18, 2016, Eastern Daylight Time, we will make a $0.50 donation to SOAR. Only one comment per blog or household.
Now on to the party! We have toys, food, and treats for both our cat and dog friends, and have some greens to nibble on for any other friends who visit (rabbits and smaller animals).
On to the contest! The contest is to correctly identify which of these photos are of Dragonheart. A number of them are of Dragonheart, and a number are of Merlin and Devi. You have to guess which ones belong to Dragonheart. The person who guesses them all right will win a digital scrapbook page made by our mom. If no one guesses them all correct, then it will be whomever guesses the greatest number correctly. You have until Friday to make your guesses. You can email them to us at dragonheart.sphynx@gmail.com with the subject line: Birthday Contest. Good luck everyone! At least one of them should be super-easy. Another couple should be pretty obvious whose photo it is. The rest might be tricky! We will tell you that four of the photos belong to Dragonheart.
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We have some visitor cards (in two sizes) for you to take if you like. Thank you for celebrating Dragonheart's 10th Birthday with us!
Happy 10th Birthday Dragonheart!
You have had quite a life so far and we purr you enjoy many more years!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Thank you so much for inviting us to your party, we are having a blast. We didn't know that about Sphynx cats leaving oils on fabrics.
Happy Purrday Dragonheart!!!!!!!!
Alles Gut zum Dein Geburtstag!
Bonne anniversaire!
Hyvää syntymäpäivää!
Happy 10th birthday Dragonheart - what a life, eh ? So well travelled. And such a health hero. We are so very glad to have met you. Now, we know it's only one comment per household and there are 14 of us so there's one donation but Veikko and Seppo are busy arguing over who owns those toesies and wrinkles so we will be back later with our attempt at an answer. And in the meantime we hope you have ordered loads of foodables as those nekkids have hollow legs.
News Flash! Vacation put on hold! Must attend DRAGONHEART'S 10th Birthday Celebration! Big Event! To be celebrated worldwide! Friends from all over attend! Everyone love this Fabulous Boy! Sophisticated, debonair, handsome beyond measure!
Terrific Ten! Get out the champagne! Toot the horns! Dance and party! It's a Dragonheart Kind of Day! HAPPY HAPPY Ten Times Over! We Love Dragonheart!
Maggy and Zoey and Dougie Dog
A very Happy Birthday to you Dragonheart. What a great party. We just know you are going to have a wonderful day.. You sure are a good boy for sticking around for so long. All of you have a great day.
Wishing you a very happy 10th birthday, Dragonheart.
Dragonheart, you and Merlin were among our very first blogging friends when we started bogging in 2008, and we are so glad that you are still among our friends! All of us would like to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Many Happy Returns!
Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan, Gen-Chan, Tommy, Vidock, Violette and #1
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Dragonheart! I must say, you certainly earned that wonderful, knightly name of yours, with as brave a boy as you've been in just your first 10 years. And it's a wonderful thing that you're doing for the SOAR rescue! Purrs!
Happy birthday!!!
happy birthday Dragonheart! I am happy to hear you have a nice home. :-)
Happy Birthday Dragonheart! We hope you have a super pawsome day! We'll be back to check out that collage and make a guess.
The Florida Furkids
Happy 10th Birthday Dragonheart and hope you are having a special dinner to celebrate it.
Your paws are well traveled Dragonheart! What an adventurous life you've had so far! WE hope you have a marvelous birthday today with lots of treats and toys and fun! Happy 10th Birthday!!!
Happy Happy Birthday! 10 years is pawsome! You're a very well traveled cat.
Happy Baldie Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
So happy to have re-connected with you all.
Party on!
Happy Birthday Dragonheart! You have traveled to a lot more places than I ever have. I hope you have a wonderful day! We will try to figure out the contest. And thank you for the snacks and the card. It is so nice of you to donate to help other Sphynx cats. XO
Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! 10 years old is a great age! I am happy that we have connected and I wish you a wonderful birthday and many more years of love and good health. Cheers!!
P.S.: My human assistant is quite impressed with your world-traveling. She wishes she could live(or travel) to all those exciting places.
Happy Birthday Dragonheart! May you continue healthy, happy, and well traveled.
Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red
Happy Birthday Dragonheart.........TEN is a great age.....we're in our golden years at ten....wise and happy and just taking things day by day. May you have many more wonderful years with your family dear Dragonheart...........
Hugs, Sammy
XO Astro
E G H J K M are Dragonheart, maybe. HAPPPPPPY Birthday. We are all so glad you are here and were born and hope your health is very, very good for many more years. Thank you so much for talking about kitties like you and what their special needs are. Mama, as I mentioned, ADORES kitties like you.
I hope you have a big party!
Happi birfdee!! U is so cute! :)
Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle
Happy Birthday, Dragonheart, you handsome boy! We hope you keep beating the odds and have many, many more happy ones!
Love from all of the crew at Wag n Woof Pets
Happy birthday from your friends @ Katzenworld. :D
Happy Meowday Dragonheart. We furgot to write da answers down and we furgot dat your comment form takes us to another page. Oh well, we saw some Dtagonheart toesies and think maybe a back, but can't 'member da letters or anythin' else. Hope your day is purrfect.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Happy birthday Dragonheart! We wish you lots and lots and lots more birthdays!
Happy Birthday! You are a tru Dragonheart with competing over 10 years of HCM and traveling across the world on western hemisphere! &heart;
Happy, happy 10th birthday, Dragonheart! You have certainly had an adventurous life with your family. How sweet of you to raise money to help others of your special breed.
Happy birthday, Dragonheart! We hope you have a most wonderful day, and wish you many, many more happy birthdays still to come! :)
Happy Happy 10th Birthday Dragonheart!!!!!!!! 10 is sooo special!!!!!! We LOVE your party! We probably won't guess because we are terrible guessers, but good luck to those who do!!! Sending much love on this special day!!!!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody
Happy Tenth birthday dear Dragonheart! Here's to many more, handsome kitty! -purrZ, Katie Kitty Too
Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!!
Happy HAPPY 10th birthday to Dragoheart!
What an absolutely special day!!
Love, Grace & Company
Happy birthday, Dragonheart! Have purr-fectly wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!
Happy Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!!! Hope your day is absolutely wonderful!!! This is truly a wonderful day and we are glad to share it with you!!!
Marty and the Gang
dood !!!!! yur partee iz total lee rockin awesum, ewe iz a grate host & we iz havin a mega soooper good time !! happee day wishes, best fishez & mice creem dishes ♫♪♫♪♫♪ N heerz two another 10....make sure ya eat plenttee oh cake, pie, trout & friez, N joy & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health & high paws for havin a commint a thon for yur shelterz !!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Happy Birthday Dragonheart ! We wish you a wonderful day ! What a pawty ! The commentathon is a great idea to celebrate and help other kitties. Purrs
Happy birthday Dragonheart! We hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! We wish you lots of love an happiness today and always.
Happy birthday, Dragonheart! Thanks for the treats. purrrrrrrs, your HotMBC buds Pepi and Boni Maroni.
We are celebrating your 10th Birthday WoHOOOOO and conCATulations to one of the best Sphynx cats ever. We hope your commentathon goes well, we have shared on our FB and Twitter pages and stuff.
Mum also says thank you for being awesome, and amazing, and wonderful and your family is lucky to have such a fab boy.
Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew.
Happy, happy birthday, Dragonheart!! You and I are the same age! Isn't it wonderful to be 10 years young!!! Here's to many, many more!! Love Toby!!
WOWZERZ Dragonheart - HAPPEE 10th BIRTHDAY!!! Me an'mom thank-u fer invitin'us 2 your pawty. Wowzerz - mom haz a hard time gittin'us out of our neighborhood an'u iza world traveler. It iz so great that your mom iz duin'this comment-a-thon so may-b other kittiez like u can git a better life. Now I am gonna go find me sumthin'2 eat - such good stuffz 2 chooze frum An'even tho I iza doggy - I wood love a kitty furrend 2! Just stop by here an'u can c how much I love kittiez.
Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to Dragonheart!!!
Happy Birthday Dragonheart! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And may you enjoy many more birthdays to come. And may they always be filled with the nip. Purrs, Seville.
Happy 10th birthday Dragonheart! We hope you have many more!
My dearest Dragonheart! ALLES GUTE ZUM GEBURTSTAG! We could not be more happy for you and your humans that you have beat the odds health wise.
In case you forgot, and for those who do not know this....YOU ARE THE REASON that Miss Peach has begun her blog!!!! You were the first kitty we met on the internets while we searched for more information about the Sphynx breed. Mommy has always been in love with you and one day we knew we would have such a fine magical kitty in our household.
We knew you from the beginning of your time in Munich...lamented your leaving us for so long and wondered and prayed that you would be alright....we rejoiced so much when you came back to us again and started up your blog! YAHOO! You are doing a nice job getting a new following and we are just delighted about this. You are truly an icon in the cat blogosphere and we are so proud to be your old friend. Wishing you a beautiful day surrounded by your mom and dad, Devi and sweet Merlin!
with great love from Angel Miss Peach, Angel Miss Hunny Bunny and little Miss Hope
Happy Birthday Dragonheart! And you surely have a dragon heart. What a life you have led so far, and we wish you many more years of health and happiness! Purrs and hugs from Austin and Caro xoxox
Happy 10th Birfday Dragonheart! 10 is a lot of years! What a fun party, we have never tasted Wild Boar before. And you have some great toys too.
We are gonna guess pictures A, D, E, and M...
Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!! We hope you have many many more birthdays to come!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
I never count the years, it's what you do with them that counts, and you have done a lot! purrs for a fabulous fun and nip and treat filled day! ERin
Happy 10th dear Dragonheart. I met and fell in love with the breed in Toronto over 20 years ago. I'll guess the pink feet are yours.
Happy birthday Dragonheart!You have led a very interesting life. We are happy that you have such a great family and that you have been part of their exciting adventures for ten years! Here's to many more years with them :) We are guessing D, E, G, L and K!
We hope you are spoiled on your special day.
Your pals,
the critters in the cottage xo
Happy birthday, Dragonheart!! And may you have many more!
Your furriends,
Selina, MomKatt Lara and the Small Furry Creatures from Alpha Centauri in North Carolina
Happy Birthday to Dragonheart
Happy Birthday to Dragonheart
Cause he is one cool Sphynx kinda kitty
Happy Birthday to Dragonheart
Now lets see.. Hmmm...
Did we win yet MOL
Purrs from us all
Timmy and Family
Happy 10th birthday, Dragonheart! Sometimes kitties who face medical problems seem to fight harder to survive. We are so happy to have gotten to know you, and we wish you many, many more birthdays. Thanks for the party and the comment-a-thon. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Uau! Quantos comentários!
Isso mostra como você é amado Dragonheart, desejo que você tenha
muitos anos felizes com sua adorável família.
Cafunés para você meu amor.
We hope you have the Bestest 10th Birthday EVER, Dragonheart!!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
Wishing many happy returns of the day to Dragonheart!
Hope you're having a purrfect day, and we wish you many more!
Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! So glad to hear that you have overcome some health obstacles to be here to celebrate with us! We hope this is the best one yet - and that you have many more to come!
What a fun party! Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! Here's to many more!!
TEN why you are a woot woot double digit Sphynx cat now. You're no longer just 10...you're a Ten-ager! Happy Birthday.
Sweet William The Scot
Happy Birthday Dragonheart. Wishing you many more.
We are so happurry to be celebrating your 10th Birthday with you, and we think SOAR is a fab organization, too! They helped spring Nolo, a Cornish Rex that we fostered til he found his forever home! We hope you get lotsa comments today and can help SOAR with some green papers!
Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! Have a great day!
your pal,
PS, still got your Gizzy quilt?
Happy Birthday, handsome! Dragonheart, you were the first Sphynx Mommy ever laid eyes on and she has adored you ever since...and she's gotten to snuggle with nekkids, too! We are so happy you are back in circulation. We missed you.
Happy, happy 10th purrthday, Dragonheart! We hope that you have a wonderful year with lots of treats and scritches.
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
Happy birthday, Dragonheart! I hope I'm not too late for the commenthon - my human has been busy much of the day!
Happy birthday Dragonheart ! I remember well when you were a kitten, it's already almost 10 years that I am blogging and you were one of the first cats I knew !
Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! Sorry we were late for your party.
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Happy Birthday Dragonheart! Sorry we're a bit late, but we hope you had a fabulous Birthday.
Sending love and purrs,
Buddy & Slash & Mum Karen
Happy 10th Birthday Dragonheart! We hope you enjoyed your special day.
Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
Hope you had a fun day we forgot to like to get the attendance card and we forgot the competition till the next day.
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