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At the vet |
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At the vet |
Update: 1205 EDT. So no word on Devi's skin swabs from yesterday, and Dragonheart hasn't been to the vet yet, but the mom is here and needs to vent a bit, and this is the safest place.
I made the mistake of asking if anyone has any experience with gum hyperplasia on a Sphynx facebook group. Instead of people answering my questions, I get attacked for what I feed my cats (as in we no longer feed raw, but we used to, and stopped on the advice of Merlin's oncologist and internal medicine vet, who are both located at one of the top veterinary colleges in the world, so we trust their advice).
Then I get attacked for not taking Merlin to a holistic vet, because they know someone whose Sphynx had their lymphoma cured by going to a holistic vet and switching to raw. Well, I know that person and their Sphynx. The lymphoma in that case was diagnosed through a blood test only, not a biopsy, so it wasn't a definitive diagnosis.
Second, you can't cure lymphoma. It can go into remission, sometimes for years, but it won't be cured.
Third, I'm a registered dietitian. The means I belong to an evidence-based profession. Which means that when it comes to health care, either my own or my babies, I look to science and the evidence.
Of course then people say that you can't prove everything with science. Well, again, I belong to an evidence-based profession, and we only use therapies that have proven evidence for them. And we change how we do things when new evidence comes along. Some people get frustrated by that, saying dietary advice is constantly changing. But that's a good thing! It means we are learning more and learning how to better help individuals.
Anyhow, sorry for the rant, but I needed to put it on paper somewhere, and this seemed like the safest place. I may get attacked here as well for my views, and I'm fine with that. I'm just doing what's best for my cats based upon the advice of a veterinary team that is part of one of the top veterinary colleges in the world. I can't do any better than that, and I'm certainly not going to subject them to unproven treatments with no evidence for their efficacy.
Original post:
Hello all! Dragonheart here! It's my turn to go to the vet today.
Some of you may remember that back in May I had a dental and they removed a tooth that was exposed. Then I had to go back to the vet again in June to have a mass - that was gum hyperplasia and infected - removed.
Well, last night my mom noticed that there was something on my chin (she thought it was food), so she cleaned it off and then noticed that there seemed to be some blood in my mouth. I was good and let her look in my mouth, and she saw that the mass was back, and apparently I'm biting it, because it was bleeding.
So I'm going back to the vet at 1330 (that's 1:30 PM for those of you who don't know the 24-hour clock) to have it looked at. Here's a photo of my mouth. We kept it small in case you don't want to see the details, but you can click on it to view it larger. That red stuff is sadly blood. :(
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So any purrs, purrayers, and positive thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thankfully Merlin is still doing great despite his cancer, but our mom freaks out a bit every time he makes a strange sound. But between Devi's rash (still waiting on the swab results from yesterday) and now my mouth, our mom is pretty worried. We will update this post when we return from the vet. Thanks friends.
We are so sorry you are having to go to the vet again today Dragonheart and are praying that it isn't anything nasty. We will be thinking of you all afternoon and know your Mom will be worrying herself to bits. We hope Devi's rash results will be there and he hasn't got anything nasty.
Oh Dude - this is not good. Dragonheart, our paws are crossed and we really wish you were not always extending your loyalty bonus at the vet's .
We will check back later - and we thank you for the photos too!
Hope this is the last of the surgeries. we never heard of this!
Cats of widlcat woods
Well, you're all certainly keeping your mom and the vet on their toes, aren't you? You're worth it, though! Dragonheart, I'm sorry your gums and teeth are giving you trouble again. I'm glad that you had the hyperplastic tissue biopsied last time and that it came back benign. We'll be purring and praying for you, Dragonheart, and for your mom, because we know she's worried about you!
I am praying for you all.
Oh no....we're sorry that came back. We hope it goes away for GOOD this time. You are all in our purrs and prayers.
The Florida Furkids
Oh dear sweet furless furiends, what a purrdicament ya'll seem to have. Well of course we's sendin' lots and lots of purrayers fur all of ya' includin' your mommy. Shame on those peeps. Unfurtunately we's been right where she is. We just don't unnerstand peeps sometimes. Anyways, we's not gripin' but as a kitty whose mommy is desoparately tryin' to switch to raw, may we ask why ya'll stopped? Big hugs to all and take care.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Facebk, the stage of all good and nasty of humanity. The results of Devis scrapes can take days (bacteria) to weeks (fungi). And to the pile of all. Dragonhearts mouth. :( I don't want to sound cruel, but how about removing the source of the problem, the teeth causing the irritation. Well, the vet knows the treatment best, so I'm looking forward your news /update!
Fanks fur answerin' us. We totally unnerstand. And of course as always, we's sendin' purrayers.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Oh pobre Dragonheart, voltar ao veterinário por causa da gengiva parece frustrante,
mas tenho certeza que ele será bem cuidado.
"O choro pode durar uma noite, mas a alegria vem pela manhã."
First of all, we are sorry, Dragonheart, that you are having gum problems again. Anything to do with the mouth is pretty painful. We hope they can take care of it quickly.
We are even sorrier about the bad experience you have had with nasty people lecturing you about this and that. One of the big problems with the Internet, wonderful as it is in so many ways, is that it gives every fool in creation, or close, a soap box to posture on and impose their views on others. It also has created the frightening phenomenon of Dr. Google, the people who think that a search engine is worth years of veterinary (or medical) school. Idiots! We know how much you love your cats and how well you have always taken care of them. Please pay no attention to these people.
Big Supportive Purrs,
The Chans and all the Gang
you poor babies!!! And your poor Mom!! We are sending purrs and prayers and about the Facebook group, that is why we dropped out of a number of them. We got tired of "know it alls" and their comments (even if they weren't directed at us). I only ask a few trusted people for advice and 99.9% of the time I just ask our Vet. It is MUCH BETTER that way!! We love you and by no means do we (or anyone else) have the right to judge anyone!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody
guys...we iz troo lee sorree ya hafta visit de place oh eeeeeevil sew much heer late lee...we az all wayz, ask R pal St Francis ta send blessings a plentee yur way....we hope yur mom can get sum sound add vize frum de vet for ewe both....
az far az de facebook thing...itz oh kay if yur mom wantz ta rant; N just bee coz
one treet mint ///food////vet//// medisin....etc.... werks for ONE cat...doez KNOT meen itz gonna werk for ALL catz....just like peepulz.....yur mom N yur vet a lone noe best whatz best...for EWE...... advize iz grate....but onlee when itz given az such.....& knot aza condemnation ♥♥♥♥
You have to follow your heart no matter what anyone else says. Try not to be upset over what other folks say. Some people don't know how to be caring and supportive. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear about Dragonheart's diagnosis. It continues to amaze me how much people think they know more than the vet.
I'm so sorry Dragonheart is hurting again, and that you've been having trouble online. It seems like on the Internet people say things to each other that they'd never say in person. You know what's best for your babies, so try to shake it off. {{{hugs}}}
We're sorry to hear Dragonheart is having problems again. Y'know, people on line say whatever they want, however they want without considering others' feelings. You know your cats best...and will do whatever is best for them. That's why the mom is always careful about asking for advice on the internet..there are some people who think they know it all and that you have to do what they tell you. We sure hope Dragonheart is feeling better soon.
Purrs and prayers to you Dragonheart. We know that has to be most uncomfortable and painful and we hope the meds help. Lets us know when you do the fundraiser and we'll share the heck out of it. We understand the need to rant so rant away any old time.
You can get attacked on any site no matter what the question. Some people "know" it all. You are doing what you believe is best and with the support of your vet. Ignore the control freaks.
Sending healing purrz to Dragonheart … and Merlin just cos. TW wants us to join a FB cat asthma page but experiences like yours are common so she's afraid to. You listen to your doctor and your heart.
Äiti here: Poor Dragonheart - that is not nice news at all and we hope there can be some painfree resolution. As for the facebook morons, we guess they feel they are trying to help but when they force views on you or get mean that is unacceptable. It's really clear you are doing your very best for Dragonheart, Devi and Merlin and have the best vet care nearby (wow- a location you have) and you are investing a lot of money and effort, and most importantly LOVE to get the best health care you can for the nekkids. They are not an easy breed and I am unconvinced by all these arguments about raw, and holistic treatments. Being rational, you must be doing something right - look at Merlin!
Paws crossed for you - and you don't deserve this extra human-created cr*p.
Such a shame that your Facebook group doesn't support your decisions, just criticizes them. We are all pet parents who love our pets and do our educated and caring best for them based on our trusted guidance team - vets, etc. I'm sure there are kind hearted people in that FB group too and even the "criticizers" are just voicing what THEY think is right so I'm sure they think they're being helpful. I just think we ALL do our best to keep our pets healthy and happy for as long as we can....when difficulties arise, we face them as best we can....and what we CAN all give each other is support and prayers. I hope Dragonheart's gum issues can be taken care of and of course we always have Merlin in our prayers.....
Just keep doing what you're doing - loving them. It's the greatest gift after all.
Hugs, Pam (and Sammy)
Dragonheart, we are sorry about your gums. We is purring for you! The mom, you are the ONLY ONE who knows that is best for Dragonheart, Merlin and Devi. No one else is in your shoes on a daily basis. We all know that you would go to the ends of the earth to get the best treatment and do the best thing. People on social media sites always think it's ok to just be rude and hurtful because it's online and not in person. Most of the time they would not say any of those things to your face. Plus, everyone online is an expert! HA!
We love you all!
So many people, so many opinions and everyone seems to know it better, or gives unsolicited advices and pretend as if they have found it all out by themselves...sigh... Your mom is the only one who knows what's best for you and no-one else. We know how it feels when someone doesn't accept and respects you for the choices that you make and we still try to handle it when they judge you on things they don't even know :D Healing Pawkisses to all of you. You are all in our purrayers <3 <3 <3
We hope you can figure out why the mass keeps coming back it sounds painful. We know your Mom does a terrific job taking care of all of you, she shouldn't listen to mean people. Healing purrs to everyone, we hope Devi's rash clears up soon. That sounds painful too.
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