Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Dragonheart's Tunnel(Click photo for a larger image)


Lux said...

Oh, I love that toy by your foot - you look very interested in something!

Ingrid said...

Hey, Drachenherzchen, you catched a mouse ? Don't let her go as Pookie does and then we have to run behind to catch her !

Kimo and Sabi said...

Oooo - we loves that tunnel tube!

Our Superbowl spirit continues...

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said... the toy! Garlic would love it!

Donna. W said...

Good thing my cats aren't hairless; they live in the barn, and it's 8 degrees outside today.

Anonymous said...

He's just soooooo pretty!!!

Mine's posted.
Happy Wednesday

The M's said...

Tunnel!! Hey, we have one, gotta go find it, later....Munchkin



What is it dat yu see?

It must be furry interestin!


Anonymous said...

I really think you kitty is such a sweet little thing. I could just kiss his (her?) little face!

LZ said...

Something really good must have distracted you!


Forty Paws said...

What a beautiful tunnel!! You have really neat toys Dragonheart!!
Luf, Us

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

those tunnels are such FUN! I get really scared when they roll around when I go through. Do you?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a grea tunnel! I bet it is lots of fun to play in!

Around Your Wrist said...

i love the expression on your face as you look off into the distance. it shows the deep color of your eyes.

hope you're staying warm and cozy!


Emma's Kat said...

Oooh, a tunnel! Benji loves his tunnel and his is crinkly too. Is yours crinckly Dragonheart?

Anonymous said...

Either your tunnel is bigger, or you are one petite little cat. Great photo!

Daisy said...

That is a great tunnel you gots. I love the green and blue design!

Unknown said...

That looks like fun. GREAT picture. Thanks for stopping by.

Tara said...

I have a tube just like that, just a different color! I love it! Tara

Anonymous said...

Looks fun, I bet Nixie would enjoy one of those!

Unknown said...

That´s a very nice tunnel tube, Dragonheart. I bet you have lots of fun with it!

I´ve searched for a tunnel tube for my son Luis a few weeks ago, but they are soooo huge... maybe I can get a kitten tube for him?!

Anonymous said...

I bet he has hours on fun in there.

Shaggy and Scout said...

You look like a mighty hunter emerging from your lair.

Anonymous said...

You're such a unique creature. God is way so creative!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

My kids have a similar tunnel:) I guess it doesn't matter if you're feline or human, the tunnel tube rocks! Great picture!

Unknown said...

Looks like you're having fun toying with your mouse and running through your tunnel.
Happy WW!

My WW is up!

FelineFrisky said...

What a life you lead! The toys, the the tunnels, the tent! You are a very lucky kitty, mister! LOL D :)

Jan said...

What a wonderful thing to find at the end of the tunnel - a mouse. Worth the trip through I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that is soooooooooo sweet. Great photo. Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I love your tunnel tube!
You look really very happy!

Mr. Hendrix said...

aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww fun.

Anonymous said...

What kind of cat is that?

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

a cat tunnel... looks like fun.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

You look like you're really considering something there, Dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

we gotta get a tunnel like that. is it big enough for fattys like me?

Clickin Mama J said...

Cute. Happy WW!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer drachenherzchen,
laffin an laffin ... i'm lernin jermin frum u an gattina!
i biggified yer pikshur an i wuz amazed! yer so statelee!
wordz can't express how hansum u are!
luv-jh (how do u say dat in jermin?)

Unknown said...

What a nice cat toy for him. He certainly seems well loved.

Anonymous said...

OOOOH I LOVE TUNNELS! We should take both of our tunnels and put them real close to each other and run in and out of them at the same time... Does yours make noise?


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dragonheart, du bist sehr ansehnlich und du habst so vielen spielwaren.

My German is terrible, but I had to try it out for you.


BlondeBrony said...

Looks like fun. I wonder if either of our dogs would go throw.

Happy WW!

Kitikata-san said...

Hello DH, the furless kitty, you are one popular cat! I think you are the cutest furless kitty I have ever seen. Well, I haven't seen any besides you in the blog, but I think you are the cutest no matter what!

Linda said...

Makes me wish that I was small enough to have one of those (I'd get stuck, though, I just know it!)

Thanks for stopping by my page earlier!

Pfingston said...

cutie pie~

Anonymous said...

Cute picture....looks like you have a real poser there! lol

Thanks for stopping by today

Liza on Maui said...

Now that's a pose :)
beautiful cat.

Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom said...

cute cat in a cute tube :D

thx for the comment ;D

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful kitty!

thanks for your comment to my ww post!