Monday, January 22, 2007

Movie Monday

Dragonheart and the Feather-Tailed Mouse

If you are having problems viewing the video, try clicking here.


Susie said...

That video was UNBELIEVABLE! Aren't fev-ver toys the best!!!

Daisy said...

That was a GREAT video. You are very wild, Dragonheart. I wish I could play with you.

Justin said...

hahah!! watched the video. did a lot of jumping n dancing with the mouse.LOL!!

And hey, check out my new friends. I bet you will fall in love with them.

Hot(M)BC said...

Great movie, Dragonheart! You looked like you was havin a grate time wif that mousie.

Forty Paws said...

U really tolded dat mowse who waz da boss!! Greatt huntin skillz. You go Dragonheart!!
Luf, Us

LZ said...

Wow! That was a great video. There is only one way to describe your skills....attackative! That mousie is PINK!!!! I tried to get it on the screen.


Anonymous said...

you are such a cute kitten. absolutely adorable.
>~good times~< :-)

Ingrid said...

To change a little the words : Das hast Du ganz prima gemacht Dragonheart !
You must have been very tired after so much sport !

Around Your Wrist said...

good playin', dragonheart! i like the music: you're a feather mousie warrior!


Icon Baxter Bentley said...

you are so super cute! What a nice video, I felt like I was right there!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You sure are a quick little fellow!

Forty Paws said...

Maw is gonna give you a linkie to look up a grasshopper. BTW, itz also fun to pull legs off ov crickets. Haf u seen a cricket? (not the game)

Anonymous said...

excellent technique! no fev-ver butt mousie stands a chance against you!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That was great! You are very frisky!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Ha, ha. This movie made our Mom laugh. Dragonheart is just so cute.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Excellent pounce and rabbit kicks!

Anonymous said...

Great video.You look so cute and happy with your mouse.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dat mowse diden't hav a chance!
i luv yer movie!

Just Ducky said...

Get that mousie!

Max said...

Heh. That was funny...The Woman was watching and is still chuckling.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Look how furry, furry cute you are playin' with your fev-ver butt mousie! I like fev-ver butt mousies, too. They are fun to play with (especially when you can throw them and then rabbit-kick them, too).

I LOVED your video, Dragonheart. Great cinematography ...

The M's said...

The girl bean has fallen in love with you, if you ever need a cat sitter, just give us a call.

Tara said...

You are a STAR! MTV watch out, those rappers have nothin' on you! I want your pawograph when you are famous!

Lux said...

Such a tiny cute boy! You were having such an exciting time!

Quilt Granny said...

I never saw a cat like you before in real life. I hadta bring my lady peep over to the computer so she could meet you. I really really like your finger shot too. Please post lots more pictures and videos. I'm coming back.

Your new friend - Fat Eddy.

Emma's Kat said...

Hehee! That was too funny! I love when you did the head dive into the pillows, lol!! Ok, I'm going to watch it again. :)

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Great video! Two paws up!


Stephanie said...

Too funny! That cat has lots of energy! Anyway, I hope you don't mind by I mentioned your blog in a recent post. I think hairless cats are the coolest!