Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merlin's 9th Gotcha Day!

Hello everyone!  Merlin here!  Today is my 9th Gotcha Day!  It's a very special day, because back in February when I was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma and given 1-3 months to live, we could have never imagined I would be here to celebrate my Gotcha Day with my family and all my friends!

I joined my family on December 22nd, 2007, at about 14 weeks old.  Here are a couple of photos of my first day with my new family:

I was in a nice, large room, and Dragonheart and I were kept separate for the first few days.  As you can see, there was a door with a window in it between us, and Dragonheart was quite interested in who I was!

Now I'm a fully grown man cat, and although I have lymphoma, I am continuing to do well!

I am so happy to have made it to my 9th Gotcha Day!  We have no idea how much longer I have, but we are enjoying all the days we have together.  I am very thankful for all my friends who are purring, praying, purring their paws together, and sending positive thoughts my way.  Your love and support means so much to me and to my mom and dad.

It has been a wonderful 9 years with my family so far.  I have had many adventures with my brother Dragonheart, and we have lived in many different places together.  We had my sister Arwen for far too short a time, but I loved her too.  Then when we rescued Devi, I grew to love her as well.

Despite the fact that it is the holiday season for many, we are holding a comment-a-thon for the OVC Pet Trust.  For every comment left on this post between now and Christmas morning at 6am EST, we will donate 50 cents to the OVC Pet Trust, which is a Canadian fund dedicated to the health and well-being of companion animals.  They fund a variety of studies, and you can read more about them here.  It was at OVC that my biopsies were done, my cancer diagnosis was made, and I started my chemotherapy.  They also have a primary care clinic, and that's where I received my veterinary care for many years.  We are hoping that through the research at the Ontario Veterinary College they can find better treatments for feline cancers, and making even a cure someday!  That would be wonderful!

Thank you for taking the time during this busy time of year to visit with me and celebrate my 9th Gotcha Day.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, MERLIN! You were one of our very first blogging friends, way back in 2008, and we are so very glad to be able to celebrate your 9th Gotcha Day with you!

We are very proud of you for beating the odds as you have, and are crossing all of our paws and hooves that you will be around for a long while yet.


Happy Purrs,
The Chans (plus woofs from Tommy, neighs from the Vs and a big kiss from #1)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Merlin!!!! You are such a special kitty and we are so very happy you're here to enjoy your big day with the family who loves you so much. We're purring bucket loads that you still have a lot more time with us, and that you have the most purr-fect day ever!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Gotcha Day! We are thrilled to know you are still here to celebrate with us!

Murphy said...

Happy GOTCHA Merlin! We hope you have a fun day cuz none of us knows how much time we have,

Your Pals,

Murphy and Stanley

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello merlin its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy gotcha day!!! gotcha days ar the best days ever and i hope yoo git to hav menny mor of them!!! ok bye

Peaches and Paprika said...

Merlin we wanto wish you a wonderful GOTCHA day, these are special days and you are a special animal to have gone through so much yet here you are! Sending happy healing thoughts for your GOTCHA Day! (Our Gotcha Day is also in December, it is a great time of year to have found a new home!_

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy Happy Gotcha Day Merlin!!! We are so happy to share this special day with you!!! Enjoy and have a fun day with your furmily!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Linda said...

Happy Gotcha Day Mr Merlin,

Thinking of you today on your most special day
hoping that you have a beautiful Christmas.

Hugs Prayers and Love

Marilynn said...

Happy HAPPY Gotcha Day!! In our house, we think Gotcha Days are even better than birthdays!

Keep up your good fight, and we pray we'll see your next year's Gotcha Day post, too!

Love, Grace and Company

LP said...

Happy 9th Gotcha Day Merlin! We are so happy to hear you beat the odds of your diagnosis! We hope you have many more years with your wonderful family! Sending lots of love to a special boy on his special day :)

your pals,

the critters in the cottage xo

Unknown said...

Oh, Merwin, you are one of my favourite kinds of kitty!!! I adore kitties like you and if I had not been there when mama put out vibes for me, she probably would have found one of YOUR kind.
Let's be friends and have a sweet life with your family.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Can you hear the thunder, Merlin? It's the sound of all us Funny Farmers doing a happy dance for you today. We are thrilled you are celebrating 9 years together. Happy Gotcha Day! Enjoy every moment of it. We're sure it's going to be a special day of celebration.

We're glad OVC Pet Trust has been able to help you and others.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are thrilled to be able to wish you a Happy 9th Gotcha Day, Merlin! The kitten pictures were fun to see. It was nice that the door had glass in it so that you could see outside the room!

SuziQCat said...

Happy Gotcha Day Merlin! We are so happy you continue to do well. We purr for complete healing and a long healthy life!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Gotchaday gawjus Merlin!!! We're so glad you're here to celebrate. Mommy says luv and purrayers can make miracles happen. We hope you celebrate many more. Big hugs to all and Merry Christmas.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Gotcha Day Merlin! We hope you get lots of comments so you can make a big donation to your charity. We are crossing our paws that you are happy and comfortable for the holidays.

Ingrid said...

You know that I still remember when you arrived and Dragonheart had to get used to you ? Time flies by so quickly that's already 10 years that I am blogging and amongst the first once I met was Dragonheart. So happy that you made it until nine and there is no reason that you don't add another 9 at least !

Goldie and Banshee said...

Happy 9th gotcha day! Merlin

Anonymous said...

Merlin I wish you the most wonderful GOTCHA DAY ever!! You look great for a guy fighting cancer and I have a feeling that your spirit is going to keep you going for a long while yet. LOVE makes us stronger than we think we are sometimes! Hope your day is perfectly perfect in every way....

Love, Angel Sammy

Just Mags said...

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Merlin. We are keeping purrs and prayers going for you sweetie. Have a super wonderful day and enjoy to the fullest. We send you lots of hugs and nose kisses Pooh, Chancy and Mumsy

Brown Family said...

Happy Gotcha day, Merlin. WE are so glad that you have been in your family for 9 years. Hopefully you will be there for a long time!

Kaisun said...

9 plus 9 is a very special Day indeed! Have a full of love Gotcha Day and much more those too! ♥

Catio Tales said...

We are so happy to be celebrating your 9th GOTCHA day, Merlin. Veikko and Seppo have persuaded Äiti that we all deserve the sauna being heated up in your honour tonight. Your kitten pictures are adorable - we bet you were a right little bundle of leapy, nekkid energy.
And you are doing so amazingly well and we hope that'll continue for a long time. Here's to health and warm snuggles!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom commented for us under the Brown Family name, not ours.

Love you, Merlin.

Angel, Kirby and Max

Idaho PugRanch said...

Happy Gotcha day Merlin! How wonderful that you are here to celebrate this day.
We wish you many more wonderful days - we know you and your family will cherish every one
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

When the cat is away said...

First of all, Happy Birthday!!! We came over from Punapippuri's blog, and your post really touched us. Happy more years (!) to come!

We also love your comment-a-thon . We wish you and your family a merry Christmas!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

A very happy Gotcha Day, Merlin. I am very happy to be able to help you celebrate it.
You are a very brave fighter and I hope you are able to stay for much longer. said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Merlin! Keep up the good work.
It's very generous of your family to celebrate with the comment-a-thon.
Purrs, Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

KarenMcG said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Merlin - and to the human family that loves you. Congratulations on your "milestone" at kicking cancer to the curb. We're thrilled for you.

"The Boys" and Hope and Mom Karen at Kittens n Things

Hannah and Lucy said...

Happy, Happy 9th Gotcha Day Merlin and we hope you will have many, many more Gotcha Days to come.
Love Hannah and Lucy xx xx

alohahelper said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Merlin! We're glad that you're still here despite what the Vet said. Sending you lots of purrs and prayers from Hawaii.

Pumpkin, Tiger, Sophie, Willy

Sweet William The Scot said...

Nine Gotcha Years ~ you got had for nine years Merlin and I'm wishing you all the best this holiday season.
Your Friend
Sweet William The Scot

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Merlin. So glad you adopted your folk and have a wonderful furever home.

Cathy Keisha said...

Merlin! Happy Gotcha Day! I can't wait to celebrate your 10th Gotcha Day with you in relatively good health in your home. I'm sending healing purrz that you'll all be together another year.

The Island Cats said...

Merlin! Happy Gotcha Day! We are SO happy that you proved the vets wrong and are here to celebrate! And what a generous way to celebrate by donating to OVC pet Trust.

Now let's get this party started!!

Kiril Kundurazieff said...

Gappy Dotcha Hay, dude!

Elvira, Sneakers, Friday

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Haapppy Gotcha Day Merlin.
I hope you live to be 22 years old or even longer♥️
Love always and forever, Rosemary and Miles

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Sat here in hapy tears at your happy post. You are doing so well, and may we offer much love and Christmas wishes for your whole family. Your Portrait sheet looks so beautiful - such skill and so much love.

You are a wonder, and something special. We are glad we know you and your family

Happy Gotcher Day Merlin.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We totally adore you Merlin. Happy Gotcha Day from all of us!

Just Ducky said...

Happy Gotcha Day Merlin, so happy that you made it this far that we can gather to cellybrate it. Wishing you all the best to you and your family.

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Merlin ! We're so happy you're doing so well ! The commentathon is a wonderful way to celebrate ! Purrs

Mo and The Purries said...

Wishing you the very best Gotcha Day!
We love you, Merlin!

Love from your friends at Purrchance To Dream
The Cat Blogosphere

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Happy Gotcha day, Merlin! We just love Gotcha days. We're so happy you adopted a great family that has shown you lots of love. We'll be here on your next Gotcha Day!

Katie and The Katz said...

Happy Gotcha Day Merlin! We are soo furry thankful that you made it to your 9th Gotcha Day... after alls it am Chrissymouse soon and you needs to haz turkey. Does you gets turkey?

I'm glad you are a handsome grown up man cat of Sphynx distinction.

Meowry Chrismas dearest kitties...
Katie Kitty Too.

Angel MoMo said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!! This really brings back memories of good old days of the CB. Lots of love and purrs.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy 9th Gotcha day!! We are so glad you are here and doing as well as you are! Hugs and love and prayers that you are here for a long long long time!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well! said...

Happy Gotcha day!! You are a wonderful, tough kitty!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Gotcha day dear friend!


Merlin we are sooooo happy to say Happy 9TH Gotcha day! This is a wonderful day to celebrate. WE couldn't be more over the moon than we are for you. WE hope today was filled with lots of love and cuddles! Maybe an extra treat or some catnip! We will help you celebrate every day going forward!

Poppy Q said...

Happy gotcha day Merlin. We hope you get lots of treats and snuggles.

Julie and Poppyq

Nancy said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Merlin. My kitties Jake and Bathsheba blogged until they both died in 2009. I now have Little Nicky and Henry David and we all wish you and your family well. Merry Christmas!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Gotcha Day Merlin. We hope you had a super pawsome day. We love you and are so glad you are here to celebrate!!!

The Florida Furkids

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy 9th Gotcha Day Merlin!!!!!!!!
You have the purrfect home and family .
May you enjoy them for a long time too :)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

M. K. Clinton said...

Happy 9th Gotcha Day, Merlin. I hope that you enjoy your day and continue to be amazing for a long time. ♥

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Happy 9th Gotcha Day, Merlin!We remember when you got gotted. Pawsome. We are glad you're feeling good too.
Purrrrrrrrrr and high paws,
Pepi and Boni Maroni

Sasha said...

you are a brave and wise kitty and your humans are very loving. We wish you all the best and send many purrs your way.

Marty the Manx said...

Happy Happy Gotcha Day Merlin! So glad that we are able to celebrate with you again this year!!!!! Sending you loves and POTP and wishes that you will continue to have good health. Enjoy your special day!!!!
Marty and the Gang

catladymac said...

So happy you are all celebrating this special day together !

Kitties Blue said...

What a wonderful day and what a milestone to be doing well so long after your diagnosis. We are sure your treatment helps, but we know all the purrs and prayers are helping as well. They have magical powers. We hope your day was filled with love and lots of cuddles. Best wishes. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

meowmeowmans said...

What a wonderful day to celebrate YOU, Merlin! We are so happy you're continuing to do well. Happy gotcha day, sweet friend. We love you, and purr and pray for many, many more special days still to come.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Oh Merlin, this is wonderful news. Merlin is a magical name you know and our Merlin lived to 21.7 despite the odds. Every day is a gift so enjoy your Gotcha Day and all that follow.

Kaz's Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day Merlin! We're so happy that you're still doing well and enjoying time with your family to celebrate,


Buddy, Slash, & Karen (Mum)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 9th Gotcha Day!! How wonderful!!

CATachresis said...

Congratulations on your 9th Gotcha day, Merlin! We hope there will be many many more. You have come so far! xxx

ZOOLATRY said...

Dearest Merlin and family, we were "on the road" yesterday so could not comment ... but here we are to wish you the Happiest Gotcha Day and say we love you, are so blessed to know you and your family ... you are such a handsome man. Stay healthy and strong and have a magical day!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Merlin, we are so happy you are here to celebrate your 9th Gotcha Day. We are purring real hard for a Christmas Miracle that you will stay healthy and strong for a very long time. Happy Gotcha Day and lots of love from all of us here at ATCAD.

Pretinha said...

Feliz Gotcha Day, Merlin!!! Estamos um pouco atrasados, mas não podemos deixar de comemorar com você e sua família o seu 9° aniversário. Fico contente que você está desfrutando cada dia com muita alegria e com o amor de sua família, Dragonheart e Devi; você é um gatinho muito abençoado.
Cafunés para você meu amor!!!

jank1961 said...

We are late but wanted to be sure to stop by and say Happy Gotcha Day, Merlin!
We are so happy for you and your family that you are defying the odds and sticking around. We have a golden retriever in the same situation (though a different type of cancer) - we did not expect her to even make it to her birthday back in October, and to have her still with us for Christmas is an extra blessing. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

Timmy Tomcat said...

Merlin purrs on your big 9th Gotcha Day buddy!
Hope you have a great Christmas with your family and friends because you sure have a lot!
See you in the Mew Year Merlin
Timmy & Family

Unknown said...

Merlin I hope your 9th birthday was wonderful You sure did have a ton of visitors. My apologies for being so late.No excuses, but I sure do hope you guys received your Secret Santa Paws package from us. If you didn't please let us know.