Dragonheart here again! Dragonheart week continues with a couple of photos featuring my tongue cleaning my toes, for a tuxie, tongue toesday! Try saying that five times fast!
Dragonheart - Click to view larger |
Dragonheart - Click to view larger |
We hope all our friends are having a good week. It is very hot and humid here, but we fortunately have air conditioning, so we aren't roasting.
Most of you did a pretty good job at guessing the important event next Monday. Or at least you had portions of it correct! Be sure to visit next Monday, when we will have some special prizes to be won!
Prizes ? Did someone say prizes ?
We wonder if those toes are cleaner than Veikko's ? Our guess is that they most probably are.
Couldn't even say it two time fast! Dragonheart you are always awesomely adorable ...
I can't even say it fast once :)
It is wonderful to see you from every angle, Dragonheart!
"Goa'uld Eyes"!!! Hahaha! That made #1 laugh. She used to love watching that show too!
The Chans
Tuxie Tongue Tuesday - now that's a good way to get your tongue tied up!
Meu amor você é muito caprichoso! hihi
ROFL because Claire tried to say it fast ! We should have recorded her for you, MOL ! Purrs
You've got all the Ts covered there, Dragonheart!
dood...ya haz de kleenest toez in towne two !! ♥♥♥
That first picture just made me *squee* from the adorable-ness!!!
I bet I got it right! catchatwithcarenandcody
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