Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cats on Tuesday & Toesday

Dragonheart's PawDragonheart's Paw
(Click the photos for a larger image)

Here are some photos of one of my paws that gives you a good view of my paw pads. You can see the thick paw pads that are typical of Sphynx, which some people say give Sphynx the appearance of walking on cushions. Because of our furless feet and long, gripping toes, we Sphynx are very good at using our paws to pick up small items that catch our fancy.

In the close-up view, you can also seem some of the oil that has built up on my skin that needs to be cleaned off, as well as a few of tiny, fine hairs that are on my paws, ears and tail.

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog. To take part in Toesday, check out the Cat Blogosphere.


Ingrid said...

You really have special paws ! I have never seen any so close of course. That's very interesting ! Are you a good fly catcher as Pookie is ?

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, I am so fascinated by yer paws. It was nice of you to extend yer paw like that so we could see it close-up. Hahahahaha! There is a little dirty on yer paw! I would like to see a picture of you getting the oils cleaned off yer skin.



Yu have furry interesting pawsies.They really do look like tiny little hands...


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
i am learnin more an more abowt yer breed evree day. i find it verree intrestin. doze pawz ar amazin to me. mi pawz ar jus regyoolar.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart that is a very awesome shot. Your human mom is an excellent photo taker. And you are a very willing kitty! Your paws look so unique and I love learning more about

Andree said...

I love the photos of Dragon's paws. The oil part is new to me. Well, seeing cat feet that clearly is new and fascinating! Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Those claws are fascinating. I would love to see a kitty like you in real life. And I love your slide show below.

Anonymous said...

The rex feets have sort of the same kind of appearance.
Your paws are adorrrrable and quite beautiful!
I bet you do not always enjoy getting a bath, haha

This is a great picture!

have a fun day, Dragonheart!

LZ said...

Those toes just make me swoon! I like to pick things up in my paws and I even like to clasp my paws together. We should hold paws sometime!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Doze iz sum intresting toze. Thanks fur showing dem to us. I find dis all fas-in-ating. Momma still sez she thinks yoo wood feel like velvet.

The Meezers or Billy said...

furry cool paws!!

Unknown said...

THose are some BIG paws! Pretty soon, you'll be a big man-cat too!!


Myst and Blackie said...

Dragonheart - you have very cute paws. We would like to see pictures of you picking up stuff. Your Mom (we are assuming she takes the pictures) takes excellent pictures.

FelineFrisky said...

What lovely toes! Oh, kitty toes are the bestest! You are very special, I have not seen a cat such as you before. Thank you for being so open with us. D :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOW! Those are some special toes! I agree with Daisy....how about a picture while you are getting a bath!

Forty Paws said...

That is so cool!! How often do you have to get a bath? Does your mom like to stick her finger in between your toesies like our Maw does? It tickles!!!
Luf, Us

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooooooooo if you can pick stuff up with them, perhaps you can open cans. Cans of stinky goodness. Wouldn't that be wooooooonderful.....sigh

Mia and Ghost have a good idea. Maybe your next movie can be picking stuff up. That would be cool to see!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those are very complicated paws! very different than other cat paws. Thanks for the close up!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Very cool picture. Great paw.

Christine and FAZ said...

He he he, I love your feet they are so cool looking. Do they get cold in the winter or do your lovely thick pads keep them off the cold floors? FAZ

srp said...

What lovely toes you have there Dragonheart! Right now there are three kitties on a chenille robe on a soft bed and one is snoring up a storm. I bet you don't ever snore!

Kimo and Sabi said...

That's like walking on airsoles! Do them cushy paw pads help you jump real high?

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

wow! I never knew what the paw pads looked like without any hair! That is amazing, and you have very nice looking paws.

I recentley had an incident where I tracked poops all over the house cause it was stuck in my paw fur. That doesn't happen to you, does it?

Max said...

Awiite, that's just wicked cool! I wonder if my paws would look like that it they were nekkid...?

The M's said...

What wonderful toes, they are the cutest.

Anonymous said...

you really have the most amazing paws - too cool!

sammawow said...

You really have some fascinating paws!

China Cat & Willow

Artsy Catsy said...

Wow, what paws you have! You could do amazing fingerpaintings and we could hire you here at ArtsyCatsy! And I bet you don't mind all those nice, gentle baths after you heard about that evil PetSpa thing.

The ArtsyCatsy cats

Katnippia said...

Dragonheart you lookz very comfy laying in yourz pic-ferz. Our meowmize finks youz has cute toesiez, and paw pads.-Sia

Lux said...

That's a great, detailed photo of your paw! Very beautiful!

Emma's Kat said...

Wow, you have really cool toes Dragonheart! It's amazing the detail since you have no hair on your toes!

TorAa said...

Felicia just had a glimpse of your paws. She thinks that your paws are equally strange that her tailless tail. For those two-legged slaves of us.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

OMG, what amazing paws. You should be very proud of them.
Take care, Meow