Friday, September 02, 2016

Happy 9th Birthday Merlin!

Today is Merlin's 9th Birthday!  This is a very special birthday, because back in February, when he was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma, we never thought he would make it to his 9th birthday.  Not only has he made it, but in two more days, it will be 7 months since he diagnosis, and he will have outlived his prognosis by 4 months!

Although we are having a wonderful celebration today, it is still bittersweet.  The longest our vet has ever known any cat to live with large cell lymphoma was 2 years after diagnosis.  So while we cherish every day we have together, we know those days are numbered.

Despite that, we know that we are very fortunate to have a wonderful, loving, home, and devoted, caring, loving humans who take very good care of us.  Thus, we are once again holding a comment-a-thon to raise money for SOAR (Sphynx Open Arms Rescue).  For every comment we receive on this post between Friday September 2nd at 0500 EDT and Saturday September 3rd at 0800 EDT, we will donate 50 cents ($0.50) to SOAR.  Why SOAR and not a cancer charity?  Well, SOAR looks after Sphynx in need, and our local animal cancer centre has numerous canine cancer clinical trials, but only one trial for cats (mammary cancer).  As we haven't been able to find a good FELINE cancer research institute to make a donation to, we will donate to help Sphynx in need.

Thank you for visiting Merlin's 9th birthday party, and for all the prayers, purrs, and positive thoughts you have sent our way.  They mean more to us than we can say.


Mr Puddy said...

Happy Happy 9th birthday !
I hope you have lots of hug & treats !!!

The Menagerie Mom said...

This certainly is cause for a huge celebration. A very, very, very happy birthday to you, handsome Merlin! You just keeping showing that prognosis who's boss!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Happy 9th Birthday Merlin and we are really delighted to have been invited to your Party.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

A very Happy 9th Birthday, Merlin! I look forward to helping you celebrate your 10th birthday. That gives us both something to aim for.

Marg said...

A very Happy Ninth Birthday to you Merlin. You are such a strong boy to keep on going. We hope you have a wonderful day and many more.

pilch92 said...

Happy 9th Birthday Handsome Merlin! How sweet to do a commentathon. I am praying for you daily, I hope you can have much more time with your family. XO

Marilynn said...

Happy HAPPY 9th birthday to Merlin! What a wonderful day it is, that's for sure!

We send you all our love, {{{{hugs}}}}, and purrrrrrrssssssssssssssss for an absolutely wonderful day ... and onward. Celebrate every day!

Love ~

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy birthday handsome boy! And so glad to know you are still celebrating!

CRIZ LAI said...

Happy 9th Birthday Merlin~ Our endless wishes and prayers to you for abundance in health and happiness for many years to come~ :)

Lots of love,
Criz & the J Family Kitties

Sweet William The Scot said...

Merlin you know the name Merlin is a legendary figure best known as the wizard featured in Arthurian legend well maybe you have some of his powers and you can bring those powers to fight your large cell lymphoma. Merlin we wish you a happy happy number nine birthday!
I am a dog who is in a cancer study at Van Andel Institute. Yep they took samples of my DNA and blood. A lot of us filled out the form but few of us got chosen.
Happy Birthday
Sweet William The Scot

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Merlin! May every day be a celebration, just like your special birthday. Your Pal, Toby (Terra Toby)

LP said...

Happy birthday to youuuu! Happy birthday to youuu! Happy 9th birthday to you ,Dear Merlin! Happy birthday to you! We hope we sang it loud enough to be heard all the way to the other side of Canada! :)

Sending you lots of love on your special day. Good luck to your pawrents on the selling of your house.

the critters in the cottage xo

The Florida Furkids said...

Dearest Merlin, we are THRILLED to be part of your 9th birthday celebration! None of us ever knows how many days we have and we know you are making the most of every single day! We hope you BEAT that other cat's record! We love you!

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

CCL Wendy said...

Happy 9th Birthday, Merlin! We are so happy that you are here to celebrate your birthday, and to help with research for this terrible disease. We also hope that you will continue to surpass expectations so you can spread your love far and wide. Hugs & Kisses from Wendy and the 3-D Cats.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are beyond thrilled to help celebrate your Birthday Merlin! Happy Birthday from all of us!!!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Wishing you a very Happy and special birthday! I am so glad you are here and celebrating your birthday with your family. Wishing you more birthdays to celebrate. Love to all at your place.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Two parties in one! Both reasons to celebrate for sure! Every day is a treasure, as your humans and friends all know...and having you around is the best birthday present ever! We all love SOAR here, too and you may recall Nolo, the Cornish Rex we fostered that SOAR sprung from a shelter near us! They covered all his vet expenses-vetting, heart scan, dental so they help other mutant breeds with their big heart, too! We donate to them through ResQwalk (though Teri needs to start walking again!

We wish for you a day filled with everything that makes you purr!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy birthday, Merlin. We are thrilled you celebrating this birthday with your family. And how nice of them to give a present to Sphinx in need. Have a wonderful celebration!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

This is a seriously awesome celebration, Merlin! But then again, you ARE a great magician, aren't you? We wish you a wonderful birthday. We know that you already have all the love in the world, so we cross our paws for outsmarting every prognosis and diagnosis around!

All your friends at the Poupounette,
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Da Beebs, Da Genj, Tommy, Vidock, Violette, Wowie and #1

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin! I am so glad you are doing well and beating the odds! We hope you have an amazing day of celebration with your family with lots of treats, toys, and cuddles. XOXOX

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin! We're so, so happy that you're doing well, and defying those odds. We hope your day is full of love, snuggles and fun. Oh, and snacks. Definitely snacks! :) Big hugs, purrs and prayers to you and your family. :)

Catio Tales said...

We are over the moon you are here for your 9th birthday! We are cock-a-hoop and all happy dancing. Every single day is precious, we know that, and we wish you future continuing health for as long as is possible. We hope that you have a great day and your bro and sis spoil you rotten!

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy Happy Birthday Merlin!! So happy that you gave us the opportunity to celebrate this day with you. I'll raise a Niptini that this won't be the last. {{hugs}}

Team Tabby said...

Happy 9th Birthday Merlin!! We hope you get spoiled lots, and we hope, as many have already indicated, that you continue to defy the odds.

Purrs from -

Mindy & Mike

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Birthday dearest Merlin. We each love you and wish your and your mom more happy birthdays.

Kiril Kundurazieff said...

Yo, Merlin!!!

Bappy Hirthday, dude!!!

The Opinionated Pussycats (

Elvira Mistress of Felinity
Sneakers the Texian Tuxedo
Friday the Bearded Lady

Amanda S. said...

We are so happy that you celebrating a big milestone today!! Keep up the fight little one! Happy Birthday from Me and Buckwheat.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERLIN! You are a wonder....and I know you are still here because you are so loved and who would want to leave that? I know I wouldn't!! You are a strong boy and I think you will break records as to how long you go on beyond what ANYONE thought. Enjoy every second of your birthday dear boy.....and I hope we are celebrating your tenth next year - My motto is "NEVER SAY NEVER".........

Love and Birthday Hugs,

The Swiss Cats said...

Are we late to your pawty ? No, just on time ! Happy Birthday, dear Merlin ! We wish you a pawsome day and a wonderful pawty ! Purrs

Anonymous said...

Oh Merlin you handsum angel boy, Happy Meowday. We hope your day is purrfect. We hate dat kitties get da short end of da stick in everythin' 'specially medicine. Our humans luv us just as mush or more than doggy peeps, but still not enough research goes into da things dat affect us. Anyways, today's not da day fur da sads, so we's sendin' big hugs and lots of purrayers. Have a pawsum day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena


Merlin this is a very very special birthday and it is helping beyond your big purrday celebration. We are so glad you can celebrate today with your pawrents and all of us. We know how much this day is so extraordinarily special. We are honored you are our friend. We wish you a very very happy day and many many MANY more to come.

Colehaus Cats said...

Happy 9th Birthday, Merlin! We hope you have many more and will send you all our purrs. We hope you have a wonderful day, filled with love, kisses, and treats. LOTS and LOTS of treats!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great big happy birthday wishes to you today, Merlin!!! We hope your special day is spectacular.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Eva said...

Happy Birthday dearest Merlin!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood !!!! a most happee 9th two ewe, we send best fishes ♫♫♫♫♫ happee day wishes ♪♪♪♪ N mice creem dishez ♫♪♫♪♫ N we hope yur dayz total lee awesum...984 paws two ewe for
givin up sum green paperz two help SOAR !!!!! N joy yur day, eat lotz oh perch pizza piez, sum cake & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz and em all buddy....♥♥♥♥♥

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Merlin, we wish you the very Happiest 9th Birfday! We KNOW you will be getting lots of treats and attention today...

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Merlin we wish you the happiest purrrrthday today my sweet friend. You are a true inspiration in times of troubles. Our sweet Miss Peach has mammary cancer and we were able to get it removed....but her recovery was length. We treasured each day we had with I know you are doing with your humans and Devi and Dragonheart. May you be blessed with much the cozy cottage cats!

catladymac said...

Happy birthday, Merlin ! You just keep on keeping on ! You are very much loved, and using your birthday to help a rescue is only one reason !

Timmy Tomcat said...

Hey you big beautiful hairless kitty we all love you! Happy Birthday and it is so nice to have our little comment go to a good cause! Keep up the good work dear friend
Timmy, Dad and Family

jank1961 said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Merlin! Great job beating the odds, you keep on fighting on!
Our golden retriever has also been fighting cancer, and is doing well right now. But I know exactly how you feel, knowing their days are numbered can be tough. But seeing how strong they can be is encouraging.
Jan & the crew at Wag n Woof Pets

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin! We're so glad you made it to this day...and we purr that there are still many more days for you. :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Happy Birthday, sweetheart!!! You are such a special kitty and we purr for you every single day! said...

Happy Birthday, dear Merlin! Sending good wishes to you and your family.
Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

Linda said...

Happy 7th Birthday Merlin.
May you celebrate with good friends and loving family

xo Astro

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Merlin!!! You're looking extra handsome today!!!

Fozziemum said...

Merlin everyone here wants to wish you a wonderful 9th birthday..keep fighting and enjoying life and proving that love wins battles...Loves Fozziemum and gang xxx

Fozziemum said...

Merlin everyone here wants to wish you a wonderful 9th birthday..keep fighting and enjoying life and proving that love wins battles...Loves Fozziemum and gang xxx

Idaho PugRanch said...

Happy Birthday Merlin! May you continue to enjoy your days!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy #9 #9 #9!

I khan't pass up the chance to love on a KHAT!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy Happy Number 9!!!!!!!!!!! You are 9 like me!!!!!!! You keep proving them wrong my furiend!! Sending much love! Cody (and Mom) catchatwithcarenandcody

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy 9th birthday Merlin!! We hope you have much much longer with your loving family than that doctor expects, we hope you are the miracle! Purrs, hugs and love from all of us!

Just Ducky said...

Happy Purrthday Merlin! Glad you are still here to celebrate.

Sasha said...

Dear Merlin, we are happy to visit, to wish you a very happy birthday! Your name is a magic one and shows you are a special cat. We wish you joy on the day and many more happy days to follow. You are lucky to have a devoted family and they are lucky to have you. We all know how special cats are to their devoted human slaves, as is just and right.
Sasha and Lynettea

Kaisun said...

Happy Birthday Merlin and the whole family! Too many sphynxes I've heard to pass away even younger, so precious are the days shared now and in future..

Louche Tabby said...

Happy Bald-Day, hun! You're doin' great.

ZOOLATRY said...

R-eally Special
N-ine Years Young ... Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

We Love Merlin!
Woofs and meows from Maggy and Zoey and Dougie Dog

Ingrid said...

A very happy birthday to you ! I still remember you as a kitten ! I hope that you will have some more years to live and beat all records !

CJ said...

Happy Happy Birthday! We hope you get lots of treats, nose taps and hugs!
Mia, Mosby, Angel CJ (and their human)

Anonymous said...

Happy 9th Birthday, dear Merlin. We are sorry that we have missed it, but we want to wish you a wonderful day after and a good year ahead. Healing purrs are always on the way and for today Extra 9 Pawkisses for the occasion :) <3

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Birthday Merlin.

Your family is the first Sphinx we meet and we think you are a very interesting breed. We thinks donating to SOAR is a great idea as from what we have learned about Sphinx is that they face challenges cats with fur don't.

Healing Purrs, and Merlin just remember miracles do happen. We are wishing for a Birthday miracle for you.

Marty the Manx said...

Oh Crud!!!!! So sorry we missed the comment-a-thon :( Mom had to work all day Friday and got called back in, then got called in this morning and this is the first we have had time to check everyone's blogs. We are so sorry we missed your birthday and being part of the donation :( Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Hope it was absolutely wonderful!!!!! Lots of Luvs!
Marty and the Gang

Rascal and Rocco said...

We're a day late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You must be as stubborn as us to still be sticking around. So very glad you are! ~Rascal and Rocco

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Sorry we're late but Happy Birthday!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Three Chatty Cats said...

Happy Birthday! So many reasons to celebrate it.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Happy belated Birthday, Merlin. You rock! Sorry we couldn't come sooner. ~your bud Pepi and Boni Maroni of the Hotties